Bryozoa Moostierchen (Bryozoa) in Flint (Feuerstein) Sehr viele verschiedene Moostierchen sind zu sehen. 65mm b.Eigenfund vom 25.8.2017. Fundort Rellingen Kreis Pinneberg. Dieser Fundort liegt im Einzugsbereich der Ellerbeker Rinne, die Rinne stammt aus der Eiszeit und ist mit Geschiebemergel verfüllt. Diese Fossilien stammen aus Dänemark und sind; mit den Gletschern hierher geschoben. Copyright: wieger; Contribution: wieger Collection: wieger Location: Deutschland/Schleswig-Holstein/Pinneberg, Landkreis/Rellingen, Gemeinde/Egenbüttel Rock: flint Fossil: Bryozoa Image: 1487609417 Rating: 9 (votes: 1) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Moostierchen (Bryozoa) in Flint (Feuerstein) Sehr viele verschiedene Moostierchen sind zu sehen. 65mm b.Eigenfund vom 25.8.2017. Fundort Rellingen Kreis Pinneberg. Dieser Fundort liegt im Einzugsbe...
This mentioned taxonomy is an attempt to make an conclusive assignment from the different classifications of various scientists. Because the taxonomy may change due to the latest investigative methods and other findings, our map is a guide only.
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Corresponding author (Name, Year)
Ehrenberg, 1831
Other languages
Alternative Name
Lebenszeitraum in Million Jahren (Ma)
Start age: 251.902 Ma - End age: 0 Ma
Start age: 477.7 Ma - End age: 251.902 Ma
External links
Neogene Bryozoa of Britain
Reference- and Source indication, Literature
"Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Part G: Bryozoa" von Ray S. Bassler (University of Kansas Press 1953, unveränderter Nachdruck 1978) (Bietet den meines Wissens letzten Gesamtüberblick über den Stamm bis auf die Stufe der damals bekannten Gattungen hinab. Der 1. Band der Revision erschien 1983, unterteilt die Stenolaemata in 5 Ordnungen und bringt außer der Einleitung zu den Bryozoen nur 2 der Stenolaemata-Ordnungen. Die Folgebände sind bislang leider noch nicht erschienen.)
"Lehrbuch der Paläozoologie. Band II: Invertebraten. Teil 1: Protozoa - Mollusca 1" von Arno Hermann Müller (Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena, 4. Aufl. 1993) (Ein sehr schöner deutschsprachiger Überblick über die Bryozoen auf den Seiten 339-381, bringt die Systematik aber nur bis zu den Ordnungen vollständig, darunter nur eine Auswahl der wichtigeren Familien und Gattungen.)
Weblinks (Datenbank "Recent and Fossil Bryozoa" von Philip Bock aus Australien.)
Z. Tolokonnikova, 2020 - Permian bryozoans from the Nemda horizon (Roadian) of Samara Region, Russia - (94), 79-92 (journal article, English)
M. G. Carrera, 2020 - Pinegopora chilensis, a new Permian bryozoan species of the Andean bryozoan province in southwestern Gondwana - Journal of Paleontology (94), 180-184 (journal article, English)
J. López-Gappa, 2019 - A new genus and species of Chaperiidae (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata) from the early Miocene of Patagonia (Argentina) - Ameghiniana (56), 422-429 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2019 - Bryozoan fauna from the Reynales Formation (lower Silurian, Aeronian) of New York, USA - Journal of Paleontology (93), 628-657 (journal article, English)
S. González-Mora, 2018 - Hederella carbonaria Condra & Elias, 1944 from the Roadian (middle Permian) of Mexico - Bulletin of Geosciences (93), 457-461 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2017 - A Late Devonian (Frasnian) bryozoan fauna from central Iran - Palaeobio Palaeoenv (97), 541-552 (journal article, English)
S. O. Martha, 2017 - The oldest erect cheilostome bryozoan: Jablonskipora gen. nov. from the upper Albian of south-west England - Papers in Palaeontology (), - (journal article, English)
P. V. Fedorov, 2017 - The oldest bryozoans of Baltoscandia from the lowermost Floian (Ordovician) of north-western Russia: two new rare, small and simple species of Revalotrypidae - PalZ (91), 353-373 (journal article, English)
P. Moissette, 2017 - Pleistocene (Calabrian) deep-water corals and associated biodiversity in the eastern Mediterranean (Karpathos Island, Greece) - Journal of Quaternary sciene (), - (journal article, English)
S. Martha, 2016 - A new Western European Cretaceous Bryozoan genus from the Early Cenomanian radiation of Neocheilostomes - Papers in Palaeontology (2), 311-321 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2016 - New Caledonian Triassic Bryozoa - Journal of Paleontology (89), 730-747 (journal article, English)
E. Di Martino, 2015 - Miocene Bryozoa from East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Part II: ‘Ascophoran’ Cheilostomata. - Scripta Geologica (148), 1-142 (journal article, English)
D. P. Gordon, 2015 - Bryozoa of the Early Eocene Tumaio Limestone, Chatham Island, New Zealand - Journal of Systematic Palaeontology (), 1-88 (journal article, English)
M. E. Clapham, 2015 - Personal Opinions - (), - (unpublished, English)
A. Jiménez-Sánchez, 2015 - Trepostomate bryozoans from the upper Katian (Upper Ordovician) of Morocco: gigantism in high latitude Gondwana platforms - Journal of Paleontology (89), 195-221 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2015 - Bryozoan fauna of the Upper Ordovician (Katian) of Alnif, Morocco - Senckenberg Gesellschaft fur Naturforschung and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015 (), - (book chapter, English)
M. A. Wilson, 2015 - Middle Jurassic (Callovian) cyclostome bryozoans from the Tethyan tropics (Matmor Formation, southern Israel) - Bulletin of Geosciences (90), 51-63 (journal article, English)
E. Landing, 2015 - Distinguishing Earth’s oldest known bryozoan (Pywackia, late Cambrian) from pennatulacean octocorals (Mesozoic–Recent) - Journal of Paleontology (89), 292-317 (journal article, English)
A. Jiménez-Sánchez, 2015 - New trepostomate bryozoans from the Upper Ordovician of Morocco and the temperature influence on zooid size - Journal of Paleontology (), 1-20 (journal article, English)
S. O. Martha, 2015 - On rediscovered types of Santonian cheilostome bryozoans described by Ehrhard Voigt (1924, 1930) from the Subhercynian Cretaceous Basin and its surroundings - Palaeontologische Zeitschrift (89), 689-706 (journal article, English)
S. P. Avila, 2015 - Palaeoecology, taphonomy, and preservation of a lower Pliocene shell bed (coquina) froma volcanic oceanic island (Santa Maria Island, Azores) - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (430), 57-73 (journal article, English)
D. W. Haig, 2014 - Postglacial Early Permian (late Sakmarian–early Artinskian) shallow-marine carbonate deposition along a 2000 km transect from Timor to west Australia - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (409), 180-204 (journal article, English)
K. Zágorsek, 2014 - A new genus of the family Jaculinidae (Cheilostomata, Bryozoa) from the Miocene of the tropical western Atlantic - Zootaxa (3838), 98-112 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2014 - Trepostome bryozoans from the Zahorany Formation (Upper Ordovician) of Lodenice, Prague Basin, Czech Republic - Palaeontologische Zeitschrift (88), 11-26 (journal article, English)
E. Di Martino, 2014 - Miocene Bryozoa from East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Part I: Cyclostomata and 'Anascan' Cheilostomata - Scripta Geologica (146), 17-126 (journal article, English)
K. Zagorsek, 2013 - Late Tortonian bryozoans from Mut Basin, Central Anatolian Plateau, southern Turkey - Acta Paleontologica Polonica (58), 595-607 (journal article, English)
A. K. Guha, 2013 - Tertiary bryozoa from Western Kachchh, Gujarat - A Review - Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India (58), 3-15 (journal article, English)
S. Schneider, 2013 - Silicified sea life – Macrofauna and palaeoecology of the Neuburg Kieselerde Member (Cenomanian to Lower Turonian Wellheim Formation, Bavaria, southern Germany) - Acta Geologica Polonica (63), 555-610 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2013 - Lower Permian bryozoan faunas from Kalmard area, central Iran - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen (268), 275-324 (journal article, English)
E. Di Martino, 2013 - First bryozoan fauna from a tropical Cretaceous carbonate: Simsima Formation, United Arab Emirates-Oman border region - Cretaceous Research (43), 80-96 (journal article, English)
M. Zatoń, 2013 - Callovian (Middle Jurassic) cyclostome bryozoans from the Zalas Quarry, southern Poland - Bulletin of Geosciences (88), 837-863 (journal article, English)
U. Hara, 2013 - Bryozoans (trepostomes and fenestellids) in the Zechstein Limestone (Wuchiapingian) of the North Sudetic Basin (SW Poland): palaeoecological implications - Geological Quarterly (57), 417-432 (journal article, English)
T. G. Gautier, 2013 - Adlatipora, a distinctive new acanthocladiid bryozoan from the Permian of the Glass Mountains, Texas, U.S.A., and its bearing on fenestrate astogeny and growth - Journal of Paleontology (87), 444-455 (journal article, English)
E. Di Martino, 2012 - Systematics and life history of Antoniettella exigua, a new genus and species of cribrimorph bryozoan from the Miocene of East Kalimantan (Indonesia) - Bollettino della Società Paleontologica Italiana (51), 99-108 (journal article, English)
H. Yarahmadzahi, 2012 - Fistulipora microparallela (Yang and Lu, 1962) from Lower Permian bryozoans of Lut Block, central Iran - Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences (4), 120-124 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2012 - Late Ordovician (Sandbian) bryozoans and their depositional environment, Furuberget Formation, Mjøsa District, Oslo Region, Norway - Bulletin of Geosciences (87), 21-44 (journal article, English)
C. M. Reid, 2012 - Large sediment encrusting trepostome bryozoans from the Permian of Tasmania, Australia - Bryozoan Studies 2010. Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences (143), 225-237 (journal article, English)
