
† Ichthyosaurus acutirostris

Ichthyosaurus acutirostris

Additional Functions


Belong­ing to

Gaeabionta  ⇒ Domäne: Eukaryota  ⇒ Reich: Animalia  ⇒ Mittelreich: Eumetazoa  ⇒ Klade: Triploblastica  ⇒ Klade: Nephrozoa  ⇒ Abzweig: Deuterostomia  ⇒ Stamm: Chordata  ⇒ Unterstamm: Vertebrata  ⇒ Infrastamm: Gnathostomata  ⇒ Superklasse: Tetrapoda  ⇒ Serie: Amniota  ⇒ Klade: Sauropsida  ⇒ Unterklasse: Eureptilia  ⇒ ohne Rang: Romeriida  ⇒ Klade: Diapsida  ⇒ Klade: Ichthyosauromorpha  ⇒ Klade: Ichthyosauriformes  ⇒ Unterklasse: Ichthyopterygia  ⇒ Klade: Eoichthyosauria  ⇒ Ordnung: Ichthyosauria  ⇒ Klade: Hueneosauria  ⇒ Unterordnung: Longipinnatoidea  ⇒ Klade: Merriamosauria  ⇒ Klade: Parvipelvia  ⇒ Klade: Neoichthyosauria  ⇒ Klade: Thunnosauria  ⇒ Gattung: Ichthyosaurus

Taxo­nomic seg­ment


This mentioned taxonomy is an attempt to make an conclusive assignment from the different classifications of various scientists. Because the taxonomy may change due to the latest investigative methods and other findings, our map is a guide only.

Name from

Corre­spond­ing author (Name, Year)

Owen, 1840

Other languages


Ichthyosaurus acutirostris

Alternative Name


Ichthyosaurus crassimanus

Tate & Blake, 1876
Ref.: R. Tate and J. F. Blake. 1876. The Yorkshire Lias


Ichthyosaurus longifrons

Owen, 1881
Ref.: R. Lydekker. 1889. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia, Part II. Containing the orders Ichthyopterygia and Sauropterygia


Ichthyosaurus longipennis

Mantell, 1851
Ref.: G. A. Mantell. 1851. Petrifactions and Their Teachings; or, a Hand-Book to the Gallery of Organic Remains of the British Museum


Ichthyosaurus microdon

Wagner, 1851
Ref.: R. Lydekker. 1889. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia, Part II. Containing the orders Ichthyopterygia and Sauropterygia


Ichthyosaurus zetlandicus

Seeley, 1880
Ref.: R. Lydekker. 1889. Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia, Part II. Containing the orders Ichthyopterygia and Sauropterygia



Stenopterygius acutirostris

Owen, 1840
Ref.: R. Owen. 1840. Report on British fossil reptiles. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 8:43-126


Temnodontosaurus acutirostris

Owen, 1840
Ref.: R. Owen. 1840. Report on British fossil reptiles. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 8:43-126

Lebenszeitraum in Million Jahren (Ma)

Start age: 182 Ma - End age: 175.6 Ma
Lower/Early Jurassic

Additional data by PBDB, License: CC BY

Motility: actively mobile
Environment: marine
Compositon of the remains:


Reference- and Source indication, Literature

On the same taxonomic level (siblings) (Count: 19)

Taxonomic assignment (0)

References by PBDB, License: CC BY

  • M. W. Maisch, 2010 - Phylogeny, systematics, and origin of the Ichthyosauria - the state of the art - Palaeodiversity (3), 151-214 (journal article, English)
  • C. McGowan, 1974 - A revision of the longipinnate ichthyosaurs of the Lower Jurassic of England, with descriptions of two new species (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria) - Life Sciences Contribution of the Royal Ontario Museum (97), - (journal article, English)
  • R. Lydekker, 1889 - - Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia, Part II. Containing the orders Ichthyopterygia and Sauropterygia (), - (book/book chapter, English)
  • R. Lydekker, 1888 - Note on the classificaiton of the Ichthyopterygia (with a notice of two new species) - Geological Magazine (5), 309-314 (journal article, English)
  • R. Tate, 1876 - - The Yorkshire Lias (), 1-475 (book, English)
  • G. A. Mantell, 1851 - - Petrifactions and Their Teachings; or, a Hand-Book to the Gallery of Organic Remains of the British Museum (), xi-496 (book chapter, English)
  • R. Owen, 1840 - Report on British fossil reptiles - Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science (8), 43-126 (journal article, English)


GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) 9RLD43Twok-KN7WmRF8bJw
GUID (Global unique identifier) E3C312F5-F074-4FA2-8A37-B5A6445F1B27
Database ID 145368