
Natica (Natica (Nacca))


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): 719
Gastropode Natica koeneni (SACCO 1891), Höhe bis 30 mm, häufig, Miozän-Langenfeldium, Groß Pampau
Copyright: dentalius; Contribution: Mineralienatlas
Collection: dentalius
Location: Deutschland/Schleswig-Holstein/Herzogtum Lauenburg, Landkreis/Groß Pampau/Kiesgrube Ohle u. Lau
Fossil: Natica koeneni
Image: 1177365868
Rating: 6 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Gastropode Natica koeneni (SACCO 1891), Höhe bis 30 mm, häufig, Miozän-Langenfeldium, Groß Pampau

Collection: dentalius
Copyright: dentalius
Contribution: Mineralienatlas 2007-04-23
Locality: Kiesgrube Ohle u. Lau / Groß Pampau / Herzogtum Lauenburg, Landkreis / Schleswig-Holstein / Deutschland


Belong­ing to

Gaeabionta  ⇒ Domäne: Eukaryota  ⇒ Reich: Animalia  ⇒ Mittelreich: Eumetazoa  ⇒ Klade: Triploblastica  ⇒ Klade: Eutriploblastica  ⇒ Klade: Neotriploblastica  ⇒ Klade: Eucoelomata  ⇒ Superstamm: Eutrochozoa  ⇒ Stamm: Mollusca  ⇒ Klasse: Gastropoda  ⇒ Unterklasse: Orthogastropoda  ⇒ Superordnung: Caenogastropoda  ⇒ Ordnung: Sorbeoconcha  ⇒ Unterordnung: Hypsogastropoda  ⇒ Teilordnung: Littorinimorpha  ⇒ Superfamilie: Naticoidea  ⇒ Familie: Naticidae  ⇒ Unterfamilie: Naticinae

Taxo­nomic seg­ment


This mentioned taxonomy is an attempt to make an conclusive assignment from the different classifications of various scientists. Because the taxonomy may change due to the latest investigative methods and other findings, our map is a guide only.

Name from

Corre­spond­ing author (Name, Year)

Scopoli, 1777

Other languages



Alternative Name


Synonym: Röding, 1798


Synonym: Rehder, 1943


Synonym: Berry, 1964



Fabricius, 1823
Ref.: A. R. Kabat. 1991. The classification of the Naticidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda): Review and analysis of the supraspecific taxa. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 152(7):417-449


Synonym: Risso, 1826

Natica (Nacca)

Synonym: Risso, 1826

Natica (Natica)

Scopoli, 1777 (mit zwischengeschalteter Untergattung)

Lebenszeitraum in Million Jahren (Ma)

Start age: 251.902 Ma - End age: 0 Ma
Upper Pleistocene
Upper/Late Cretaceous
Lower/Early Cretaceous
Upper/Late Jurassic
Middle Jurassic
Lower/Early Jurassic
Upper/Late Triassic
Middle Triassic
Lower/Early Triassic
Start age: 382.7 Ma - End age: 251.902 Ma
Upper Devonian