Y. Ariunchimeg, 2012 - Admirandopora nom. nov., a new replacement generic name for a Carboniferous bryozoan - Paleontological Journal (46), 330- (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2012 - Upper Ordovician (Sandbian) Bryozoan Fauna from Argentine Precordillera - Journal of Paleontology (86), 721-752 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2012 - Cystoporate bryozoans from the Lower – Middle Devonian of NW Spain - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen (), 261-285 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2012 - Bryozoan Fauna from the Lower Devonian (Middle Lochkovian) of Sierra De Guadarrama, Spain - Journal of Paleontology (86), 60-80 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2012 - Fenestrate bryozoan fauna from the Lower – Middle Devonian of NW Spain - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen (264), 205-247 (journal article, English)
L. A. Viskova, 2012 - Tamanicella gen. nov., a New Genus of Bryozoans Forming the Late Miocene Bioherms of Cape Panagia in the Taman Peninsula (Russia) - Paleontological Journal (46), 29-43 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2012 - Description of a bryozoan fauna from mud mounds of the Lebanza Formation (Lower Devonian) in the Arauz area (Pisuerga-Carrión Province, Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain) - Geodiversitas (34), 693-738 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2012 - Homeomorphy in Lunostoma, a new Middle Devonian - Paläontol Z (86), 135-145 (journal article, English)
D. F. Lazar, 2012 - Sedimentary succession of the Lower Cretaceous deposits from the north-western part of Pădurea Craiului (Apuseni Mountains, Romania) - Studia UBB Geologia (57), 33-51 (journal article, English)
C. Nielsen, 2012 - Animal Evolution : Interrelationships of the Living Phyla - (), 1-402 (book, English)
A. Ernst, 2011 - Cryptostome (ptilodictyine and rhabdomesine) Bryozoa from the Lower Devonian of NW Spain - (293), 147-183 (journal article, English)
A.V. Koromyslova, 2011 - Bryozoans of the Latorp and Volkhov Horizons (Lower–Middle Ordovician) of the Leningrad Region - Paleontological Journal (45), 887-980 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2011 - Microhabitat complexity—an example from Middle Devonian bryozoan-rich sediments in the Blankenheim Syncline (northern Eifel, Rheinisches Schiefergebirge) - Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments (91), 257-284 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2011 - Some Bryozoa from the Upper Permian Dalan Formation of Dena Mountain in SW Iran - Freiberger Forschungshefte C (539), 71-81 (journal article, English)
Z. Tolokonnikova, 2011 - Frasnian bryozoans (Late Devonian) from the Khoshyeilagh Section, Alborz Mountains (northern Iran) - Palaeontologische Zeitschrift (85), 393-405 (journal article, English)
P. D. Taylor, 2011 - Operculate cyclostome bryozoans (Eleidae) from the Bohemian Cretaceous - Palaeontologische Zeitschrift (85), 407-432 (journal article, English)
M. Zatoń, 2010 - Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) cyclostome bryozoans from the Polish Jura - Bulletin of Geosciences (85), 275-302 (journal article, English)
E. Landing, 2010 - Cambrian origin of all skeletalized metazoan phyla—Discovery of Earth’s oldest bryozoans (Upper Cambrian, southern Mexico) - Geology (38), 547-550 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2010 - Bryozoan fauna and microfacies from a Middle Devonian reef complex (Western Sahara, Morocco) - Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft (568), 1-91 (journal article, English)
P. D. Taylor, 2010 - Barremian bryozoans from Serre de Bleyton (Drôme, SE France) - Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A (112), 673-700 (journal article, English)
R. V. Gorjunova, 2010 - On the Paleozoic bryozoans of the genus Ascopora - Paleontological Journal (44), 21-35 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2010 - Trepostome bryozoans from the Lower - Middle Devonian of NW Spain - Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia (116), 283-308 (journal article, English)
K. Zagorsek, 2010 - New Middle Miocene Bryozoa from Gârbova de Sus (Romania) and their relationship to the sedimentary environment - Geologica Carpathica (61), 495-512 (journal article, English)
A. Jiménez-Sánchez, 2010 - Description and phylogenetic analysis of Iberostomata fombuenensis new genus and species (Bryozoa, Ptilodictyina) - Journal of Paleontology (84), 695-708 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2010 - Stenolaemate bryozoans from the latest Devonian (uppermost Famennian) of Western Germany - Geologica Belgica (13), 173-182 (journal article, English)
P. N. W. Jackson, 2010 - Retepora undata M'Coy, 1844, type species of Phylloporella Frederiks, 1916, a junior synonym of Chainodictyon Foerste, 1887: A phylloporinid bryozoan from the Mississippian of Ireland redescribed - Irish Journal of Earth Sciences (28), 53-60 (journal article, English)
Z. Tolokonnikova, 2010 - Bryozoans from the Jurginskaya Formation Famennian, Upper Devonian) of the Tom-Kolyvansk area (Western Siberia, Russia) - Geologos (16), 139-152 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2010 - Sakmarian Bryozoa from the Dalgan area (Sarab section), southeastern Iran - Freiberger Forschungshefte C (536), 75-89 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2009 - Schischcatella (Fenestrata, Bryozoa) from the Devonian of the Rhenish Massif, Germany - Palaeontology (52), 1291-1310 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2009 - Bryozoa from the Surmaq Formation (Permian) of the Hambast Mountains, south of Abadeh, central Iran - Facies (55), 595-608 (journal article, English)
A. Jimenez Sanchez, 2009 - The upper Katian (Ordovician) bryozoans from the Eastern Iberian Chains (NE Spain) - Bulletin of Geosciences (84), 687-738 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2009 - Stenolaemate bryozoans from the Geirud Formation (Upper Devonian/Lower Carboniferous) of central Alborz (Iran) - Palaeontologische Zeitschrift (83), 439-447 (journal article, English)
U. Hara, 2009 - Cyclostome bryozoans from the Kimmeridgian (Upper Jurassic) of Poland - Geodiversitas (31), 555-575 (journal article, English)
K. M. Layou, 2009 - Ecological restructuring after extinction: the Late Ordovician (Mohawkian) of the eastern United States - Palaios (24), 118-128 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2009 - Rhabdomesid and cystoporid bryozoans from the Permian of Deh-e Mohammad, Shotori Mountains (northeastern Iran) - Geobios (42), 133-140 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2009 - Unusual skeletal morphology and systematic description of a new Devonian cryptostome bryozoan from the Western Sahara - Paläontologische Zeitschrift (83), 449-457 (journal article, English)
I. A. Goncharova, 2009 - Evolution of Organogenic Carbonate Buildups in the Middle through Late Miocene of the Euxine–Caspian Basin (Eastern Paratethys) - Paleontological Journal (43), 866-876 (journal article, English)
S. Schneider, 2009 - A parautochthonous shallow marine fauna from the Late Burdigalian (early Ottnangian) of Gurlarn (Lower Bavaria, SE Germany): Macrofaunal inventory and paleoecology - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie (254), 63-103 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2009 - A Hirnantian (latest Ordovician) reefal bryozoan fauna from Anticosti Island, eastern Canada: taxonomy and chemostratigraphy - NRC Research Press (), - (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2009 - Bryozoan fauna from the Konprusy Limestone (Pragian, Lower Devonian) of Zlatý K near Konprusy - Journal of Paleontology (83), 767-782 (journal article, English)
H. A. Nakrem, 2009 - Lower Permian bryozoans from southern and central Spitsbergen, Svalbard - Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (54), 677-698 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2008 - Permian Bryozoa from the Jamal Formation of Shotori Mountains (northeast Iran) - Revue de Paléobiologie, Genève (27), 395-408 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2008 - Trepostome and cryptostome bryozoans from the Koneprusy Limestone (Lower Devonian, Pragian) of Zlaty Kun (Czech Republic) - Revista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia (114), 329-438 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2008 - The role of bryozoans in fossil reefs - an example from the Middle Devonian of the Western Sahara - Facies (54), 613-620 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2008 - Pennsylvanian bryozoans from the Cantabrian Mountains (northwestern Spain) - Scripta Geologica (), - (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2008 - Stenolaemate Bryozoa from the Permian of Oman (Aseelah Unit, Batain Coast) - Journal of Paleontology (82), 676-716 (journal article, English)
H. A. Nakrem, 2008 - Arcticoporidae fam. nov. (Bryozoa, Trepostomata) from the Lower Triassic of Ellesmere Island (Canada) with remarks on some other Triassic bryozoans - 14th International Bryozoology Association Conference Volume (), 143-152 (book/book chapter, English)
B. Berning, 2008 - Revision of the north‐eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean species of the genera Herentia and Therenia (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata) - Journal of Natural History (42), 1509-1547 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2008 - Non-fenestrate bryozoans from the Middle Devonian of the Eifel (western Rhenish Massif, Germany) - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen (250), 313-379 (journal article, English)
P. D. Taylor, 2008 - Late Cretaceous cheilostome Bryozoans from California and Baja California - Journal of Paleontology (82), 823-834 (journal article, English)
J. Maletz, 2008 - The Middle Ordovician Proventocitum procerulum radiolarian assemnblage of Spitsbergen and its biostratigraphic correlation - (51), 1181-1200 (journal article, English)
R. V. Gorjunova, 2008 - New bryozoan species from the stratotype section of the upper Kazanian substage - Paleontological Journal (42), 350-362 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2008 - Cryptostomid bryozoans from the Sassito Formation, Upper Ordovician cool-water carbonates of the Argentinean Precordillera - Palaeontology (51), 1117-1127 (journal article, English)
