This mentioned taxonomy is an attempt to make an conclusive assignment from the different classifications of various scientists. Because the taxonomy may change due to the latest investigative methods and other findings, our map is a guide only.
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C. F. Kammerer, 2017 - Rediscovery of the holotype of Clelandina major Broom, 1948 (Gorgonopsia: Rubidgeinae) with implications for the identity of this species - Palaeontologia africana (52), 85-88 (journal article, English)
C. F. Kammerer, 2016 - Systematics of the Rubidgeinae (Therapsida: Gorgonopsia) - PeerJ (4), e1608- (journal article, English)
C. F. Kammerer, 2015 - New information on the morphology and stratigraphic range of the midPermian gorgonopsian Eriphostoma microdon Broom, 1911 - Papers in Palaeontology (), - (journal article, English)
E. V. I. Gebauer, 2014 - Re-assessment of the taxonomic position of the specimen GPIT/RE/7113 (Sauroctonus parringtoni comb. nov., Gorgonopsia) - Early evolutionary history of the Synapsida (), 185-207 (book chapter, English)
C. F. Kammerer, 2014 - A redescription of Eriphostoma microdon Broom, 1911 (Therapsida, Gorgonopsia) from the Tapinocephalus Assemblage Zone of South Africa and a review of Middle Permian gorgonopsians - Early evolutionary history of the Synapsida (), 171-184 (book chapter, English)
M. F. Ivakhnenko, 2003 - Eotherapsids from the East European Placket (Late Permian) - Paleontological Journal (37), S339-S465 (journal article, English)
J. Anderson, 2001 - The phylogenetic trunk: maximal inclusion of taxa with missing data in an analysis of the Lepospondyli (Vertebrata, Tetrapoda) - Systematic Biology (50), 170-193 (journal article, English)
D. S. Sigogneau-Russell, 1989 - Theriodontia I: Phthinosuchia, Biarmosuchia, Eotitanosuchia, Gorgonopsia - Encyclopedia of Paleoherpetology (), - (book, English)
R. L. Carroll, 1988 - - Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution (), 1-698 (compendium, English)
F. R. Parrington, 1974 - A New Genus of Gorgonopsid from East Africa - Annals of the South African Museum (64), 47-52 (journal article, English)
L. D. Boonstra, 1953 - A report on a collection of fossil reptilian bones from Tanganyika Territory - Annals of the South African Museum (42), 5-18 (journal article, English)
A. S. Brink, 1953 - Studies on new specimens of the Gorgonopsia - Palaeontologia Africana (1), 1-28 (journal article, English)
F. v. Huene, 1950 - Die Theriodontier des ostafrikanischen Ruhuhu-Gebietes in der Tuebinger Sammlung - Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie and Palaeontologie, Abhandlungen (92), 47-136 (journal article, German)
R. Broom, 1950 - Two new gorgonopsian genera from the Bernard Price collection - South African Journal of Science (46), 188-190 (journal article, English)
R. Broom, 1948 - Some new fossil reptiles from the Karoo Beds of South Africa - Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (118), 392-407 (journal article, English)
R. Broom, 1948 - A Contribution to our Knowledge of the Vertebrates of the Karroo Beds of South Africa - Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (61), 577-629 (journal article, English)
R. Broom, 1940 - Some new Karroo reptiles from the Graaff-Reinet district - Annals of the Transvaal Museum (20), 71-87 (journal article, English)
R. Broom, 1940 - On some new genera and species of fossil reptiles from the Karroo Beds of Graaff-Reinet - Annals of the Transvaal Museum (20), 157-192 (journal article, English)
R. Broom, 1938 - On a new family of carnivorous therapsids from the Karroo Beds of South Africa - Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (108), 527-533 (journal article, English)
R. Broom, 1937 - A further contribution to our knowledge of the fossil reptiles of the Karroo - Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (107), 299-318 (journal article, English)
E. C. Olson, 1937 - New genera and species of tetrapods from the Karroo Beds of South Africa - Journal of Paleontology (11), 613-619 (journal article, English)
F. Broili, 1934 - Beobachtungen an Wirbeltieren der Karooformation - Sitzungsberichte - Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften (3), 209-223 (journal article, German)
L. D. Boonstra, 1934 - Additions to our knowledge of South African Gorgonopsia, preserved in the British Museum (Natural History) - Annals of the South African Museum (31), 175-213 (journal article, English)
L. D. Boonstra, 1934 - A contribution to the morphology of the Gorgonopsia - Annals of the South African Museum (31), 137-174 (journal article, English)
S. H. Haughton, 1929 - On some new therapsid genera - Annals of the South African Museum (28), 55-78 (journal article, English)
S. H. Haughton, 1926 - On Karroo vertebrates from Nyasaland - Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa (29), 69-83 (journal article, English)
R. Broom, 1925 - On some carnivorous therapsids - Records of the Albany Museum (3), 309-326 (journal article, English)
S. H. Haughton, 1924 - Investigations in South African Fossil Reptiles and Amphibia. 12. On some gorgonopsian skulls in the collection of the South African Museum - Annals of the South African Museum (12), 499-517 (journal article, English)
R. Broom, 1915 - Catalogue of types and figured specimens of fossil vertebrates in the American Museum of Natural History. II.–Permian, Triassic and Jurassic reptiles of South Africa - Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (25), 105-164 (journal article, English)
S. H. Haughton, 1915 - Investigations in South African fossil reptiles and amphibia. 7. On some new gorgonopsians - Annals of the South African Museum (12), 82-90 (journal article, English)
D. M. S. Watson, 1914 - Notes on some carnivorous reptiles - Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (4), 1021-1038 (journal article, English)
R. Broom, 1913 - On four new fossil reptiles from the Beaufort Series, South Africa - Records of the Albany Museum (2), 397-401 (journal article, English)
R. Broom, 1913 - A revision of the reptiles of the Karroo - Annals of the South African Museum (7), 361-366 (journal article, English)
R. Broom, 1912 - On some new South African Permian reptiles - Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (1911), 1073-1082 (journal article, English)
R. Broom, 1911 - On some New South African Permian Reptiles - Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (81), 1073-1082 (journal article, English)