This mentioned taxonomy is an attempt to make an conclusive assignment from the different classifications of various scientists. Because the taxonomy may change due to the latest investigative methods and other findings, our map is a guide only.
Name from
Corresponding author (Name, Year)
Roding, 1798
Other languages
Alternative Name
Iredale, 1936
Ref.: A. G. Beu. 2005. Neogene fossil tonnoidean gastropods of Indonesia. Scripta Geologica 130:1-186
Thiele, 1929
Ref.: J. J. Sepkoski, Jr. 2002. A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology 363:1-560
Bursa (Bufonariella)
Thiele, 1929
Ref.: A. G. Beu. 2010. Neogene Tonnoidean Gastropods of Tropical and South America; contributions to the Dominican Republic and Panama Paleontology Projects and Uplift of the Central American Isthmus. Bulletins of American Paleontology (377-378):1-550
Bursa (Colubrellina)
Fischer, 1884
Ref.: J. J. Sepkoski, Jr. 2002. A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology 363:1-560
Bursa (Lampadopsis)
Jousseaume, 1881
Ref.: A. G. Beu. 2010. Neogene Tonnoidean Gastropods of Tropical and South America; contributions to the Dominican Republic and Panama Paleontology Projects and Uplift of the Central American Isthmus. Bulletins of American Paleontology (377-378):1-550
Fischer, 1884
Ref.: J. J. Sepkoski, Jr. 2002. A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology 363:1-560
Jousseaume, 1881
Ref.: A. G. Beu. 2005. Neogene fossil tonnoidean gastropods of Indonesia. Scripta Geologica 130:1-186
Jousseaume, 1881
Ref.: J. J. Sepkoski, Jr. 2002. A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology 363:1-560
Rovereto, 1899
Ref.: A. G. Beu. 2005. Neogene fossil tonnoidean gastropods of Indonesia. Scripta Geologica 130:1-186
A. G. Beu, 2012 - Tonnoidean gastropods of French Polynesia - Molluscan Research (32), 61-120 (journal article, English)
B. Landau, 2010 - Early Pliocene gastropods of Cubagua, Venezuela: Taxonomy, palaeobiogeography and ecostratigraphy - Palaeontos (19), 1-221 (journal article, English)
A. G. Beu, 2010 - Neogene Tonnoidean Gastropods of Tropical and South America; contributions to the Dominican Republic and Panama Paleontology Projects and Uplift of the Central American Isthmus - Bulletins of American Paleontology (), 1-550 (serial monograph, English)
A. G. Beu, 2005 - Neogene fossil tonnoidean gastropods of Indonesia - Scripta Geologica (130), 1-186 (journal article, English)
J. J. Sepkoski, Jr., 2002 - A compendium of fossil marine animal genera - Bulletins of American Paleontology (363), 1-560 (serial monograph, English)
M. A. Kosnik, 2002 - personal opinion. - (), - (unpublished, )
E. Robba, 1989 - Early Pleistocene gastropods from Timor - Memorie di Scienze Geologiche (31), 61-113 (journal article, English)
S. Nomura, 1934 - Marine mollusca from the "Ryukyu Limestone" of Kikai-Zima, Ryukyu Group - Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, Geology (16), 109-164 (journal article, English)
A. A. Olsson, 1930 - Contributions to the Tertiary Paleontology of Northern Peru: Part 3, Eocene Mollusca - Bulletins of American Paleontology (17), 1-164 (serial monograph, English)
C. J. Maury, 1917 - Santo Domingo type sections and fossils - Bulletins of American Paleontology (5), 1-43 (serial monograph, English)
W. H. Dall, 1916 - A contribution to the invertebrate fauna of the Oligocene beds of Flint, River - Proceedings of the United States National Museum (51), 487-524 (journal article, English)
B. L. Clark, 1915 - Fauna of the San Pablo group of middle California - University of California Publications Bulletin of the Department of Geology (8), 385-572 (journal article, English)
R. E. Dickerson, 1915 - Fauna of the Type Tejon: Its relation to the Cowlitz Phase of the Tejon Group of Washington - Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (5), 33-98 (journal article, English)