J. Alroy, 2007 - Synonymies and reidentifications of North American fossil vertebrates and so forth - (), - (unpublished, English)
C. J. Buttler, 2007 - Bryozoan mud-mounds from the Upper Ordovician Jifarah (Djeffara) Formation of Tripolitania, north-west Libya - Palaeontology (50), 479-494 (journal article, English)
A. K. Guha, 2007 - Some fossil ascophoran bryozoan taxa from Tertiary sequences of western Kachchh, Gujarat - Journal of the Palaeontological Society of India (52), 195-222 (journal article, English)
A. K. Guha, 2007 - Cyclostoma Bryozoa from the (Eocene) Lutetian of western Kachchh, Gujarat - Journal of the Geological Society of India (69), 1271-1278 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2007 - Lower Permian Bryozoa from Ellesmere Island (Canada) - Palaeontologische Zeitschrift (81), 17-28 (journal article, English)
F. S. Xia, 2007 - The oldest bryozoans: new evidence from the Late Tremadocian (Early Ordovician) of East Yangtze Gorges in China - Journal of Paleontology (81), 1308-1326 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2007 - Ordovician bryozoans from the Kanosh Formation (Whiterockian) of Utah, USA - Journal of Paleontology (81), 998-1008 (journal article, English)
P. D. Taylor, 2007 - Bryozoans from the Late Cretaceous Kahuitara Tuff of the Chatham Islands, New Zealand - Alcheringa (31), 339-363 (journal article, English)
A. K. Guha, 2007 - New calloporid (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) species from Tertiary sequences of western Kachchh, Gujarat - Journal of the Geological Society of India (70), 121-130 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2007 - A cystoporate bryozoan species from the Zechstein (Late Permian) - Palaeontologische Zeitschrift (81), 113-117 (journal article, English)
A. K. Guha, 2007 - New fossil steginoporellid and schizoporellid species (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) from the Tertiary sequences of western Kachchh, Gujarat and their significance - Journal of the Geological Society of India (69), 803-812 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2007 - Upper Ordovician bryozoa from the Montagne de Noire, Southern France - Journal of Systematic Palaeontology (5), 359-428 (journal article, English)
T. J. Suttner, 2007 - Upper Ordovician bryozoans of the Pin Formation (Spiti Valley, Northern India) - Palaeontology (50), 1485-1518 (journal article, English)
E. Y. Leven, 2007 - Fusulinids of the Khan formation (Kalmard region, eastern Iran) and some problems of their paleobiogeography - Russian Journal of Earth Sciences (9), 1-10 (journal article, English)
E. H. Gilmour, 2007 - New Carboniferous Bryozoa of the Bird Spring Formation, Southern Nevada - Journal of Paleontology (81), 581-587 (journal article, English)
B. Berning, 2006 - The cheilostome bryozoan fauna from the Late Miocene of Niebla (Guadalquivir Basin, SW Spain): environmental and biogeographic implications - Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Paläontologischen Institut der Universität Hamburg (90), 7-156 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2006 - Lower Permian Bryozoa of the Jamal Formation from Bagh-e Vang (Shotori Mountains, northeast Iran) - Facies (52), 627-635 (journal article, English)
A. H. Cheetham, 2006 - Morphological differentiation of avicularia and the proliferation of species in mid-Cretaceous Wilbertopora Cheetham, 1954 (Bryozoa, Cheilostomata) - Journal of Paleontology (80), 49-71 (journal article, English)
A. M. Smith, 2006 - Skeletal mineralogy of bryozoans: Taxonomic and temporal patterns - Earth-Science Reviews (78), 287-306 (journal article, English)
S. Sakagami, 2006 - Late Paleozoic and Triassic bryozoans from the Tethys Himalaya (N India, Nepal and S Tibet) - Facies (52), 279-298 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2006 - Middle Permian bryozoa from the Lakaftari area, northeast of Esfahan, (central Iran) - Geodiversitas (28), 543-590 (journal article, English)
G. V. Kotlyar, 2006 - The Permian of the Transbaikal region, eastern Russia: biostratigraphy, correlation and biogeography - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (26), 269-279 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2006 - Late Carboniferous bryozoans from La Hermida, Spain - Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (51), 569-588 (journal article, English)
E. M. Snyder, 2006 - New fenestrate Bryozoa of the Gerster Limestone (Permian), Medicine Range, northeastern Nevada - Journal of Paleontology (80), 867-888 (journal article, English)
V. I. Pushkin, 2005 - Two enigmatic bryozoans from the Middle Ordovician of the East Baltic - Palaeontology (48), 1065-1074 (journal article, English)
R. S. Boardman, 2005 - Zooids and extrazooidal skeleton in the order Trepostomata (Bryozoa) - Journal of Paleontology (79), 1088-1104 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2005 - Bryozoans from the Artinskian (Lower Permian) Great Bear Cape Formation, Ellesmere Island (Canadian Arctic) - Bryozoan Studies 2004 (), 63-68 (book/book chapter, English)
T. E. Bolton, 2005 - Bryozoa of the Romaine and Mingan Formations (Lower and Middle Ordovician) of the Mingan Islands, Quebec, Canada - Bryozoan Studies 2004: Proceedings of the 13th International Bryozoology (), 25-42 (book chapter, English)
H. Eliasova, 2005 - Upper Cenomanian-Turonian two species of cyclostomaceous Bryozoa from the northern part of the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin, Czech Republic - Journal of the Czech Geological Society (50), 59-62 (journal article, English)
A. Rosso, 2005 - Bryozoans and serpuloideans in skeletobiont communities from the Pleistocene of Sicily: spatial utilisation and competitive interactions - Annali dell’Università degli Studi di Ferrara Museologia Scientifica e Naturalistica (), - (journal article, English)
A. N. Ostrovsky, 2004 - Systematics of Upper Cretaceous calloporid bryozoans with primitive spinose ovicells - Palaeontology (47), 775-793 (journal article, English)
D.V. Lisitsyn, 2004 - A revision of the Paleozoic bryozoan genera Synocladia and Thamniscus - Paleontological Journal (38), 285-293 (journal article, English)
D. V. Lisitsyn, 2004 - Synocladiella, in A revision of the Paleozoic bryozoan genera Synocladia and Thamniscus - Paleontological Journal (38), 285-293 (journal article, English)
S. Sakagami, 2004 - Permian bryozoans from the Lihuirco-Quisuar Route near Abancay, Peru - Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, Series C (30), 55-88 (journal article, English)
I. P. Morozova, 2004 - New Early Permian bryozoans of eastern Australia - Paleontological Journal (38), 381-392 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2004 - Taxonomic names, in A revision of the Paleozoic bryozoan genera Synocladia and Thamniscus - Paleontological Journal (38), 285-293 (journal article, English)
A. V. Grischenko, 2004 - Systematic descriptions, in New cheilostome bryozoans from the middle Miocene of Hokkaido, Japan, and the first fossil occurrences of Kubaninella and Hayamiellina gen. nov - Paleontological Research (8), 167-179 (journal article, English)
W. Kiessling, 2003 - Personal data - (), - (unpublished, English)
I. P. Morozova, 2003 - Mshanki - Paleontologiya Mongolii (), 1-168 (book/book chapter, Russian)
R. Schmidt, 2003 - Eocene bryozoa of the St. Vincent Basin, south Australia – taxonomy, biogeography and palaeoenvironments - (), 1-343 (Ph.D. thesis, English)
C. M. Reid, 2003 - Permian Bryozoa of Tasmania and New South Wales: systematics and their use in Tasmanian biostratigraphy - Association of Australasian Palaeontologists, Memoir (28), 1-133 (serial monograph, English)
P. Schäfer, 2003 - Stenolaemate bryozoans from the Upper Triassic (Norian-Rhaetian) Nayband Formation, Central Iran - Facies (49), 135-150 (journal article, English)
P. Schäfer, 2003 - New trepostome bryozoa from the Early Triassic (Smithian/Spathian) of Nevada - Paläonotologische Zeitschrift (77), 323-340 (journal article, )
S. Schroeder, 2002 - First records of Givetian and Frasnian (Devonian) Rugosa from the Pamir Mountains, Tadjikistan - Alcheringa (26), 127-142 (journal article, English)
J. J. Sepkoski, Jr., 2002 - A compendium of fossil marine animal genera - Bulletins of American Paleontology (363), 1-560 (serial monograph, English)
P. D. Taylor, 2002 - A Late Cenomanian bryozoan biostrome from north-eastern Nigeria - Cretaceous Research (23), 241-253 (journal article, )
L. V. Nekhorosheva, 2002 - Paleozoic bryozoa from Severnaya Zemlya (Russian Arctic) - Geodiversitas (24), 317-327 (journal article, English)
I. P. Morozova, 2001 - Bryozoans of the order Fenestellida - Rossiyskaya Akademiya Nauk, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta (277), 1-176 (serial monograph, Russian)
A. Ernst, 2001 - Carnocladiidae - a new family of fenestrate bryozoans - Senckenbergiana Lethaea (81), 295-305 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2001 - Bryozoa of the Upper Permian Zechstein Formation of Germany - Senckenbergiana Lethaea (81), 135-181 (journal article, English)
P. N. Wyse Jackson, 2001 - Case 3160. Dianulites petropolitana Dybowski, 1877 and Diplotypa petrobolitana Nicholson, 1879 (Bryozoa): proposed conservation of the specific names - Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature (58), 215-219 (journal article, English)
D. P. Gordon, 2001 - Genera and subgenera of Cheilostomata - Working list for Treatise (), - (book chapter, English)
S. Sakagami, 2000 - Middle Permian bryozoa from Irian Jaya, Indonesia - Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, Series C (26), 139-168 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 2000 - Permian Bryozoans of the NW-Tethys - Facies (43), 79-102 (journal article, English)
E. H. Gilmour, 2000 - Bryozoa of the Mission Argillite (Permian), northeastern Washington - Journal of Paleontology (74), 540-570 (journal article, English)