Additional data by PBDB, License: CC BY

Motility: actively mobile

Reference- and Source indication, Literature


Next lower taxonomy level

Untergattung: Natica (Ampullaria) Lamarck, 1799

Untergattung: Natica (Carinacca) Marwick, 1924

Untergattung: Natica (Glyphepithema) Rehder, 1943

Untergattung: Natica (Lunaia) Berry, 1964

Art: Natica (Naticarious) colliei Récluz, 1844

Art: Natica (Naticarious) onca Röding, 1798

Art: Natica adansoni Blainville, 1825

Art: Natica alapapilionis Chemntiz, 1781

Art: Natica alazana Cooke, 1928

Art: Natica allisoni Murphy & Rodda, 1960

Art: Natica antisiensis d'Orbigny, 1842

Art: Natica argus Kittl, 1892

Art: Natica bandongensis Martin, 1879

Art: Natica becksii Klipstein, 1843

Art: Natica berwerthi Kittl, 1892

Art: Natica bivaricosa Ponzi, 1876

Art: Natica bolus Brown & Pilsbry, 1913

Art: Natica buccinoides d'Orbigny, 1842

Art: Natica bulbulus White, 1887

Art: Natica burton Wrigley, 1949

Art: Natica callosa

Art: Natica callosior Martin, 1879

Art: Natica canalizonalis Brown & Pilsbry, 1913

Art: Natica castrenoides

Art: Natica catulli Klipstein, 1843

Art: Natica clarki Etherington, 1931

Art: Natica clementensis Hanna, 1927

Art: Natica cliftonensis Clark, 1895

Art: Natica coarctata Quenstedt, 1850

Art: Natica cognata Giebel, 1856

Art: Natica comelicana Stache, 1877

Art: Natica conradiana Gabb, 1864

Art: Natica corallina Damon, 1860

Art: Natica coxi Mukerjee, 1939

Art: Natica cretacea Goldfuss, 1841

Art: Natica cuspidata Guppy, 1910

Art: Natica domenginica Vokes, 1939

Art: Natica dorothiensis Stephenson, 1953

Art: Natica dubia

Art: Natica dydmia Bolten, 1798

Art: Natica eminulopsis Maury, 1912

Art: Natica engenholyria Maury, 1936

Art: Natica eudora D'Orbigny, 1850

Art: Natica eurydice White, 1887

Art: Natica exilis Bohm, 1926

Art: Natica farafrensis Wanner, 1902

Art: Natica fasciata Röding, 1798

Art: Natica feioi Choffat, 1888

Art: Natica galliardoti Goldfuss, 1833

Art: Natica geniculata Conrad, 1855

Art: Natica globosa

Art: Natica gualteriana Récluz, 1843

Art: Natica helvacea Lamarck, 1822

Art: Natica hemispherica Romer, 1836

Art: Natica hugardiana d'Orbigny, 1842

Art: Natica impressa

Art: Natica judsoni Maury, 1910

Art: Natica klipsteini Hoernes, 1855

Art: Natica koatensis Krumbeck, 1924

Art: Natica koeneni Sacco, 1891

Art: Natica labellata Lamarck, 1804

Art: Natica limbata d'Orbigny, 1837

Art: Natica lincolnensis Weaver, 1916

Art: Natica littonana Hall, 1856

Art: Natica macrochiensis Gmelin, 1791

Art: Natica marochiensis Gmelin, 1791

Art: Natica matheroni

Art: Natica minima

Art: Natica mississippiensis Conrad, 1848

Art: Natica morraboolensis Tate, 1893

Art: Natica nana Meek & Worthen, 1860

