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Homo neanderthalensis
Views (File:
): 9171
Homo neanderthalensis
Schädel eines Neandertalers von La Ferrassie, Frankreich
Copyright: Wikipedia-User: 120; Contribution: oliverOliver
Collection: Musée de l'Homme, Paris
Location: Frankreich/Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Region/Dordogne, Département/Sarlat-la-Canéda, Arrondissement/Savignac-de-Miremont/La Ferrassie
Fossil: Homo neanderthalensis
Image: 1395966206
Rating: 4 (votes: 1)
License: Creative Commons - Attribution Share Alike (CC-BY-SA) V.3.0
Homo neanderthalensis

Schädel eines Neandertalers von La Ferrassie, Frankreich

Collection: Musée de l'Homme, Paris
Copyright: Wikipedia-User: 120
Contribution: oliverOliver 2014-03-28
Locality: La Ferrassie / Savignac-de-Miremont / Sarlat-la-Canéda, Arrondissement / Dordogne, Département / Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Region / Frankreich
Homo sapiens
Views (File:
): 942
Homo sapiens
menschlicher Schädel
Copyright: Wikipedia-User: High Contrast; Contribution: oliverOliver
Collection: Paläontologisches Museum München
Fossil: Homo sapiens
Image: 1394629296
License: Creative Commons - Attribution (CC-BY) V.3.0
Homo sapiens

menschlicher Schädel

Collection: Paläontologisches Museum München
Copyright: Wikipedia-User: High Contrast
Contribution: oliverOliver 2014-03-12
Homo rudolfensis
Views (File:
): 710
Homo rudolfensis
Schädel KNM-ER-1470 aus Koobi Fora (Kopie)
Copyright: Wikipedia-User: LoKiLeCh; Contribution: oliverOliver
Location: Kenia/Marsabit County/North Horr, Division/Sibiloi National Park/Koobi Fora
Fossil: Homo rudolfensis
Image: 1394631381
License: Creative Commons - Attribution (CC-BY) V.3.0
Homo rudolfensis

Schädel KNM-ER-1470 aus Koobi Fora (Kopie)

Copyright: Wikipedia-User: LoKiLeCh
Contribution: oliverOliver 2014-03-12
Locality: Koobi Fora / Sibiloi National Park / North Horr, Division / Marsabit County / Kenia
Homo habilis
Views (File:
): 13799
Homo habilis
Copyright: Wikipedia-User: Cicero Moraes; Contribution: oliverOliver
Fossil: Homo habilis
Image: 1394632243
License: Creative Commons - Attribution Share Alike (CC-BY-SA) V.3.0
Homo habilis


Copyright: Wikipedia-User: Cicero Moraes
Contribution: oliverOliver 2014-03-12
Menschlicher Unterkiefer
Views (File:
): 582
Menschlicher Unterkiefer
Homo heidelbergensis. Kopie des Unterkiefers aus dem Stbr. Grafenrain, Mauer, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg.
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Collection: Museum Zhoukoudian
Location: Deutschland/Baden-Württemberg/Karlsruhe, Bezirk/Rhein-Neckar-Kreis/Mauer/Sandgrube am Grafenrain
Fossil: Homo heidelbergensis
Image: 1439031995
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Menschlicher Unterkiefer

Homo heidelbergensis. Kopie des Unterkiefers aus dem Stbr. Grafenrain, Mauer, Rhein-Neckar-Kreis, Baden-Württemberg.

Collection: Museum Zhoukoudian
Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2015-08-08
Locality: Sandgrube am Grafenrain / Mauer / Rhein-Neckar-Kreis / Karlsruhe, Bezirk / Baden-Württemberg / Deutschland


Belong­ing to

Gaeabionta  ⇒ Domäne: Eukaryota  ⇒ Reich: Animalia  ⇒ Mittelreich: Eumetazoa  ⇒ Klade: Triploblastica  ⇒ Klade: Nephrozoa  ⇒ Abzweig: Deuterostomia  ⇒ Stamm: Chordata  ⇒ Unterstamm: Vertebrata  ⇒ Infrastamm: Gnathostomata  ⇒ Superklasse: Tetrapoda  ⇒ Klasse: Mammalia  ⇒ Unterklasse: Theriiformes  ⇒ Infraklasse: Holotheria  ⇒ Superlegion: Trechnotheria  ⇒ Legion: Cladotheria  ⇒ Sublegion: Zatheria  ⇒ Infralegion: Tribosphenida  ⇒ Superkohorte: Theria  ⇒ Kohorte: Placentalia  ⇒ Magnordnung: Epitheria  ⇒ Superordnung: Preptotheria  ⇒ Großordnung: Archonta  ⇒ Ordnung: Primates  ⇒ Unterordnung: Haplorrhini  ⇒ Infraordnung: Simiiformes

Taxo­nomic seg­ment


This mentioned taxonomy is an attempt to make an conclusive assignment from the different classifications of various scientists. Because the taxonomy may change due to the latest investigative methods and other findings, our map is a guide only.