S. Pouyet, 2000 - Les bryozoaires cheilostomes du Néogène bétique (SE Espagne) - Revista Española de Paleontología (15), 181-202 (journal article, French)
S. Sakagami, 2000 - Upper Permian bryozoans from the Akiyoshi Limestone Group - Bulletin of the Akiyoshi-Dai museum of Natural History (35), 1-20 (journal article, English)
P. D. Taylor, 1999 - Middle Jurassic bryozoans from the Carmel formation of southwestern Utah - Journal of Paleontology (73), 816-830 (journal article, English)
J. F. Pachut, 1999 - Stratigraphic and Geographic Bryozoan Abundance Gradients in the Calcareous Shales of the Wreford Megacyclothem (Lower Permian, Kansas) - The University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions New Series (), 1-17 (journal article, )
G. Wienrich, 1999 - Die Fauna des marinen Miozäns von Kevelaer (Niederrhein). Band 2 Bivalvia, Scaphopoda, Cephalopoda, Bryozoa, Annelida, Brachiopoda - Backhuys Publishers, Leiden (2), 188-384 (serial monograph, German)
S. Sakagami, 1999 - Permian bryozoans from some localities in the Khao Hin Kling area near Phetchabun, north-central Thailand - Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History (18), 77-103 (journal article, English)
D. P. Gordon, 1999 - Latest Paleocene to earliest Eocene bryozoans from Chatham Island, New Zealand - Bulletin of the Natural History Museum of London: Geology Series (55), 1-45 (serial monograph, English)
V. I. Pushkin, 1999 - Early Ordovician Bryozoans from North - Western Russia - Palaeontology (42), 171-189 (journal article, English)
L. Lu, 1999 - Famennian-Tournaisian bryozoans of the Aergati Mountain, North West Xinjiang - Palaeozoic fossils of northern Xinjiang, China (), 37-47-142-1 (book chapter, Chinese)
F. S. Xia, 1999 - The cystoporate bryozoan Cassianopora from the early Norian (Late Triassic) and its phylogenetic relations - Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica (16), 5-21 (journal article, English)
A. Ernst, 1998 - Two unusual trepostome bryozoans from the Lower Carboniferous of the Karatau (south Kazakhstan) - Paläontologische Zeitschrift (72), 89-97 (journal article, English)
D. V. Lisitsyn, 1998 - The first Permian find of the genus Hederella (Bryozoa) - Paleontological Journal (32), 589-591 (journal article, English)
S. Sakagami, 1998 - Permian bryozoans from north Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago - Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, Series C (24), 67-91 (journal article, English)
J. Zrzavy, 1998 - Phylogeny of the Metazoa based on morphological and 18S ribosomal DNA evidence - Cladistics (14), 249-285 (journal article, English)
I. P. Morozova, 1997 - New Generic Name Biarmiella Morozova et Lisitsyn, nom. nov. - Paleontological Journal (31), 94- (journal article, English)
E. H. Gilmour, 1997 - Bryozoa of the Mudrock Mountain Formation (Wordian, Permian), Leach Mountains, Northeastern Nevada - Journal of Paleontology (71), 214-236 (journal article, English)
D. E. Lee, 1997 - Paleoecology of a Late Eocene Mobile Rockground Biota from North Otago, New Zealand - Palaios (12), 568-581 (journal article, English)
S. Sakagami, 1997 - Permian bryozoans from the exotic formations in Oman - Paleontological Research (1), 200-224 (journal article, English)
G. V. Belyaeva, 1997 - Stages of Late Permian biogenic buildups in southern Primorye - Memoires de Geologie, Lausanne (30), 151-154 (book/book chapter, English)
B. Walter, 1997 - Une faune berriasienne de bryozoaires à Musièges (Jura méridional, Haute-Savoie) [A Berriasian bryozoan fauna from Musièges (Southern Jura, Haute-Savoie)] - Géobios (30), 371-377 (journal article, French)
I.P. Morozova, 1996 - Revision of the genus Polypora M'Coy, 1844 - Paleontological Journal (30), 530-534 (journal article, English)
P. N. Wyse Jackson, 1996 - Bryozoa from the Lower Carboniferous (Visean) of County Fermanagh, Ireland - Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, Geology Series (52), 119-171 (journal article, English)
Y. Ariunchimeg, 1996 - New Lower Carboniferous Bryozoans from Mongolia - Paleontological Journal (30), 191-197 (journal article, English)
J. C. Gutiérrez-Marco, 1996 - Nuevos equinodermos (cistideos y blastozoos) del Ordovícico de la Cordi llera Ibérica (NE España) - Revista Española de Paleontología (11), 100-119 (journal article, Chinese)
P. D. Taylor, 1996 - Cuffeyella, a new bryozoan genus from the Late Ordovician of North America, and its bearing on the origin of the post-Paleozoic cyclostomates - Bryozoans in Time and Space, Proceedings of the 10th International Bryozoology Converence, Wellington, New Zealand, 1995 (), 351-360 (book/book chapter, English)
S. Sakagami, 1995 - Upper Paleozoic bryozoans from the Lake Titicaca region, Bolivia, Part 1. Introductory remarks, stratigraphy and systematic paleontology - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (180), 226-260 (journal article, English)
B. Walter, 1995 - Les bryozoaires de l'Hauterivien inférieur de Velloreille-lès-Choye, Haute-Saône. Une faune de transition entre Bassin de Paris et Jura. [The Bryozoa from the Lower Hauterivian of Velloreille-lès-Choye, Haute-Saône. A transitional fauna between the Paris - Géobios (28), 413-424 (journal article, French)
S. Sakagami, 1995 - Upper Paleozoic bryozoans from the Lake Titicaca region, Bolivia, Part 2. Systematic paleontology - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (180), 261-281 (journal article, English)
P. Moissette, 1995 - Plio-Pleistocene deep-water bryozoans from Rhodes, Greece - Palaeontology (38), 771-799 (journal article, English)
F. Bizzarini, 1994 - Corynotrypoides ladina gen. et sp. nov., a questionable cyclostomatous bryozoan from the Upper Triassic of the Eastern Dolomites (NE Italy) - in P. J. Hayward, J. S. Ryland, and P. D. Taylor, Biology and Paleobiology of Bryozoans. Olsen & Olsen, Fredensborg, Denmark. (), 29-32 (book/book chapter, )
M. E. McColloch, 1994 - The order Fenestrata (Bryozoa) of the Toroweap Formation (Permian), Southern Nevada - Journal of Paleontology (68), 746-762 (journal article, English)
H. A. Nakrem, 1994 - Middle Carboniferous to Early Permian bryozoans from Spitsbergen - Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (39), 45-116 (journal article, English)
D. P. Gordon, 1994 - Bryozoan fauna of the Kaipuke Siltstone, northwest Nelson: a Miocene homologue of the modern Tasman Bay coralline bryozoan grounds - New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics (37), 239-247 (journal article, English)
R. V. Goryunova, 1994 - The taxonomic rank and phylogeny of the timanodictyoid bryozoans - Paleontological Journal (28), 51-70 (journal article, English)
P. Schäfer, 1994 - Triassic Bryozoa from the Murihiku and Torlesse Supergroups, New Zealand - Memoirs of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists (16), 1-52 (serial monograph, English)
H. A. Nakrem, 1994 - Bryozoans from the Lower Permian Voringen Member (Kapp Starostin Formation), Spitsbergen, Svalbard - Norsk Polarinstitutt Skrifter (196), 1-93 (journal article, English)
K. Zagorsek, 1993 - New Anisian (Middle Triassic) Bryozoa (Trepostomata) from the Vysoka Formation (Male Karpaty Mts., western Carpathians) Slovakia - Geologica Carpathica (44), 49-58 (journal article, )
B. Walter, 1993 - Une nouvelle faune de bryozoaires de l'Hauterivien inférieur du Jura [A new bryozoan fauna from the lower Hauterivian of the Jura] - Géobios (26), 555-574 (journal article, French)
B. Walter, 1993 - Les Bryozoaires de l'Urgonien Inferieur de Vaulion (Jura Vaudois, Suisse) - un premier pas vers les faunes barremo-aptiennes [Bryozoa of the Lower Urgonian from Vaulion (Vaudois Jura, Switzerland) - a first step towards the Barremian-Aptian faunas] - Palaeontographica Abteilung A (226), 55-75 (journal article, French)
F.K. Lobdell, 1992 - Arthrostylidae (Bryozoa: Cryptostomata) fromthe Gunn Member, Stony Mountain Formation (Upper Ordovician), North Dakota and Manitoba - North Dakota Geological Survey Miscellaneous Series (76), 99-115 (serial monograph, English)
N. P. Schastlivtseva, 1992 - New species of the genus Shulgapora (Bryozoa) - Paleontological Journal (26), 10-17 (journal article, English)
I. P. Morozova, 1992 - Taxonomic names, in Novye paleozoiskie mshanki Mongolii - Novye Taksony Iskopaemykh Bespozvonochnykh Mongolii, Sovmestnaya Rossiisko-Mongol'skaya Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya (41), 75-84 (book/book chapter, Russian)
I. P. Morozova, 1992 - The Admiratellidae, a new family of the bryozoan order Fenestellida - Paleontological Journal (26), 1-9 (journal article, English)
Y. Ariunchimeg, 1992 - Novye paleozoiskie mshanki Mongolii [New Paleozoic bryozoans of Mongolia] - Novye Taksony Iskopaemykh Bespozvonochnykh Mongolii, Sovmestnaya Rossiisko-Mongol'skaya Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditsiya [New Species of Fossil Invertebrates of Mongolia, The Joint Russian Paleontological Expedition Transaction] (41), 75-84 (book/book chapter, Russian)
S. Sakagami, 1991 - Fossil bryozoans from the Lower Gondwana Sisne Formation, Nepal lesser Himalayas - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (162), 761-766 (journal article, English)
M. M. Key, 1991 - The halloporid trepostome bryozoans from the Ordovician Simpson Group of Oklahoma - Journal of Paleontology (65), 200-212 (journal article, English)
Y. S. Wu, 1991 - - Organisms and Communities of Permian Reef of Xiangbo, China (), 1-192 (book/book chapter, English)
E. E. Pavlova, 1991 - - Permian Invertebrates of Southern Mongolia (), 1-173 (book/book chapter, Russian)
D. V. Lisitsyn, 1991 - New Permian bryozoans from the northern Urals - Paleontological Journal (25), 88-99 (journal article, English)
I. P. Morozova, 1991 - Bryozoan descriptions - Permian Invertebrates of Southern Mongolia (), 76-91 (book/book chapter, Russian)
H. A. Nakrem, 1991 - New early Triassic Bryozoa (Trepostomata) from Spitsbergen, with some remarks on the stratigraphy of the investigated horizons - Geological Magazine (128), 129-140 (journal article, )
