This mentioned taxonomy is an attempt to make an conclusive assignment from the different classifications of various scientists. Because the taxonomy may change due to the latest investigative methods and other findings, our map is a guide only.
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J. J. Sepkoski, Jr., 2002 - A compendium of fossil marine animal genera - Bulletins of American Paleontology (363), 1-560 (serial monograph, English)
M. Rakús, 2002 - Les ammonites du jurassique inférieur et moyen de la dorsal tunisienne - Mémoires de Géologie (39), 1-149 (serial monograph, French)
B. Géczy, 1998 - Lower Pliensbachian ammmonites of Villány (Hungary) - Hantkeniana (2), 5-47 (journal article, English)
J. Blau, 1998 - Monographie der Ammoniten des Obersinemuriums (Lotharingium, Lias) der Lienzer Dolomiten (Österreich): Biostratigraphie, Systematik und Paläobiogeographie - Revue de Paléobiologie, Genève (17), 177-285 (journal article, German)
P. L. Smith, 1996 - Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) ammonites of the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia - Bulletins of American Paleontology (108), 1-122 (serial monograph, English)
F. Alkaya, 1995 - Liassic ammonites from the central and eastern Pontides (Ankara and Kelkit areas, Turkey) - Revue de Paléobiologie (14), 125-193 (journal article, English)
R. C. Thomson, 1992 - Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) biostratigraphy and ammonite fauna of the Spatsizi area, north-central British Columbia - Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin (437), 1-87 (serial monograph, English)
H. Douvillé, 1916 - Les terrains secondaires dans le massif du Moghara à l’Est de l’isthme de Suez - Mémoire de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris (54), 1-184 (serial monograph, French)
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