
† Ajacicyathida


Additional Functions


Belong­ing to

Gaeabionta  ⇒ Domäne: Eukaryota  ⇒ Reich: Animalia  ⇒ Mittelreich: Metazoa  ⇒ Stamm: Porifera  ⇒ Klasse: Archaeocyatha  ⇒ Klasse: Regulares

Taxo­nomic seg­ment


This mentioned taxonomy is an attempt to make an conclusive assignment from the different classifications of various scientists. Because the taxonomy may change due to the latest investigative methods and other findings, our map is a guide only.

Name from

Corre­spond­ing author (Name, Year)

Bedford & Bedford, 1939

Other languages



Lebenszeitraum in Million Jahren (Ma)

Start age: 520 Ma - End age: 513 Ma
Series 2
(Serie 2)
Stage 4
(Stufe 4)
Stage 3
(Stufe 3)

Additional data by PBDB, License: CC BY

Motility: attached, stationary
Habit: intermediate-level epifaunal
Environment: marine

suspension feeder

Compositon of the remains:

high Mg Calcite

Reference- and Source indication, Literature

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On the same taxonomic level (siblings) (Count: 8)

Taxonomic assignment (321)

References by PBDB, License: CC BY

  • W. Kiessling, 2003 - Personal data - (), - (unpublished, English)
  • J. J. Sepkoski, Jr., 2002 - A compendium of fossil marine animal genera - Bulletins of American Paleontology (363), 1-560 (serial monograph, English)
  • A. Perejon, 2000 - Archaeocyathan assemblages from the Gonnesa Group, Lower Cambrian (Sardinia, Italy) and their sedimentologic context - Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana (39), 257-291 (journal article, English)
  • I. T. Zhuravleva, 1997 - Biostratigraphy of the Kiya River section. - Early Cambrian Archaeocyaths and spicular sponges from the Kiya River section (Kuznetsk Alatau). Part 2 - Annales de Paléontologie (83), 115-200 (serial monograph, English)
  • I. T. Zhuravleva, 1997 - Biostratigraphy of the Kiya River section. - Early Cambrian Archaeocyaths and spicular sponges from the Kiya River section (Kuznetsk Alatau) - Annales de Paléontologie (83), 3-92 (serial monograph, English)
  • R. Wrona, 1996 - Early Cambrian archaeocyaths from glacial erratics of King George Island (South Shetland Islands), Antarctica - Palaeontologia Polonica (55), 9-36 (journal article, English)
  • G. V. Belyaeva, 1995 - New taxa of archaeocyathids from the Lower Cambrian of Central China - Paleontological Journal (29), 175-179 (journal article, )
  • D. V. Kotel'nikov, 1995 - New archaeocyathids from the Lower Cambrian Vadi-Bala organogenic complex (Central Tuva) - Paleontological Journal (29), 22-33 (journal article, )
  • A. Y. Zhuravlev, 1994 - Archaeocyaths from Yorke Peninsula, South Australia and archaeocyathan Early Cambrian zonation - Alcheringa (18), 1-54 (journal article, English)
  • A. Perejon, 1994 - Monticulos de arqueociatos y calcimicrobios del Cambrico inferior de Terrades, Gerona (Pirineo oriental, Espana) [Lower Cambrian archaeocyatha and calcimicrobe mounds in Terrades, Gerona (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain)] - Boletin de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Natural, Seccion geologica (89), 55-95 (journal article, Spanish)
  • V. I. Bondarev, 1988 - Arkheotsiaty i biostratigrafiya kotuyskogo gorizonta nizhnego kembriya Prianabarya [Archaeocyatha and biostratigraphy of the Lower Cambrian Kotuy Horizon of the Anabar region] - Trudy Instituta Geologii i Geofiziki, Sibirskoye Otdeleniye (720), 111-133 (serial monograph, Russian)
  • L. G. Voronova, 1987 - Fossils of the Lower Cambrian of the MacKenzie Mountains (Canada) - Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta (224), 1-88 (serial monograph, Russian)
  • F. Debrenne, 1986 - Shackleton Limestone archaeocyaths - Alcheringa (10), 235-278 (journal article, English)
  • D. I. Gravestock, 1984 - Archaeocyatha from lower parts of the Lower Cambrian carbonate sequence in South Australia - Memoir of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists (2), 1-139 (serial monograph, English)
  • P. D. Kruse, 1980 - Archaeocyatha of the Amadeus and Georgina Basins - BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics (5), 165-181 (journal article, English)
  • D. V. Osadchaya, 1979 - Stratigrafiya i arkheotsiaty nizhnego kembriya Altaye-Sayanskoy skladchatoy oblasti [Lower Cambrian stratigraphy and archaeocyatha of the Altay-Sayan fold belt] - Trudy Instituta Geologii i Geofiziki, Sibirskoye Otdeleniye (380), 1-215 (serial monograph, Russian)
  • B. S. Sokolov, 1974 - Biostratigrafiya i fauna nizhnego kembriya Kharaulakha (khr. Tuora-Sis) [Lower Cambrian biostratigraphy and fauna of Kharaulakh, Tuora-Sis Ridge] - Trudy Instituta Geologii i Geofiziki, Sibirskoye Otdeleniye (235), 5-299 (serial monograph, Russian)
  • O. G. Okuneva, 1973 - Biostratigrafiya i fauna kembriya Primorya [Cambrian biostratigraphy and fauna of Primorye] - Trudy Instituta Geologii i Geofiziki, Sibirskoye Otdelenye (37), 5-284 (serial monograph, Russian)
  • I. T. Zhuravleva, 1972 - Rannekembriyskiye fatsialnyye kompleksy arkheotsiat (r. Lena, sredneye techeniye) [Lower Cambrian archaeocyath complexes (middle Lena River)] - in I. T. Zhuravleva, ed., Problemy biostratigrafii i paleontologii nizhnego kembriya Sibiri [Lower Cambrian biostratigraphical and paleontological problems of Siberia] (), 31-109 (book/book chapter, Russian)
  • R. C. Handfield, 1971 - Archaeocyatha from the MacKenzie and Cassiar Mountains, Northwest Territories, Yukon Territory and British Columbia - Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin (201), 1-119 (serial monograph, )
  • V. J. Okulitch, 1950 - Nomenclatural notes on pleosponge genera Archaeocyathus, Spirocyathus, Flindersicyathus Pycnoidocyathus and Cambrocyathus - Journal of Paleontology (24), 393-395 (journal article, English)


GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) x5eNX0RF80OVsFmTYmsRhg
GUID (Global unique identifier) 5F8D97C7-4544-43F3-95B0-5993626B1186
Database ID 10170