D. A. Southwood, 1990 - New bryozoan taxa from the Upper Permian Zechstein reef in NE England - Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society (48), 33-40 (journal article, English)
F. Bizzarini, 1990 - Ridescrizione di Arcticopora recubariensis (Schauroth) sulla base di un nuovo ritrovamento nell'Anisico di Recoaro (Italia N. E.) - Annali di Museo Civico di Rovereto (5), 85-100 (journal article, Italian)
T. S. Engeser, 1989 - Supposed Triassic bryozoans in the Klipstein collection from the Italian Dolomites redescribed as calcified demosponges - Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History (45), 39-55 (journal article, English)
A. B. Smith, 1988 - Palaeontology of the 1985 Geotraverse, Lhasa to Golmud - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A (327), 53-105 (journal article, English)
H. A. Nakrem, 1988 - Permian bryozoans from southern Spitsbergen and Bjørnøya. A review of bryozoans described by J. Maleci (1968, 1977) - Polar Research (6), 113-121 (journal article, English)
X. L. Liu, 1987 - Coscinotrypa horrida, in Late Carboniferous and Early Permian bryozoans from Xainza, northern Xizang (Tibet) - Professional Papers of Stratigraphy and Palaeontology (18), 1-31 (journal article, Chinese)
P. Schaefer, 1987 - Systematics and evolution of Triassic Bryozoa - Geologica et Palaeontologica (21), 173-225 (journal article, )
L. S. Zimmerman, 1987 - Species involved in Permian bryozoan bioherms, west Texas - Bryozoa: Present and Past (), 309-316 (book/book chapter, English)
X. L. Liu, 1987 - Late Carboniferous and Early Permian bryozoans from Xainza, northern Xizang (Tibet) - Professional Papers of Stratigraphy and Palaeontology (18), 1-31 (journal article, Chinese)
R. S. Boardman, 1987 - Phylum Bryozoa - Fossil Invertebrates (), 497-549 (book/book chapter, English)
F. S. Xia, 1986 - Carboniferous and Early Permian bryozoans from Xainza, northern Xizang - Bulletin of the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Academia Sinica (10), 201-254 (journal article, Chinese)
I. P. Morozova, 1986 - Taxonomic Names - Permskie Mshanki Arktiki (Zapadniy Sektor) (), 1-144 (book/book chapter, Russian)
P. D. Taylor, 1986 - Charixa Lang and Spinicharixa gen. nov., cheilostome bryozoans from the Lower Cretaceous - Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History (40), 197-222 (journal article, English)
O. N. Kruchinina, 1986 - Taxonomic names - Permskie Mshanki Arktiki (Zapadniy Sektor) (), 1-144 (book/book chapter, Russian)
E. H. Gilmour, 1986 - Stellahexaformis and Morozoviella, two new genera of Bryozoa from the Gerster Formation, northeastern Nevada - Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming (24), 211-217 (journal article, English)
I. P. Morozova, 1986 - - Permskie Mshanki Arktiki (Zapadniy Sektor) (), 1-144 (book/book chapter, Russian)
D. V. Lisitsyn, 1986 - New bryozoan species from the Permian of the Pechora Basin - Paleontological Journal (20), 45-52 (journal article, English)
E. H. Gilmour, 1986 - Bryozoans from the Phosphoria Formation (Permian), southeastern Idaho - Contributions to Geology, University of Wyoming (24), 191-209 (journal article, English)
V. D. Lavrentieva, 1985 - Mshanki Podotryada Phylloporinina [Bryozoans of the Suborder Phylloporinina] - Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta (214), 1-101 (journal article, Russian)
G. Termier, 1985 - Spongiofaunes du Jurassique Superieur du Portugal - Comunicacoes dos Servicos Geologicos de Portugal (71), 197-222 (journal article, French)
F. S. Xia, 1985 - Araxopora from the Maokou Formation of Shilin in Lunan, Yunnan - Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica (2), 373-386 (journal article, Chinese)
S. Q. Li, 1985 - Some bryozoans from the Maokou Formation in western Jiangxi - Acta Palaeontologica Sinica (24), 212-215 (journal article, Chinese)
R. V. Gorjunova, 1985 - Morfologiya, sistema i filogeniya mshanok (otryad Rhabdomesida) - Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta (208), 1-152 (serial monograph, Russian)
F. K. McKinney, 1983 - Ectoprocta (Bryozoa) from the Permian Kaibab Formation, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona - Fieldiana Geology, New Series (13), 1-17 (journal article, English)
V. P. Ozhgibesov, 1983 - Permoheloclema - a new bryozoan genus of the Order Rhabdomesonida - Paleontological Journal (17), 91-94 (journal article, English)
P. D. Taylor, 1982 - Toarcian bryozoans from Belchite in north-east Spain - Bulletin of the British Museum of Natural History (36), 117-129 (journal article, English)
A. V. Kiseleva, 1982 - - Late Permian Bryozoans of Southern Primorye (), 1-128 (book/book chapter, Russian)
L. H. Lu, 1982 - Bryozoa - Palaeontological Atlas of East China (2), 179-186 (book/book chapter, Chinese)
A. V. Kiseleva, 1982 - New late Permian trepostomids from the southern Primor'ye region - Paleontological Journal (16), 74--81 (journal article, English)
S. C. Ruppel, 1982 - Sedimentology and distinction of carbonate buildups: Middle Ordovician, east Tennessee - Journal of Sedimentary Petrology (52), 1055-1071 (journal article, English)
L. H. Lu, 1982 - Carboniferous and Early Permian bryozoans in the Qamdo area, eastern Xizang - Stratigraphy and Palaeontology of Western Sichuan and Eastern Xizang, China, Part 2 (), 267-281 (book/book chapter, Chinese)
S. Sakagami, 1981 - Upper Permian bryozoa from Guryul Ravine and the spur three kilometres north of Barus - The Upper Permian and Lower Triassic faunas of Kashmir. Palaeontologia Indica New Series (46), 46-64 (book/book chapter, English)
T. T. Sharkova, 1981 - Siluriiskiye i devonskiye tabulyaty Mongolii [Silurian and Devonian Tabulata of Mongolia] - Trudy Sovmestnaya Sovetsko-Mongolskaya Paleontologicheskaya Ekspeditisiya [Transactions of the Joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition] (14), 5-104 (serial monograph, Russian)
T. V. Romantchuk, 1981 - New Permian Trepostomida Rhabdomesonida of the Khabarovsk region - Paleontological Journal (15), 53-66 (journal article, English)
E. Voigt, 1981 - Upper Cretaceous bryozoan-seagrass association in the Maastrichtian of the Netherlands - Recent and Fossil Bryozoa (), 281-298 (book/book chapter, English)
I. P. Morozova, 1981 - Pozdnepaleozoiskie mshanki severo-vostoka CCCP - Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta (188), 1-119 (journal article, Russian)
J. Utgaard, 1981 - Lunaferamita, a new genus of Constellariidae (Bryozoa) with strong cystoporate affinities - Journal of Paleontology (55), 1058-1070 (journal article, )
L. R. M. Cocks, 1981 - The Ordovician-Silurian boundary at the eastern end of Anticosti Island - Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (18), 1029-1034 (journal article, English)
S. Sakagami, 1980 - Permian Ectoprocta (Bryozoa) from the Abadeh region, Central Iran - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (118), 269-289 (journal article, English)
A. Sugimura, 1980 - Some Lower Permian Bryozoa from the Akiyoshi Limestone Group, Southwest Japan - Bulletin of the Akiyoshi-Dai Museum of Natural History (15), 47-58 (journal article, English)
J. Malecki, 1980 - A new reef-building bryozoan species from the Miocene of Roztocze - Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (25), 91-99 (journal article, English)
A. H. Simonsen, 1980 - Fenestrate, pinnate, and ctenostome bryozoans and associated barnacle borings in the Wreford Megacyclothem (Lower Permian) of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska - University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions (101), 1-38 (serial monograph, English)
X. L. Liu, 1980 - Bryozoa - Paleontological Atlas of Northeast China (1), 189-254 (book/book chapter, Chinese)
K. Brood, 1980 - Late Ordovician bryozoa from Ringerike, Norway - Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift (60), 161-173 (journal article, English)
K. Brood, 1980 - Bryozoa from the Upper Ordovician Dalmanitina Beds of Kinnekulle, Sweden - Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar (102), 27-35 (journal article, English)
J. Z. Yang, 1980 - Upper Permian bryozoans from eastern Sichuan and western Guizhou - Acta Palaeontologica Sinica (19), 461-474 (journal article, Chinese)
B. A. Engel, 1979 - Fenestrate bryozoans with large apertural form in the Carboniferous of eastern Australia - Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (103), 135-170 (journal article, English)
R. V. Gorjunova, 1979 - Late Paleozoic Bryozoa of Mongolia - The Joint Soviet-Mongolian Paleontological Expedition, Transaction (9), 1-139 (serial monograph, Russian)
A. V. Kiseleva, 1979 - Pozdnepermskie mshanki Daubikhinskoy zony Primor'ya - Iskopaemye Bespozvonochnye Dal'nego Vostoka (Dannye Po Novym Nakhodkam) (), 33-40 (book/book chapter, Russian)
K. N. Volkova, 1978 - Ordovik i silur Yuzhnogo Verkhoyanya (biostratigrafiya i paleontologiya) [The Ordovician and Silurian of the southern Verkhoyansk Range (biostratigraphy and paleontology)] - Trudy Instituta Geologii i Geofiziki (381), 3-219 (book/book chapter, Russian)
K. Brood, 1978 - Upper Ordovician bryozoa from Dalmanitina beds of Borenshult, Östergötland, Sweden - Geologica et Palaeontologica (12), 53-72 (journal article, English)
L. I. Popeko, 1978 - Late Permian bryozoans of Transbaikal - Upper Paleozoic of Northeast Asia (), 51-61 (book/book chapter, Russian)
K. J. McNamara, 1978 - Symbiosis between gastropods and bryozoans in the late Ordovician of Cumbria, England - Lethaia (11), 25-40 (journal article, English)
A. V. Kiseleva, 1977 - Novye Vidy Pozdnepermskikh Mshanok Primorskogo Kraya - Novye Vidy Drevnikh Rasteniy i Bespozvonochnykh SSSR (4), 96-98 (book/book chapter, Russian)
S. Q. Li, 1977 - Bryozoa - Palaeontological Atlas of South-Central China (2), 270-303 (book/book chapter, Chinese)
J. Malecki, 1977 - Permian bryozoans from southern Spitsbergen and Bjornoya (Svalbard) - Studia Geologica Polonica (51), 75-88 (journal article, English)
H. Termier, 1977 - Paléontologie des Invertébrés, in Monographie paléontologique des affleurements permiens du Djebel Tebaga (Sud Tunisien) - Palaeontographica Abteilung A (156), 25-99 (journal article, French)