Name from

Corre­spond­ing author (Name, Year)

Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1812

Other languages





Lebenszeitraum in Million Jahren (Ma)

Start age: 28.4 Ma - End age: 0 Ma
Upper Pleistocene

Additional data by PBDB, License: CC BY

Motility: actively mobile
Habit: arboreal
Environment: terrestrial


Compositon of the remains:


Reference- and Source indication, Literature

Automatic Links to external internet sources (Responsibility is with the operator)

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Taxonomic assignment (597)

Occurrences (9)

Locations with GPS information

References by PBDB, License: CC BY

  • M. Bohme, 2019 - A new Miocene ape and locomotion in the ancestor of great apes and humans - Nature (), 1-18 (journal article, English)
  • J.M. Plavcan, 2019 - A diminutive Pliocene guenon from Kanapoi, West Turkana, Kenya - Journal of Human Evolution (), - (journal article, English)
  • D. T. Rasmussen, 2019 - Primitive Old World monkey from the earliest Miocene of Kenya and the evolution of cercopithecoid bilophodonty - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (), - (journal article, English)
  • S. Gippoliti, 2018 - The name of the east african vervet monkey (Genus Chlorocebus Gray, 1870)(Mammalia, Primates, Cercopithecidae) - Doriana (9), 1-6 (journal article, English)
  • C. J. Burgin, 2018 - How many species of mammals are there? - Journal of Mammalogy (99), 1-14 (journal article, English)
  • J.B. Rossie, 2018 - A new species of Simiolus from the middle Miocene of the Tugen Hills, Kenya - Journal of Human Evolution (125), 50-58 (journal article, English)
  • C.C. Gilbert, 2018 - Evolution of the modern baboon (Papio hamadryas): A reassessment of the African Plio-Pleistocene record - Journal of Human Evolution (122), 38-69 (journal article, English)
  • P.F. Fan, 2017 - Description of a new species of Hoolock gibbon (Primates: Hylobatidae) based on integrative taxonomy - American Journal of Primatology (79), p.e22- (journal article, English)
  • A. Nater, 2017 - Morphometric, behavioral, and genomic evidence for a new orangutan species - Cell Biology (27), 3487-3498 (journal article, English)
  • M. Böhme, 2017 - Messinian age and savannah environment of the possible hominin Graecopithecus from Europe - PLoS One (12), - (journal article, English)
  • I. Nengo, 2017 - New infant cranium from the African Miocene sheds light on ape evolution - Nature (548), 169-174 (journal article, English)
  • C. Li, 2015 - White-cheeked macaque (Macaca leucogenys): A new species from Medog, south Tibet - American Journal of Primatology (77), 753-766 (journal article, English)
  • D. Strait, 2015 - Analyzing Hominin Phylogeny: Cladistic Approach - Handbook of Paleoanthropology (), 1989-2014 (book chapter, English)
  • D.M. Alba, 2015 - Miocene small-bodied ape from Eurasia sheds light on hominoid evolution - Science (350), aab26-aab26 (journal article, English)
  • L.R. Berger, 2015 - Homo naledi, a new species of the genus Homo from the Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa - Elife (4), e0956- (journal article, English)
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  • D.M. Alba, 2012 - A New Pliopithecid Genus (Primates: Pliopithecoidea) From Castell de Barberà (Vallès‐Penedès Basin, Catalonia, Spain) - American Journal of Physical Anthropology (147), 88-112 (journal article, English)
  • D.M. Alba, 2012 - New dental remains of Hispanopithecus laietanus (Primates: Hominidae) from Can Llobateres 1 and the taxonomy of Late Miocene hominoids from the Vallès-Penedès Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula - Journal of Human Evolution (63), 231-246 (journal article, English)
  • M. Yang, 2012 - Population genetic structure of Guizhou snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus brelichi) as inferred from mitochondrial control region sequences, and comparison with R. roxellana and R. bieti - American Journal of Physical Anthropology (147), 1-10\ (journal article, English)
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  • J.-J. Jaeger, 2011 - First Hominoid from the Late Miocene of the Irrawaddy Formation (Myanmar) - PLoS One (6), 1-14 (journal article, English)
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  • S.R. Frost, 2001 - New Early Pliocene Cercopithecidae (Mammalia: Primates) from Aramis, Middle Awash Valley, Ethiopia - American Museum Novitates (), 1-36 (serial monograph, English)
  • S. Moyà‐Solà, 2001 - Egarapithecus narcisoi, a new genus of Pliopithecidae (Primates, Catarrhini) from the Late Miocene of Spain - American Journal of Physical Anthropology (114), 312-324 (journal article, English)
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