Art: Natica neptuni d'Orbigny, 1850

Art: Natica obliquistriata Forbes, 1846

Art: Natica obscura Sowerby, 1840

Art: Natica ocoyana Conrad, 1855

Art: Natica oeyenhausii Klipstein, 1843

Art: Natica oligocenica Winkle, 1918

Art: Natica ovata Klipstein, 1843

Art: Natica pagoda Forbes, 1846

Art: Natica parahybensis Maury, 1930

Art: Natica paytensis Olsson, 1930

Art: Natica permunda Conrad, 1854

Art: Natica peruviana

Art: Natica pinyonensis Dickerson, 1914

Art: Natica posuncula Hanna & Hertlein, 1938

Art: Natica pseudospirata d'Orbigny, 1849

Art: Natica pseustes Watson, 1887

Art: Natica pusiuncula Stache, 1877

Art: Natica rodatzi Schepman, 1900

Art: Natica rosensis Hanna, 1927

Art: Natica rostalina Jenkins, 1864

Art: Natica rugosissima Forbes, 1846

Art: Natica schwarzenbergi Klipstein, 1843

Art: Natica solida Blainville, 1825

Art: Natica sphaeroidalis Stoppani, 1857

Art: Natica stellata Hedley, 1913

Art: Natica stoddardi Hislop, 1859

Art: Natica striolata Sowerby, 1846

Art: Natica subspirata Münster, 1841

Art: Natica subvarians Tate, 1893

Art: Natica sulcatula Bose, 1906

Art: Natica suturalis Forbes, 1846

Art: Natica taeniata Menke, 1830

Art: Natica transiens Kittl, 1892

Art: Natica tremarici Tate, 1900

Art: Natica tremarieri

Art: Natica turbilina Münster, 1841

Art: Natica turris Giebel, 1856

Art: Natica uvasana Gabb, 1864

Art: Natica varians Tate, 1893

Art: Natica vicinalis Thurmann & Etallon, 1861

Art: Natica vicksburgensis Conrad, 1848

Art: Natica vitellus Linnaeus, 1758

Art: Natica vokesi Addicott, 1966

Art: Natica youngi Maury, 1917

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Actuality: 10. Feb 2025 - 11:56:31

On the same taxonomic level (siblings) (Count: 11)

Taxonomic assignment (135)

Eukaryota (Domäne)

Animalia (Reich)

Eumetazoa (Mittelreich)




Eucoelomata (Klade)

Eutrochozoa (Superstamm)

Mollusca (Stamm)

Gastropoda (Klasse)

Orthogastropoda (Unterklasse)

Caenogastropoda (Superordnung)

Sorbeoconcha (Ordnung)

Hypsogastropoda (Unterordnung)

Littorinimorpha (Teilordnung)

Naticoidea (Superfamilie)

Naticidae (Familie)

Naticinae (Unterfamilie)

Natica (Gattung)

















































































































Natica (Ampullaria) (Untergattung)
















Natica (Carinacca) (Untergattung)

Natica (Glyphepithema) (Untergattung)


Natica (Lunaia) (Untergattung)




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Actuality: 10. Feb 2025 - 11:56:30

Occurrences (50)


























































Refresh list | Fold level: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - Unfold allActuality: 10. Feb 2025 - 11:56:30