A. V. Kiseleva, 1976 - Novie mshanki podotryada Amplexoporoidea iz verknepermskikh otlozhenkii yuzhnogo Primoriya - Morfologiya i Sistematika Iskopaemykh Bespozvonochnykh Dal'nego Vostoka (), 44-50 (book/book chapter, Russian)
H. C. Fry, 1976 - Filiramoporina kretaphilia - a new genus and species of bifoliate tubulobryozoan (Ectoprocta) from the Lower Permian Wreford Megacyclothem of Kansas - University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions (84), 1-9 (journal article, English)
T. V. Romantchuk, 1976 - Main trends in the evolution of the suborder Timanodictyina - Paleontological Journal (10), 448-458 (journal article, English)
R. V. Gorjunova, 1975 - The systematic position and content of the genus Polyporella - Paleontological Journal (9), 60-67 (journal article, English)
A. J. Petty, 1975 - Biostratigraphy of the Graford Formation, Missourian, Wise County, Texas - (), - (M.S. thesis, English)
B. Walter, 1975 - Révision des types de bryozoaires albiens et cénomaniens de la collection Michelin - Geobios (8), 307-316 (journal article, English)
P. C. Nelson, 1975 - Community structure and evaluation of trophic analysis in paleoecology Stone City Formation (Middle Eocene, Texas) - Texas A&M Master''s thesis (), 1-168 (, )
J. Z. Yang, 1975 - Bryozoan fossils from the Mount Qomolangma Region - A report of scientific expedition in the Mount Jolmo Lungma Region (1), 39-70 (journal article, Chinese)
R. V. Gorjunova, 1975 - Permian Bryozoans of the Pamirs - Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta (148), 1-127 (book/book chapter, Russian)
S. Sakagami, 1975 - Permian Bryozoa from Khao Hin Kling, near Phetchabun, North-Central Thailand - Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia (16), 33-43 (journal article, English)
K. Brood, 1974 - Cyclostomatous Bryozoa from the Kullsberg Limestone - Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar (96), 423-425 (journal article, English)
I.P. Morozova, 1974 - Revision of the bryozoan genus Fenestella - Paleontological Journal (8), 167-180 (journal article, English)
J. Z. Yang, 1974 - Permian bryozoans - Handbook of the Stratigraphy and Paleontology of Southwest China (), 307-308 (book/book chapter, Chinese)
G. Termier, 1974 - Monographie du Permo-Carbonifère de Wardak (Afghanistan Central) - Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon, Hors Série (2), 1-165 (journal article, French)
S. Sakagami, 1973 - Permian Bryozoa from Khao Raen, near Rat Buri, Thailand - Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia (12), 75-89 (journal article, English)
S. Sakagami, 1973 - Some Permian Bryozoa from Pahang, Malaysia - Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia (12), 63-73 (journal article, English)
A. V. Kiseleva, 1973 - Some new and rare Cystoporata from the upper Permian of the southern Maritime Territory - Paleontological Journal (7), 341-347 (journal article, English)
K. R. Walker, 1973 - Major Middle Ordovician reef tract in East Tennessee - American Journal of Science (273), 294-325 (journal article, English)
A. Sugimura, 1972 - Three new species of the genus Hayasakapora from the Akiyoshi Limestone Group. Bryozoa of the Akiyoshi, Part 4 - Bulletin of the Akiyoshi-Dai Museum of Natural History (8), 1-6 (journal article, English)
A. H. Cheetham, 1972 - Cheilostome Byrozoa of Late Eocene age from Eua, Tonga - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (), - (serial monograph, English)
R. V. Gorjunova, 1972 - Composition and systematic position of the bryozoan family Actinotrypidae - Paleontological Journal (6), 275-278 (journal article, English)
S. Sakagami, 1971 - On the Palaeozoic Bryozoa collected by Dr C K Burton from Chumphon, peninsular Thailand - Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia (9), 135-146 (journal article, English)
H. Termier, 1971 - Bryozoaires du Paleozoique superieur de l'Afghanistan - Documents des Laboratoires de Géologie de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon (47), 1-52 (journal article, French)
G. B. Newton, 1971 - Rhabdomesid bryozoans of the Wreford Megacyclothem (Wolfcampian, Permian) of Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma - University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions (56), 1-71 (serial monograph, English)
S. Sakagami, 1970 - Addition to the Permian Bryozoa from Ko Muk, peninsular Thailand - Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia (8), 43-68 (journal article, English)
T. V. Romantchuk, 1970 - Pervye nakhodki mshanok v verkhney Permi khrebta dzhagdy - Novye Vidy Paleozoyskikh Mshanok i Korallov (), 81-86 (book chapter, Russian)
J. Pattison, 1970 - A review of the marine fossils from the Upper Permian rocks of Northern Ireland and north-west England - Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Great Britain (32), 123-165 (journal article, English)
I. P. Morozova, 1970 - Mshanki Pozdnei Permi - Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta (122), 1-346 (book/book chapter, Russian)
H. N. Andrews, 1970 - Index of Generic Names of Fossil Plants, 1820-1965 - Geological Survey Bulletin (), 1-354 (serial monograph, English)
R. V. Gorjunova, 1970 - Novye rannepermskie mshanki yugo-vostochnogo Pamira i Darvaza - Novye Vidy Paleozoyskikh Mshanok i Korallov (), 60-68 (book chapter, Russian)
I. P. Morozova, 1970 - Some Late Permian bryozoans from northeast USSR - Paleontological Journal (4), 361-370 (journal article, English)
T. V. Romantchuk, 1970 - Taxonomic Names, in Mshanki Pozdnei Permi - Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta (122), 1-347 (book/book chapter, Russian)
R. J. Scolaro, 1970 - Note on Miocene Bryozoa from northwestern Florida - Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology (8), 93-98 (journal article, English)
A. V. Kiseleva, 1970 - Novye pozdnepermskie mshanki Primorskogo Kraya - Novye Vidy Paleozoyskikh Mshanok i Korallov (), 76-80 (book chapter, Russian)
I. P. Morozova, 1970 - Nekotorye novye pozdnepermskie mshanki yugo-vostochnoy Mongolii - Novye Vidy Paleozoyskikh Mshanok i Korallov (), 69-75 (book chapter, Russian)
J. -C. Fischer, 1969 - Geologie, Paleontologie et Paleoecologie du Bathonien au sud-ouest du Massif Ardennais - Memoires du Museum National D'Histoire Naturelle, Nouvelle Serie, Serie C, Sciences de la terre (20), 1-319 (serial monograph, French)
I. P. Morozova, 1969 - Systematic composition and range of Triassic bryozoans - Paleontological Journal (3), 191-199 (journal article, English)
A. V. Kiseleva, 1969 - New bryozoans of the Family Girtyporidae from the Upper Permian of the southern Maritime Territory - Paleontological Journal (3), 79-84 (journal article, English)
J. Utgaard, 1968 - A revision of North American genera of ceramoporoid bryozoans (Ectoprocta); Part 2, Crepipora, Ceramoporella, Acanthoceramoporella, and Ceramophylla - Journal of Paleontology (42), 1444-1455 (journal article, English)
S. Sakagami, 1968 - Permian Bryozoa from Khao Chong Krachok, Peninsular Thailand - Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia (4), 67-81 (journal article, English)
R. E. Wass, 1968 - Permian Polyzoa from the Bowen Basin - Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics Bulletin (90), 1-135 (journal article, English)
S. Sakagami, 1968 - Permian Bryozoa from Khao Phrik, near Rat Buri, Thailand - Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia (4), 45-66 (journal article, English)
T.V. Romantchuk, 1968 - New late Permian bryozoans of the far east - Paleontological Journal (2), 488-492 (journal article, English)
R. E. Wass, 1968 - Goniocladia and Dyscritella from the Permian of Queensland - Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (92), 279-284 (journal article, English)
S. Sakagami, 1968 - Permian Bryozoa from Khao Ta Mong Rai, peninsular Thailand - Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia (5), 47-67 (journal article, English)
N. G. Shaw, 1967 - Cheilostomata from Gulfian (Upper Cretaceous) rocks of southwestern Arkansas - Journal of Paleontology (41), 1393-1432 (journal article, English)
T. V. Romantchuk, 1967 - New bryozoans of the Order Trepostomata of the Upper Permian of the Khabarovsk Territory - Paleontological Journal (1), 59-63 (journal article, English)
R. J. Cuffey, 1967 - Bryozoan Tabulipora carbonaria in Wreford megacyclothem (Lower Permian) of Kansas - University of Kansas Paleontological Contributions, Bryozoa (1), 1-96 (serial monograph, English)
I. P. Morozova, 1967 - Taxonomic names, in Evolution and systematic position of certain late Paleozoic Trepostomata - Paleontological Journal (1), 64-72 (journal article, English)
R. E. Wass, 1967 - Permian Polyzoa from the Port Keats District, Northern Territory - Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (92), 162-170 (journal article, English)
N. N. Dunayeva, 1967 - Evolution and systematic position of certain late Paleozoic Trepostomata - Paleontological Journal (1), 64-72 (journal article, English)
M. A. Fritz, 1966 - Diplotrypa schucherti, a new bryozoan species from the Long Point Formation (Ordovician) Western Newfoundland - Journal of Paleontology (40), 1335-1337 (journal article, English)
S. Sakagami, 1966 - The Permian bryozoan fauna of Ko Muk, peninsular Thailand with the description of the Cyclostomata - Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography (37), 141-155 (journal article, English)
S. Sakagami, 1966 - The Cryptostomatous Bryozoa from Ko Muk, peninsular Thailand - Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography (37), 157-168 (journal article, English)
I. P. Morozova, 1966 - Novyye Permskiye mshanki Kabarovskogo kraya [New Permian bryozoans of the Khabarovsk Range] - Paleontological Journal (1966), 33-41 (journal article, Russian)
I. P. Morozova, 1965 - Bryozoa, in The Development and Change of Marine Organisms at the Palaeozoic-Mesozoic Boundary - Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta (108), 183-197 (book/book chapter, Russian)
