This mentioned taxonomy is an attempt to make an conclusive assignment from the different classifications of various scientists. Because the taxonomy may change due to the latest investigative methods and other findings, our map is a guide only.
Name from
Corresponding author (Name, Year)
Foerste, 1924
Other languages
Alternative Name
Zhuravleva, 1962
Ref.: C. Teichert, B. Kummel, and WC Sweet, HB Stenzel, WM Furnish, BF Glenister, HK Erben, RC Moore, DE Nodine Zeller. 1964. Cephalopoda - general features - Endoceratoidea - Actinoceratoidea - Nautiloidea - Bactritoidea. Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology
C. H. Holland, 2008 - Ordovician and Silurian nautiloid cephalopods from Anticosti Island: traject across the Ordovician-Silurian (O-S) boundary - Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (45), 1015-1038 (journal article, English)
J. J. Sepkoski, Jr., 2002 - A compendium of fossil marine animal genera - Bulletins of American Paleontology (363), 1-560 (serial monograph, English)
C. H. Holland, 1998 - The nautiloid cephalopod order Actinocerida in the British Silurian - Palaeontology (41), 183-192 (journal article, English)
B. A. Stait, 1988 - Tasmanian nautiloid faunas - biostratigraphy, biogeography and morphology - Senckenbergiana lethaea (69), 87-107 (journal article, English)
T. E. Bolton, 1979 - A Late Ordovician fossil assemblage from an outlier north of Aberdeen Lake, District of Keewatin - Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin (321), 1-26 (journal article, English)
H. Igo, 1967 - Ordovician and Silurian Conodonts from the Langkawi Islands, Malaya, Part I - Contribution to the Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia, XXXII (), - (journal article, English)
C. Teichert, 1964 - Cephalopoda - general features - Endoceratoidea - Actinoceratoidea - Nautiloidea - Bactritoidea - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (K), 1-519 (book/book chapter, English)
R. H. Flower, 1957 - The Ordovician Development of the Actinoceratida, with notes on Actinoceroid Morphology and Ordovician Stratigraphy - State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Memoir (2), 1-59 (journal article, English)
T. Strand, 1934 - The Upper Ordovician Cephalopods of the Oslo Area - Norsk geologiske Tidsskrift (14), 1-117 (journal article, English)
A. F. Foerste, 1928 - The cephalopod fauna of Anticosti - Geological Survey of Canada Memoir (154), 257-321 (journal article, English)
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