Locations with GPS information

References by PBDB, License: CC BY

  • E. Robba, 2016 - Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene Naticid Gastropods of Northern Italy - Research in Paleontology and Stratigraphy (122), 109-234 (journal article, English)
  • C. L. Garvie, 2013 - The Molluscan Macrofauna of the Seguin Formation (Upper Paleocene) in Central Texas - Bulletins of American Paleontology (384), 1-96 (journal article, English)
  • M. Harzhauser, 2009 - Oligocene and Early Miocene gastropods from Kutch (NW India) document an early biogeographic switch from Western Tethys to Indo-Pacific - Palaeontologische Zeitschrift (83), 333-372 (journal article, English)
  • A. J. W. Hendy, 2008 - Unpublished census data from Atlantic coastal plain and circum-Caribbean Neogene assemblages and taxonomic opinions - (), - (unpublished, English)
  • A. J. W. Hendy, 2007 - Circum-Pacific Late Cenozoic Paleobiogeography: Consideration of latitudinal gradients, provincialism and beta diversity (Unpublished taxonomic opinions) - (), - (unpublished, English)
  • G. Rosenberg, 2006 - A Biotic Database of Indo-Pacific Marine Mollusks - (), - (unpublished, English)
  • G. Pastorino, 2005 - Recent Naticidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) from the Patagonian Coast - The Veliger (47), 225-228 (journal article, English)
  • W. Kiessling, 2003 - Personal data - (), - (unpublished, English)
  • O. Mandic, 2003 - Computer-based mollusc stratigraphy - a case study from the Eggenburgian (Lower Miocene) type region (NE Austria) - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (197), 263-291 (journal article, English)
  • M. A. Kosnik, 2002 - personal opinion. - (), - (unpublished, )
  • J. J. Sepkoski, Jr., 2002 - A compendium of fossil marine animal genera - Bulletins of American Paleontology (363), 1-560 (serial monograph, English)
  • D. Frassinetti, 2001 - Molluscos bivalvos y gastrópodos del Mioceno marino de Isla Stokes, sur de Chile - Boletín del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Chile (50), 73-90 (journal article, Spanish)
  • J. A. Todd, 2001 - Systematic list of gastropods in the Panama Paleontology Project collections - (), - (unpublished, English)
  • T. Okutaini, 2000 - - Marine mollusks of Japan (), 1-1173 (journal article, English)
  • S. Bera, 1996 - Tertiary molluscs from the western margin of Bengal Basin, India, with special reference to biostratigraphy and paleoenvironment - Journal of the Paleontological Society of India (41), 145-159 (journal article, English)
  • P. Jensen, 1996 - - Common Seashells of Coastal Northern Queensland (), - (book/book chapter, )
  • A. R. Kabat, 1991 - The classification of the Naticidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda): Review and analysis of the supraspecific taxa - Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (152), 417-449 (journal article, English)
  • R. Majima, 1989 - Cenozoic fossil Naticidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in Japan - Bulletins of American Paleontology (96), 1-159 (serial monograph, English)
  • E. Robba, 1989 - Early Pleistocene gastropods from Timor - Memorie di Scienze Geologiche (31), 61-113 (journal article, English)
  • W. P. Popenoe, 1987 - Gyrodiform gastropods from the Pacific coast Cretaceous and Paleocene - Journal of Paleontology (61), 70-100 (journal article, )
  • B. Kensley, 1986 - Late Tertiary and Early Quaternary Fossil Mollusca for the Hondeklip Area, Cape Province, South Africa - Annals of the South African Museum (97), 141-225 (journal article, English)
  • J. A. Harper, 1981 - The use, and misuse, of Ianthinopsis Meek and Worthen, 1866 (Mollusca; Gastropoda) - Journal of Paleontology (55), 180-185 (journal article, )
  • C. R. Givens, 1979 - Eocene molluscan stages and their correlation, San Diego area, California - Pacific Section SEPM (1979), 81-95 (journal article, English)
  • G. Alencaster, 1977 - Moluscos y braquiopodos del Jurasico superior de Chiapas [Upper Jurassic molluscs and brachiopods from Chiapas] - Revista mexicana de ciencias geologicas (1), 151-166 (journal article, Spanish)
  • L. Marincovich, 1977 - Cenozoic Naticidae (Mollusca; Gastropoda) of the northeastern Pacific - Bulletins of American Paleontology (), - (journal article, )
  • W.O. Addicott, 1976 - Molluscan paleontology of the lower Miocene Clallam Formation, northwestern Washington - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (976), 1-44 (journal article, )
  • A. M. Keen, 1971 - - Sea Shells of Tropical West America (), 1-1064 (book/book chapter, English)