N. A. Shishova, 1965 - O sistematischeskom polozhenii i obeme semeystva Hyphasmoporidae - Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (1965), 55-62 (journal article, Russian)
N. Fantini Sestini, 1965 - The geology of the upper Djadjerud and Lar valleys (North-Iran). II. Palaeontology: Bryozoans, brachiopods, and molluscs from Ruteh Limestone (Permian) - Rivista Italiana di Paleontologie e Stratigrafia (71), 13-108 (journal article, )
N. A. Shishova, 1964 - Novyye Pozdnepermskiye Rabdomezonidy Sovetskogo Soyuza - Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (1964), 52-57 (journal article, Russian)
W. G. H. Maxwell, 1964 - The geology of the Yarrol Region. Part 1. Biostratigraphy - Papers - Department of Geology, University of Queensland (5), 1-60 (serial monograph, English)
S. Sakagami, 1964 - Bryozoa of Akiyoshi, Part 1: Permian Bryozoa from the Shigeyasu quarry - Bulletin of the Akiyoshi-Dai Science Museum (3), 1-24 (journal article, English)
J. R. P. Phillips Ross, 1963 - Lower Permian Bryozoa from Western Australia - Palaeontology (6), 70-82 (journal article, English)
J. P. Ross, 1963 - The Bryozoan Trepostome Batostoma in Chazyan (Ordovician) Strata - Journal of Paleontology (37), 857-866 (journal article, English)
J. A. Talent, 1963 - The Devonian of the Mitchell and Wentworth Rivers - Geological Survey of Victoria Memoir (24), 1-118 (serial monograph, English)
J. R. P. Ross, 1963 - Ordovician Cryptostome Bryozoa, Standard Chazyan Series, New York and Vermont - Geological Society America Bulletin (74), 577-608 (journal article, English)
S. Sakagami, 1963 - Some Permian Bryozoa from the Yamanba Limestone in the Sakawa Basin, Shikoku, Japan - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (52), 155-160 (journal article, English)
J. R. P. Ross, 1963 - New Ordovician species of Chazyan Trepostome and Cryptostome Bryozoa - Journal of Paleontology (37), 57-63 (journal article, English)
M. E. Dettmann, 1963 - Upper Mesozoic microfloras from South-Eastern - Procidings of Royal Society of Victoria (), 1-176 (journal article, English)
R.W. Yole, 1963 - An Early Permian fauna from Vancouver Island, British Columbia - Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology (11), 138-149 (journal article, English)
I. P. Morozova, 1963 - Fenestraliidae, novoe semeystvo Fenestelloidey - Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (1963), 78-83 (journal article, Russian)
K. S. W. Campbell, 1963 - The faunas of the Tournaisian Tulcumba Sandstone and its members in the Werrie and Belvue synclines, New South Wales - Journal of the Geological Society of Australia (10), 55-122 (journal article, English)
M. A. Fritz, 1962 - A new bryozoan genus from Lake Hazen, Northeastern Ellesmere Island - Proceedings of the Geological Association of Canada (13), 53-54 (journal article, )
K.S.W. Campbell, 1962 - Marine fossils from the Carboniferous glacial rocks of New South Wales - Journal of Paleontology (36), 38-52 (journal article, English)
I. P. Morozova, 1962 - K sistematike i filogenii Fenestelloidey - Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (1962), 104-115 (journal article, Russian)
A. H. Cheetham, 1962 - Eocene bryozoa from the McBean Formation in Georgia - Micropaleontology (8), 323-336 (journal article, English)
E. H. Gilmour, 1962 - A new species of Tabulipora from the Permian of Nevada - Journal of Paleontology (36), 1019-1020 (journal article, English)
J. M. Crockford, 1962 - Correction of a bryozoan name - Journal of Paleontology (36), 840- (journal article, English)
J. R. P. Ross, 1962 - Chazyan (Ordovician) Leptotrypellid and Atactotoechid Bryozoa - Journal of Paleontology (5), 727-739 (journal article, English)
S. Sakagami, 1961 - Lower Permian Bryozoa from Miharano, Taishaku Plateau, southerwestern Japan - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (43), 105-112 (journal article, English)
E. Dreyer, 1961 - Die Bryozoen des mitteldeutschen Zechsteins - Freiberger Forschungshefte C (111), 1-51 (journal article, English)
J. P. Ross, 1961 - Larger Cryptostome Bryozoa of the Ordovician and Silurian, Anticosti Island, Canada: Part II - Journal of Paleontology (35), 331-344 (journal article, English)
J. P. Ross, 1960 - Larger Cryptostome Bryozoa of the Ordovician and Silurian, Anticosti Island, Canada: Part I - Journal of Paleontology (34), 1057-1076 (journal article, English)
L. R. Laughbaum, 1960 - A Paleoecologic Study of the Upper Denton Formation, Tarrant, Denton, and Cooke Counties, Texas - Journal of Paleontology (34), 1183-1197 (journal article, English)
S. Sakagami, 1960 - Hayasakapora, a new Permian bryozoan genus from Iwaizaki, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (39), 321-323 (journal article, English)
R. S. Boardman, 1960 - Trepostomatous Bryozoa of the Hamilton Group of New York State - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (340), 1-83 (serial monograph, English)
V. B. Trizna, 1959 - Bryozoan - Polevoi Atlas Fauny Permskikh Otlozhenii Severo-Vostoka SSSR (), 1-85 (book/book chapter, Russian)
A. N. Tolstych, 1959 - - Polevoi Atlas Fauny Permskikh Otlozhenii Severo-Vostoka SSSR (), 1-85 (book/book chapter, Russian)
V. P. Nekhoroshev, 1959 - Bryozoa - Polevoi Atlas Fauny Permskikh Otlozhenii Severo-Vostoka SSSR (), 1-85 (book/book chapter, Russian)
H. G. Richards, 1959 - New Virgilian and Wolfcampian fenestrate bryozoans from Kansas - Journal of Paleontology (33), 1115-1119 (journal article, English)
D. A. Brown, 1958 - Fossil cheilostomatous polyzoa from south-west Victoria - Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Victoria (), - (book, English)
L. H. Lu, 1958 - Some bryozoans from the Chihsia Limestone of Hangchow, western Chekiang - Acta Palaeontologica Sinica (6), 293-303 (journal article, Chinese)
J. Z. Yang, 1958 - Stenoporidae from upper Palaeozoic of China - Acta Palaeontologica Sinica (6), 122-140 (journal article, Chinese)
G. G. Astrova, 1956 - Systematics of Bryozoa of the order Cryptostomata - Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR (110), 661-664 (journal article, Russian)
D. A. Brown, 1956 - Some Pliocene Polyzoa from South Australia - Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9), 593-611 (journal article, English)
J. Z. Yang, 1956 - Some cyclostomatous Bryozoa from the Permian rocks of western Hupeh - Acta Palaeontologica Sinica (4), 163-174 (journal article, Chinese)
J. Chronic, 1953 - Part II, Invertebrate paleontology (excepting fusulinids and corals), in Upper Paleozoic of Peru - Geological Society of America Memoir (58), 43-165 (serial monograph, English)
D. A. Brown, 1952 - The Tertiary Cheilostomatous Polyzoa of New Zealand - (), 1-405 (book, English)
B.J. Chronic, 1949 - Invertebrate paleontology (excepting fuslinids and corals) - Upper Paleozoic of Peru (), 46-173 (journal article, English)
J. Crockford, 1946 - A bryozoan fauna from the Lake's Creek Quarry, Rockhampton, Queensland - Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (70), 125-134 (journal article, English)
J. Crockford, 1945 - Stenoporids from the Permian of New South Wales and Tasmania - Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (70), 9-24 (journal article, English)
G. E. Condra, 1945 - Bicorbula, a new Permian bryozoan, probably a bryozoan-algal consortium - Journal of Paleontology (19), 116-125 (journal article, English)
G. E. Condra, 1945 - Bicorbis arizonica Condra and Elias, new name for B. arizonica - Journal of Paleontology (19), 411- (journal article, English)
J. Crockford, 1944 - Bryozoa from the Wandagee and Nooncanbah series (Permian) of Western Australia - Journal of the Royal Society of Western Australia (28), 165-185 (journal article, English)
I. Crespin, 1944 - Middle Miocene limestone from King Island, Tasmania - Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania (), 15-18 (journal article, English)
J. Crockford, 1944 - Bryozoa from the Permian of Western Australia Part I: Cyclostomata and Cryptostomata from the north-west basin and Kimberley district - Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (69), 139-175 (journal article, English)
J. M. Crockford, 1943 - Permian Bryozoa of eastern Australia, part III: Batostomellidae and Fenestrellinidae from Queensland, New South Wales, and Tasmania - Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales (76), 258-267 (journal article, English)
B. N. Cooper, 1943 - Stratigraphy of the Lower Middle Ordovician of Tazewell County, Virginia - Bulletin of the Geological Society of America (54), 819-886 (serial monograph, )
I. Crespin, 1943 - Report on a collection of fossils from the Lakes Entrance shaft, Gippsland, Victoria - Commonwealth of Australia (), - (journal article, English)
J. Crockford, 1943 - Bryozoa from the Port Keats bore, Northern Territory - Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales (68), 145-149 (journal article, English)
M. Minato, 1943 - Notes on some Permian fossils from the Toman Formation in southeastern Manchoukuo - Journal of the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido Imperial University, Series 4 (7), 49-58 (journal article, English)
J. M. Crockford, 1941 - Permian Bryozoa of eastern Australia, part I: a description of some previously-named species of Fenestrellinidae (Fenestellidae) - Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales (74), 397-418 (journal article, English)
J. M. Crockford, 1941 - Permian Bryozoa of eastern Australia, part II: new species from the Upper Marine Series of New South Wales - Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales (74), 502-519 (journal article, English)
R. C. Moore, 1940 - Bryozoa of the Whitehorse Sandstone, in Invertebrate fauna of the late Permian Whitehorse Sandstone - Geological Society America Bulletin (51), 261-336 (journal article, English)
W. C. Mansfield, 1940 - Mollusks of the Chickasawhay Marl - Journal of Paleontology (14), 171-226 (journal article, English)
A. J. Nikiforova, 1940 - On the occurrence of the bryozoan Fenestralia in the upper Permian of the European part of the USSR - Comptes Rendus (Doklady) de l'Académie des Sciences de l'URSS (26), 111-112 (journal article, English)
