This mentioned taxonomy is an attempt to make an conclusive assignment from the different classifications of various scientists. Because the taxonomy may change due to the latest investigative methods and other findings, our map is a guide only.
G. Tanaka, 2018 - Taxonomy, in Early Permian (Cisuralian) ostracods from Japan: characteristic ostracod assemblage from a seamount of the Panthalassic Ocean - Zootaxa (4515), 1-67 (journal article, English)
M. B. Forel, 2015 - Heterochronic growth of ostracods (Crustacea) from microbial deposits in the aftermath of the end-Permian extinction - Journal of Systematic Palaeontology (13), 315-349 (journal article, English)
M. B. Forel, 2014 - Taxonomic names, in Heterochronic growth of ostracods (Crustacea) from microbial deposits in the aftermath of the end-Permian extinction - Journal of Systematic Palaeontology (), - (journal article, English)
M. J. Salas, 2013 - Lower and Middle Devonian Malvinokaffric ostracods from the Precordillera Basin of San Juan, Argentina - Journal of South American Earth Sciences (45), 56-68 (journal article, English)
A. Chitnarin, 2012 - Systematics, in Ostracods (Crustacea) of the Early-Middle Permian from central Thailand (Indochina block). Part I. Order Palaeocopida - Geodiversitas (34), 806-830 (journal article, English)
S. Crasquin, 2010 - Ostracode fauna, in Upper Permian ostracode assemblage from the Jadar Block (Vardar Zone, NW Serbia) - Annales Géologiques de la Péninsule Balkanique (71), 23-35 (journal article, English)
S. Crasquin, 2010 - Systematic Palaeontology, in Ostracods (Crustacea) through the Permian-Triassic boundary in South China: the Meishan stratotype (Zhejiang Province) - Journal of Systematic Palaeontology (8), 331-370 (journal article, English)
A. Chitnarin, 2008 - Middle Permian ostracods from Tak Fa limestone, Phetchabun Province, central Thailand - Geobios (41), 341-353 (journal article, English)
S. Crasquin, 2008 - Ostracod paleontology, in Ostracods across the Permian-Triassic boundary in western Tethys: the Bulla parastratotype (southern Alps, Italy) - Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia (114), 233-262 (journal article, English)
C. F. Kammerer, 2006 - Notes on some preoccupied names in Arthropoda - Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica (31), 269-271 (journal article, English)
A. Honigstein, 2005 - Systematic description of ostracodes, in Late Permian ostracodes: new subsurface material from Israel - Micropaleontology (51), 405-422 (journal article, English)
S. Crasquin-Soleau, 2004 - A new ostracode fauna from the Permian - Triassic boundary in Turkey (Taurus, Antalya Nappes) - Micropaleontology (50), 281-295 (journal article, )
S. Crasquin-Soleau, 2003 - A new ostracod (Crustacea) species (Geffenina wangi) from the Middle Permian of Jebel Gharif (central Oman) - Journal of Micropalaeontology (22), 101-105 (journal article, English)
J. J. Sepkoski, Jr., 2002 - A compendium of fossil marine animal genera - Bulletins of American Paleontology (363), 1-560 (serial monograph, English)
D. Ferdinando, 2001 - - Ostracode and foraminiferal taxonomy and paleoecology of the Holmwood Shale, northern Perth Basin, Western Australia (), 1-326 (Ph.D. thesis, English)
S. Crasquin-Soleau, 1999 - Systematic paleontology, in First Permian Ostracode Fauna from the Arabian Plate (Khuff Formation, Sultanate of Oman) - Micropaleontology (45), 163-182 (journal article, English)
S. Crasquin-Soleau, 1999 - First Permian Ostracode Fauna from the Arabian Plate (Khuff Formation, Sultanate of Oman) - Micropaleontology (45), 163-182 (journal article, )
S. Crasquin-Soleau, 1998 - Systematic descriptions, in New Permian ostracods from Greece (Hydra Island) - Journal of Micropalaeontology (17), 131-152 (journal article, English)
S. Crasquin-Soleau, 1997 - First upper Paleozoic ostracodes from British Columbia (Canada): Harper Ranch Group - Palaeontographica Abteilung A (244), 37-84 (journal article, English)
F. Lethiers, 1995 - Premières données sur les ostracodes (Crustacés) permiens du Guatemala (Amérique Centrale) - Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences Paris, Série IIa, Sciences de la Terre et des Planètes (320), 1109-1116 (journal article, French)
S. Crasquin-Soleau, 1994 - Systematics, in Upper Paleozoic ostracodes of the Harper Ranch beds (south-central British Columbia, Canada) - Micropaleontology (40), 242-254 (journal article, English)
W. J. Yi, 1993 - Ostracode fauna from Lower Permian Chihsia Formation of Guangping in Datian, Fujian - Acta Palaeontologica Sinica (32), 561-586 (journal article, Chinese)
C. G. Shi, 1987 - The Changhsingian ostracodes from Meishan, Changxing, Zhejiang - Stratigraphy and Palaeontology of Systemic Boundaries in China: Permian and Triassic Boundary (1), 23-80 (book/book chapter, Chinese)
D. Q. Chen, 1986 - Lower Permian ostracodes from the Chihsia Formation of Jurong and Longtan, Jiangsu Province - Acta Micropalaeontologica Sinica (3), 107-132 (journal article, Chinese)
H. Kozur, 1985 - Neue Ostracoden-Arten aus dem oberen Mittelkarbon (höheres Moskovian), mittel- und Oberperm des Bükk-Gebirges (N-Ungarn) - Geologisch-Paläontologische Mitteilungen Innsbruck (S2), 1-145 (journal article, German)
R. V. Kesling, 1978 - Ostracods of the Middle Devonian Silica Formation - Papers on Paleontology (1), 1-165 (serial monograph, English)
I.G. Sohn, 1969 - Revision of some of Girty's invertebrate fossils from the Fayetteville Shale (Mississippian) of Arkansas and Oklahoma - Ostracodes - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (606), 41-55 (serial monograph, English)
I. G. Sohn, 1954 - Ostracoda from the Permian of the Glass Mountains, Texas - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (264-A), 1-24 (serial monograph, English)
I. G. Sohn, 1950 - Growth series of ostracodes from the Permian of Texas - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (221-C), 33-39 (journal article, English)
G. H. Girty, 1910 - New genera and species of Carboniferous fossils from the Fayetteville shale of Arkansas - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (20), 189-238 (journal article, English)