  • W.O. Addicott, 1970 - Miocene Gastropods and Biostratigraphy of the Kern River Area, California - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (642), 1-172 (journal article, English)
  • M. A. Murphy, 1960 - Mollusca of the Cretaceous Bald Hills Formation of California - Journal of Paleontology (34), 835-858 (journal article, )
  • L. W. Stephenson, 1952 - Larger invertebrate fossils of the Woodbine formation (Cenomanian) of Texas - USGS Professional Paper (), 1-225 (, )
  • J. W. Durham, 1944 - Megafaunal zones of the Oligocene of northwestern Washington - University of California Publications in Geological Sciences (27), 101 -212 (journal article, English)
  • H. G. Richards, 1943 - Additions to the Fauna of the Trent Marl of North Carolina - Journal of Paleontology (17), 518-526 (journal article, English)
  • R. Abrard, 1942 - Mollusques Pleistocenes de la Cote Francaise des Somalis [Pleistocene molluscs from French Somaliland] - Archives du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, serie 6 (18), 5-105 (journal article, French)
  • R. W. Imlay, 1940 - Neocomian Faunas of Northern Mexico - Geological Society America Bulletin (51), 117-190 (journal article, English)
  • H. E. Vokes, 1939 - Molluscan faunas of the Domengine and Arroyo Hondo Formations of the California Eocene - Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (38), 1-246 (serial monograph, English)
  • P. N. Mukerjee, 1939 - Fossil fauna from the Tertiary of Garo Hills, Assam - Palaeontologia Indica (28), 1-101 (serial monograph, English)
  • H. O. Fletcher, 1938 - Marine Tertiary fossils and a description of a recent Mytilus from Kerguelen Island - B.A.N.Z.A.R.E. Reports, Series A (2), 101-116 (journal article, English)
  • C. J. Maury, 1936 - - Monographias do Servico Geologico E Mineralogico (11), 1-283 (serial monograph, English)
  • C. H. Oostingh, 1935 - Die Mollusken des Pliozäns von Boemiajoe (Java) - Dienst van den Mijnbouw in Nederlandsch-Indië Wetenschappelijke Mededeelingen (26), 1-247 (serial monograph, English)
  • A. A. Olsson, 1930 - Contributions to the Tertiary Paleontology of Northern Peru: Part 3, Eocene Mollusca - Bulletins of American Paleontology (17), 1-164 (serial monograph, English)
  • C. J. Maury, 1930 - O Cretaceo da Parahyba do Norte - Serviço Geologico E Mineralogico do Brasil Monographia (8), 1-305 (serial monograph, English)
  • F. M. Anderson, 1929 - Marine Miocene and related deposits of North Colombia - Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences (18), 73-213 (serial monograph, English)
  • W. P. Woodring, 1928 - Miocene Molluscs from Bowden, Jamaica. Part 2: Gastropods and discussion of results - Contributions to the Geology and Palaeontology of the West Indies (), - (book/book chapter, English)
  • A. A. Olsson, 1928 - Contributions to the Tertiary paleontology of northern Peru: Part 1 - Bulletins of American Paleontology (14), - (serial monograph, English)
  • F. M. Anderson, 1928 - Notes on Lower Tertiary deposits of Colombia and their molluscan and foraminiferal fauna - Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (17), 1-29 (journal article, English)
  • E. Vredenburg, 1928 - Description of Mollusca from the post-Eocene Tertiary formation of north-western India: Gastropoda (in part) and Lamellibranchiata - Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India (50), 351-506 (serial monograph, English)
  • C. W. Cooke, 1928 - New Vicksburg (Oligocene) Mollusks From Mexico - Proceedings from the United States National Museum (73), 1-11 (journal article, English)
  • M. M. Ogilvie Gordon, 1927 - Das Grödener-, Fassa- und Enneberggebiet in den Südtiroler Dolomiten: Geologische Beschreibung mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Überschiebungserscheinungen. Teil III. Paläontologie - Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt (24), 1-88 (journal article, German)
  • M. A. Hanna, 1927 - An Eocene invertebrate fauna from the La Jolla Quadrangle, California - University of California Publications Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences (16), 247-398 (journal article, English)
  • R. B. Stewart, 1927 - Gabb's California fossil type gastropods - Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia (78), 287-447 (journal article, English)
  • J. Bohm, 1926 - Über Tertiäre versteinerungen von den Bogenfelser diamantfeldern - Beiträge zur geologischen Erforschung der deutschen Schutzgebiete (2), 55-87 (journal article, German)