F. Traub, 1938 - Geologische und paläontologische Bearbeitung der Kreide und des Tertiärs im östlichen Rupertiwinkel, nördlich von Salzburg [Geological and paleontological work on the Cretaceous and Tertiary of the eastern Ruperti region, north of Salzburg] - Palaeontographica Abteilung A (88), 1-107 (journal article, German)
J. S. Cullison, 1938 - Dutchtown fauna of southeastern Missouri - Journal of Paleontology (12), 219-228 (journal article, English)
M. K. Elias, 1937 - Stratigraphic significance of some late Paleozoic fenestrate bryozoans - Journal of Paleontology (11), 306-334 (journal article, English)
L. W. Stach, 1936 - South Australian Cainozoic Bryozoa. Part 1 - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia (60), 127-136 (journal article, English)
L. W. Stach, 1935 - Victorian Lower Pliocene Bryozoa. Part 1 - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria (47), 338-351 (journal article, English)
F. Canu, 1935 - New species of Tertiary Cheilostome Bryozoa from Victoria, Australia - Smithsonian miscellaneous collections (93), 1-54 (journal article, English)
R. S. Bassler, 1934 - Notes on fossil and recent Bryozoa - Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences (24), 404-408 (journal article, French)
P. Guthörl, 1934 - Die Arthropoden aus dem Carbon und Perm des Saar-Nahe-Pfalz-Gebietes - Im Vertrieb bei der Preußischen Geologischen Landesanstalt (44), 1-279 (book/book chapter, German)
R. S. Bassler, 1934 - Bryozoa (Generum et genotyporum index et bibliographia) - Fossilium Catalogus, I: Animalia (67), - (journal article, English)
A. I. Nikiforova, 1933 - Upper Paleozoic bryozoans of Dzhulfa region - Trudy Vsesoyusnogo Geologo-nizve-dochnogo Obyedineniya (364), 1-44 (journal article, Russian)
B. H. Harlton, 1933 - Micropaleontology of the Pennsylvanian Johns Valley shale of the Ouachita Mountains, Oklahoma, and its relationship to the Mississippian Caney shale - Journal of Paleontology (7), 3-29 (journal article, English)
M. A. Fritz, 1932 - Permian Bryozoa from Vancouver Island - Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada (26), 93-109 (journal article, English)
A. W. Grabau, 1931 - The Permian of Mongolia - Natural History of Asia (4), 1-665 (serial monograph, English)
R. C. Moore, 1929 - A bryozoan faunule from the upper Graham Formation, Pennsylvanian, of north-central Texas - Journal of Paleontology (3), 1-27 (journal article, English)
R. C. Moore, 1929 - A bryozoan faunule from the upper Graham Formation, Pennsylvanian, of north-central Texas, Part II - Journal of Paleontology (3), 121-156 (journal article, English)
W. H. Twenhofel, 1928 - Geology of Anticosti Island - Geological Survey of Canada Memoir (154), 1-351 (journal article, English)
F. Canu, 1927 - Classification of the cheilostomatous Bryozoa - Proceedings of the United States National Museum (69), 1-44 (journal article, English)
R. W. Bretnall, 1926 - Descriptions of some Western Australian fossil Polyzoa - Bulletin of Western Australia Geological Survey (88), 7-33 (journal article, English)
R. Etheridge Jr., 1926 - Taxonomic names, in Descriptions of some Western Australian fossil Polyzoa - Bulletin of Western Australia Geological Survey (88), 11- (journal article, English)
J. Bohm, 1926 - Über Tertiäre versteinerungen von den Bogenfelser diamantfeldern - Beiträge zur geologischen Erforschung der deutschen Schutzgebiete (2), 55-87 (journal article, German)
C. J. Maury, 1924 - Fosseis Terciarios Do Brazil - Servico Geologico E Mineralogico Do Brazil Monographia (49), - (serial monograph, English)
A. F. Foerste, 1924 - Upper Ordovician faunas of Ontario and Quebec - Geological Survey of Canada Memoir (138), 1-99 (serial monograph, )
F. Canu, 1920 - North American early Tertiary Bryozoa - Smithsonian Institute Bulletin (106), 1-843 (serial monograph, English)
T. Tschernyschew, 1916 - Obercarbonfauna von Konig Oscars und Heibergs Land - Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram" 1898-1902 (34), 1-67 (serial monograph, German)
G. H. Girty, 1915 - Invertebrate paleontology - Missouri Bureau of Geology and Mines (13), 263-376 (book/book chapter, English)
R. S. Bassler, 1911 - The early Paleozoic Bryozoa of the Baltic Provinces - Bulletin of the United States National Museum (77), 1-375 (journal article, English)
P. E. Raymond, 1911 - A preliminary list of the fauna of the Allegheny and Conemaugh series in western Pennsylvania - Report Pennsylvannia Topographical and Geological Survey Committee (7), 83-98 (journal article, English)
C. Diener, 1911 - Anthracolithic fossils of the Shan States - Palaeontologia Indica, New Series (3), 1-74 (journal article, English)
G. H. Girty, 1909 - The Guadalupian fauna - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (58), 1-651 (serial monograph, English)
R. Etheridge Jr., 1907 - Official contributions to the palaeontology of South Australia, No. 19 - Fossils of the Port Keats bore, thirty miles north of Fossil Head, Treachery Bay - South Australian Parliamentary Paper (55), 11-15 (journal article, English)
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E. O. Ulrich, 1904 - Bryozoa - Maryland Geological Survey (Miocene), 430-431 (journal article, English)
L. C. Glenn, 1904 - Pelecypoda - Maryland Geological Survey (Miocene), 274-401 (journal article, English)
H. F. Cleland, 1903 - Fauna of the Hamilton Formation of the Cayuga Lake section in central New York - United States Geological Survey (60), - (journal article, English)
R. Etheridge Jr., 1903 - Descriptions of Carboniferous fossils from the Gascoyne District, Western Australia, collected by Mr. A. Gibb Maitland, government geologist - Western Australia Geological Survey Bulletin (10), 1-31 (journal article, English)
A. Rothpletz, 1892 - Die Perm-, Trias- und Jura-Formation auf Timor und Rotti im Indischen Archipel - Palaeontographica (39), 57-106 (journal article, German)
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M. Cossmann, 1888 - Catalogue illustré des coquilles fossiles de l'eocène des environs de Paris - Annales de la Societe Royale Malacologique Belgique (23), 1-324 (serial monograph, French)
W. Waagen, 1888 - Productus Limestone Fossils, Part VII - Salt Range Fossils, Palaeontologia Indica, Series 13 (1), 925-994 (serial monograph, English)
W. Waagen, 1886 - Productus Limestone Fossils, Part VI - Salt Range Fossils, Palaeontologia Indica, Series 13 (1), 835-924 (serial monograph, English)
W. Waagen, 1885 - Productus Limestone Fossils, Part V - Salt Range Fossils, Palaeontologia Indica, Series 13 (1), 771-834 (journal article, English)
W. H. Hudleston, 1883 - Notes on a collection of fossils and of rock-specimens from west Australia, north of the Gascoyne River - Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society (39), 582-595 (journal article, English)
J. Hall, 1883 - Bryozoans of the Upper Helderberg and Hamilton Groups - Transactions of Albany Institute (10), 145-197 (journal article, English)
E. Kayser, 1883 - Obercarbonische fauna von Lo-Ping - China: Ergebnisse Eigener Reisen und Darauf Gegründeter Studien (4), 160-208 (book/book chapter, German)
J. Hall, 1883 - Untitled Contractual Obligation Memorandum - Indiana Department of Geology and Natural Resources Annual Report (12), 319-375 (journal article, English)
R. Etheridge Jr., 1880 - On a collection of fossils from the Bowen River coalfield and the limestone of the Fanning River, north Queensland - Proceedings of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh (5), 263-328 (journal article, English)
F. Toula, 1875 - Permo-Carbon-Fossilien von der Westküste von Spitzbergen - Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie (1875), 225-264 (journal article, German)
R. Etheridge, 1872 - Description of the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic fossils of Queensland - Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London (28), 317-360 (journal article, English)
E. Beyrich, 1865 - Über eine Kohlenkalk-Fauna von Timor - Abhandlungen der Königlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin (1864), 62-98 (journal article, German)
F. B. Meek, 1865 - Remarks on the Carboniferous and Cretaceous rocks of eastern Kansas and Nebraska - American Journal of Science, ser. 2 (39), 157-174 (journal article, English)
A. Stoppani, 1865 - Géologie et paléontologie des couches à Avicula contorta en Lombardie - Paleontologie Lombarde (3), 1-267 (journal article, French)
L. G. de Koninck, 1863 - Descriptions of some fossils from India, discovered by Dr. A. Fleming of Edinburgh - Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London (19), 1-19 (journal article, English)
H. B. Geinitz, 1861 - Die animalischen ueberreste der Dyas - Dyas oder die Zechstein Formation und das Rothliegende (), 1-130 (book/book chapter, German)
F. S. Holmes, 1860 - Post-Pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina - (), 1-122 (book, English)
B. F. Shumard, 1859 - Notice of fossils from the Permian strata of Texas and New Mexico obtained by the United States expedition under Capt. John Pope, for boring artesian wells along the 32nd parallel, with descriptions of new species from these strata and the Coal Measures o - Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis (1), 387-402 (journal article, English)
T. A. Conrad, 1855 - Note on the Mocene and Post-Pliocene deposits of California, with descriptions of two new fossil corals - Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (7), - (journal article, English)
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W. Lonsdale, 1850 - Descriptions of the fossils of the Chalk Formation. Notes on the corals - The Geology and Fossils of the Tertiary and Cretaceous Formations of Sussex (), 237-324 (book chapter, English)
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W. Lonsdale, 1844 - Description of six species of corals from the Palaeozoic formation of Van Diemen's Land - Geological Observations on the Volcanic Islands Visited during the Voyage of HMS Beagle (), 161-169 (book/book chapter, English)
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