
† Leptocleididae


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Nichollssaura borealis
Views (File:
): 374
Nichollssaura borealis
Skelett von Nichollssaura borealis im Royal Tyrrell Museum, FO: Fort McMurray, Alberta, Kanada.
Copyright: Sebastian Bergmann; Contribution: oliverOliver
Collection: Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology
Location: Kanada/Alberta/Wood Buffalo, Bezirk/Fort McMurray/Athabasca-Ölsandlagerstätte
Fossil: Nichollssaura borealis
Image: 1423147601
License: Creative Commons - Attribution Share Alike (CC-BY-SA) V.3.0
Nichollssaura borealis

Skelett von Nichollssaura borealis im Royal Tyrrell Museum, FO: Fort McMurray, Alberta, Kanada.

Collection: Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology
Copyright: Sebastian Bergmann
Contribution: oliverOliver 2015-02-05
Locality: Athabasca-Ölsandlagerstätte / Fort McMurray / Wood Buffalo, Bezirk / Alberta / Kanada


Belong­ing to

Gaeabionta  ⇒ Domäne: Eukaryota  ⇒ Reich: Animalia  ⇒ Mittelreich: Eumetazoa  ⇒ Klade: Triploblastica  ⇒ Klade: Nephrozoa  ⇒ Abzweig: Deuterostomia  ⇒ Stamm: Chordata  ⇒ Unterstamm: Vertebrata  ⇒ Infrastamm: Gnathostomata  ⇒ Superklasse: Tetrapoda  ⇒ Serie: Amniota  ⇒ Klade: Sauropsida  ⇒ Unterklasse: Eureptilia  ⇒ ohne Rang: Romeriida  ⇒ Klade: Diapsida  ⇒ Ordnung: Sauropterygia  ⇒ Klade: Pistosauria  ⇒ Klade: Plesiosauria  ⇒ ohne Rang: Neoplesiosauria  ⇒ Überfamilie: Plesiosauroidea  ⇒ Klade: Cryptoclidia  ⇒ Klade: Xenopsaria  ⇒ Klade: Leptocleidia

Taxo­nomic seg­ment


This mentioned taxonomy is an attempt to make an conclusive assignment from the different classifications of various scientists. Because the taxonomy may change due to the latest investigative methods and other findings, our map is a guide only.

Name from

Corre­spond­ing author (Name, Year)

White, 1940

Other languages






White, 1940
Ref.: T. E. White. 1940. Holotype of Plesiosaurus longirostris Blake and classification of the plesiosaurs. Journal of Paleontology 14(5):451-467

Lebenszeitraum in Million Jahren (Ma)

Start age: 0 Ma - End age: 0 Ma

Additional data by PBDB, License: CC BY

Motility: actively mobile
Habit: depth=surface, aquatic
Environment: marine
Compositon of the remains:


Reference- and Source indication, Literature


Next lower taxonomy level

On the same taxonomic level (siblings) (Count: 3)

Taxonomic assignment (10)

References by PBDB, License: CC BY

  • R. B. J. Benson, 2014 - Faunal turnover of marine tetrapods during the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition - Biological Reviews (89), 1-23 (journal article, English)
  • R. B. J. Benson, 2013 - A new leptocleidid (Sauropterygia, Plesiosauria) from the Vectis Formation (Early Barremian–early Aptian; Early Cretaceous) of the Isle of Wight and the evolution of Leptocleididae, a controversial clade - Journal of Systematic Palaeontology (11), 233-250 (journal article, English)
  • P. S. Druckenmiller, 2009 - The new plesiosaurian genus Nichollssaura from Alberta, Canada: replacement name for the preoccupied genus Nichollsia - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (29), 276-276 (journal article, English)
  • P. S. Druckenmiller, 2008 - Skeletal anatomy of an exceptionally complete specimen of a new genus of plesiosaur from the Early Cretaceous (Early Albian) of northeastern Alberta, Canada - Palaeontographica. Abteilung A: Palaeozoologie-Stratigraphie (283), 1-33 (journal article, English)
  • B. P. Kear, 2006 - An archaic crested plesiosaur in opal from the Lower Cretaceous high-latitude deposits of Australia - Biology Letters (2), 615-619 (journal article, English)
  • J. J. Sepkoski, Jr., 2002 - A compendium of fossil marine animal genera - Bulletins of American Paleontology (363), 1-560 (serial monograph, English)
  • F. R. O'Keefe, 2001 - A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision of the Plesiosauria (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) - Acta Zoologica Fennica (213), 1-63 (journal article, English)
  • A. R. I. Cruickshank, 1997 - A new species of pliosaurid reptile from the Early Cretaceous Birdrong Sandstone of Western Australia - Records of the Western Australian Museum (18), 263-276 (journal article, English)
  • A. R. I. Cruickshank, 1997 - A Lower Cretaceous pliosauroid from South Africa - Annals of the South African Museum (105), 207-226 (journal article, English)
  • P. O. Persson, 1963 - A revision of the classification of the Plesiosauria, with a synopsis of the stratigraphical and geographical distribution of the group - Lunds Universitets Arsskrift N. F. Serie 2 (59), 1-57 (journal article, English)
  • T. E. White, 1940 - Holotype of Plesiosaurus longirostris Blake and classification of the plesiosaurs - Journal of Paleontology (14), 451-467 (journal article, English)
  • C. W. Andrews, 1922 - Description of a new plesiosaur from the Weald Clay of Berwick (Sussex) - Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society (78), 285-298 (journal article, English)
  • T. Wegner, 1914 - Brancasaurus brancai n. g. n. sp., ein elasmosauride aus dem Wealden Westfalens - Branca-Festschrift (), 235-305 (book/book chapter, English)
  • C. W. Andrews, 1911 - Description of a new plesiosaur (Plesiosaurus capensis, sp. nov.) from the Uitenhage Beds of Cape Colony - Annals of the South African Museum (7), 309-322 (journal article, English)
  • R. Lydekker, 1889 - - Catalogue of the Fossil Reptilia and Amphibia, Part II. Containing the orders Ichthyopterygia and Sauropterygia (), - (book/book chapter, English)


GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) sKyT8w8R60ytUOocvjSsTg
GUID (Global unique identifier) F393ACB0-110F-4CEB-AD50-EA1CBE34AC4E
Database ID 5920