  • W. C. Mansfield, 1925 - Miocene gastropods and scaphopods from Trinidad, British West Indies - Proceedings of the United States National Museum (66), 9116-9125 (journal article, English)
  • C. J. Maury, 1924 - Fosseis Terciarios Do Brazil - Servico Geologico E Mineralogico Do Brazil Monographia (49), - (serial monograph, English)
  • L. Krumbeck, 1924 - Die Brachiopoden, Lamellibranchiaten und Gastropoden der Trias von Timor II - Palaeontologie von Timor (13), 1-275 (serial monograph, German)
  • A. A. Olsson, 1922 - The Miocene of Northern Costa Rica - Bulletins of American Paleontology (9), 1-309 (serial monograph, English)
  • K. E. Winkle, 1918 - Paleontology of the Oligocene of the Chehalis Valley, Washington - University of Washington Publications in Geology (1), 69-97 (journal article, English)
  • R. E. Dickerson, 1914 - New molluscan species from the Martinez Eocene of southern California - University of California Publications in Geological Sciences (8), 299-304 (journal article, English)
  • A. P. Brown, 1913 - Fauna of the Gatun Formation, Isthmus of Panama: II - Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (64), 500-519 (journal article, English)
  • C. J. Maury, 1912 - A contribution to the paleontology of Trinidad - Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (15), 1-112 (serial monograph, English)
  • J. Perner, 1907 - - Gastéropodes, Tome 2: Pleurotomaridae et Murchisonidae (), 1-380 (book/book chapter, )
  • E. Bose, 1906 - Sobre algunas faunas terciarias - Boletin del Instituto Geologico de Mexico (22), - (serial monograph, English)
  • P. Oppenheim, 1902 - Ueber die Fossilien der Blättermergel von Theben - Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse (32), 435-456 (journal article, German)
  • R. Tate, 1900 - On the occurrence of marine fossiliferous rocks at Kerguelen Island - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia (24), 104-108 (journal article, English)
  • E. Kittl, 1899 - Die Gastropoden der Esinokalke, nebst einer Revision der Gastropoden der Marmolatakalke - Annalen des Kaiserlich-Königlichen Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums (14), 1-237 (journal article, German)
  • E. Philippi, 1898 - Die fauna des unteren Trigonodus-Dolomits vom Hühberfeld bei Schwieberdingen und des sogenannten “Cannstatter Kreidemergels” - Jahreshefte des Vereins für Vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg (54), 145-227 (journal article, German)
  • A. von Koenen, 1897 - Ueber Fossilien der unteren Kreide am Ufer des Mungo in Kamerun - Abhandlungen der Königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse. Neue Folge (1), 3-48 (journal article, German)
  • K. Futterer, 1897 - Beiträge zur Kenntniss des Jura in Ost-Afrika, IV. Der Jura von Schoa (Süd-Abessinien) [Jurassic of East Africa, IV. Jurassic of Schoa (southern Abyssinia)] - Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft (49), 568-627 (journal article, German)
  • W. B. Clark, 1895 - Contributions to the Eocene fauna of the Middle Atlantic slope - Johns Hopkins University Circulars (15), 3-6 (journal article, English)
  • E. Kittl, 1894 - Die Gastropoden der Schichten von St. Cassian der südalpinen Trias. III. Theil - Annalen des Kaiserlich-Königlischen Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums (9), 143-277 (journal article, German)
  • R. Tate, 1893 - The gastropods of the Older Tertiary of Australia (Part 4) - Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of South Australia (17), 316-345 (journal article, English)
  • E. Kittl, 1892 - Die Gastropoden der Schichten von St. Cassian der südalpinen Trias. II. Theil - Annalen des Kaiserlich-Königlichen Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums (7), 35-97 (journal article, German)
  • G. F. Whidborne, 1891 - A monograph of the Devonian fauna of the south of England. Volume I - Part III. The fauna of the limestones of Lummaton, Wolborough, Chircombe Bridge, and Chudleigh - Palaeontographical Society Monograph (44), 155-250 (serial monograph, )
  • P. Choffat, 1888 - Description des fossiles crétaciques, mollusques, in Matériaux pour l'étude stratigraphique et paléontologique de la province d'Angola - Mémoires de la Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève (30), 61-95 (serial monograph, French)
  • K. Martin, 1879 - Die Tertiärschichten auf Java. Nach den Entdeckungen von Fr. Junghuhn - Geologische-Reichsmuseum (), 1-164 (serial monograph, German)
  • M. J. Henry, 1876 - L'Infralias dans la Franche-Comté [The Lower Lias of Franche-Comté] - Mémoires de la Société d'Émulation du Doubs, 4e série (10), 287-486 (serial monograph, French)
  • G. Ponzi, 1876 - I fossile del Monte Vaticano - Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei, Serie Seconda (3), 925-959 (journal article, Italian)
  • W. M. Gabb, 1864 - Description of the Cretaceous fossils - Geological Survey of California Palaeontology (1), 57-217 (journal article, English)
  • R. Damon, 1860 - - Handbook to the Geology of Weymouth and the Island of Portland. With Notes on the Natural History of the Coast and Neighbourhood. Edward Stanford, London (), 1-199 (book/book chapter, English)
  • S. Hislop, 1859 - On the Tertiary deposits, associated with trap-rock, in the East Indes - Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London (16), 154-182 (journal article, English)
  • J. Hall, 1856 - Description of new species of fossils from the Carboniferous limestones of Indiana and Illinois - Transactions of the Albany Institute (4), 1-36 (journal article, English)
  • C. G. Giebel, 1856 - Die Versteinerungen in Muschelkalk von Lieskau bei Halle - Abhandlungen Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines (1), 53-126 (journal article, German)
  • T. A. Conrad, 1855 - Report Of Mr. T. A. Conrad On The Fossil Shells Collected In California By Wm. P. Blake, Geologist Of The Expedition Under The Command Of Lieutenant R. S. Williamson, United States Topographical Engineers - Description of the fossils and shells collected in California by William P. Blake, Geologist of the United States Pacific Railroad Survey in California. under the command of Lieut. R. S. Williamson, In 1853-54. Article 1 of Appendix to the Preliminary Geo (), 5-21 (book chapter, English)
  • T. A. Conrad, 1854 - Fossil Testacea of the Tertiary green-sand and marl-bed of Jackson, Miss. Determined and named by T. A. Conrad - Report on the agriculture and geology of Mississippi (), 289- (book chapter, English)
  • T. A. Conrad, 1848 - Observations on the Eocene formations, and descriptions of one hundred and five new fossils from that period, from the vicinity of Vicksburg, Mississippi; with an appendix - Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (3), 280-299 (journal article, English)
  • E. Forbes, 1846 - Report on the fossil invertebrata from southern India, collected by Mr. Kaye and Mr. Cunliffe - Transactions of the Geological Society of London, Series 2 (7), 97-174 (journal article, English)
  • G. A. Goldfuss, 1844 - Divisio quinta. Molluscorum gasteropodum reliquiae - Petrefacta Germaniae et ea, quae in Museuo Universitatis Regiae, Borussicae Frederischiae Wilhelmiae Rhenanae servantur et alia quacungue in Museis Hueninghausiano, Muensteriano aliisque exstant, iconibus et descriptionnibus illustrata (3), 1-120 (book/book chapter, German)
  • A. Klipstein, 1843 - Beschreibung neuer Versteinerungen von St. Cassian und einiger anderer Localitäten, Erster Abschnitt. Mollusken - Beiträge zur Geologischen Kenntniss der Östlichen Alpen (), 101-207 (book/book chapter, German)
  • A. D. d'Orbigny, 1842 - - Voyage dans l'Amérique Méridionale: (le Brésil, la République Orientale de l'Uruguay, la République Argentine, la Patagonie, la République du Chili, la République de Bolivia, la République du Pérou), Exécuté Pendant les Années 1826, 1827, 1828, 1829, 1830 (), 1-188 (book, French)
  • G. Münster, 1841 - Beiträge zur Geognosie und Petrefacten-Kunde des südöstlichen Tirols vorzüglich der Schichten von St. Cassian. II. Beschreibung und Abbildung der in den Kalkmergelschichten von St. Cassian gefunden Versteinerungen - Beiträge zur Petrefacten-Kunde (4), 25-152 (serial monograph, German)
  • H. L. Wissmann, 1841 - Taxonomic names, in Beiträge zur Geognosie und Petrefacten-Kunde des südöstlichen Tirols vorzüglich der Schichten von St. Cassian - Beiträge zur Petrefacten-Kunde (4), 1-152 (serial monograph, German)
  • G. Münster, 1840 - - Beitrage zur Petrefactenkunde von Dr. Wissmann und Graf Münster unter Mitwirkung des Dr. Braun miv XIV, nach der Nature gezeichneten Tafeln (), 91-123 (book/book chapter, German)
  • J. B. Lamarck, 1804 - Suite des mémoires sur les fossiles des environs de Paris - Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (5), 28-36 (journal article, French)
  • J. B. Lamarck, 1804 - Suite des mémoires sur les fossiles des environs de Paris - Annales du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (5), 91-98 (journal article, French)


GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) tiAAdAzXnE-WqSNkd7IgvA
GUID (Global unique identifier) 740020B6-D70C-4F9C-96A9-236477B220BC
Database ID 1485