
† Orthocerida


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Pictures (18 Images total)

Views (File:
): 11095
"Orthoceras" sp; Oberdevon, Nehden Stufe; Größe: 5cm; Fundort: Nehden, Sauerland
Copyright: Steinchen; Contribution: Steinchen
Location: Deutschland/Nordrhein-Westfalen/Arnsberg, Bezirk/Hochsauerlandkreis/Brilon/Nehden
Fossil: Orthoceras
Image: 1128001320
Rating: 9 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

"Orthoceras" sp; Oberdevon, Nehden Stufe; Größe: 5cm; Fundort: Nehden, Sauerland

Copyright: Steinchen
Contribution: Steinchen 2005-09-29
Locality: Nehden / Brilon / Hochsauerlandkreis / Arnsberg, Bezirk / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Deutschland
Views (File:
): 9588
"Orthoceras" sp; Oberdevon, Adorf Stufe; Anschliff; Größe: 6,5cm; Fundort: Eisborn, Sauerland
Copyright: Steinchen; Contribution: Steinchen
Location: Deutschland/Nordrhein-Westfalen/Arnsberg, Bezirk/Märkischer Kreis/Balve/Eisborn
Fossil: Orthoceras
Image: 1128001974
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

"Orthoceras" sp; Oberdevon, Adorf Stufe; Anschliff; Größe: 6,5cm; Fundort: Eisborn, Sauerland

Copyright: Steinchen
Contribution: Steinchen 2005-09-29
Locality: Eisborn / Balve / Märkischer Kreis / Arnsberg, Bezirk / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Deutschland
Views (File:
): 10674
Ordovizium; Anschliff; Größe: 15cm; Fundort: Gotland, Schweden
Copyright: Steinchen; Contribution: Steinchen
Location: Schweden/Gotland, Provinz
Fossil: Orthoceras
Image: 1128002162
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Ordovizium; Anschliff; Größe: 15cm; Fundort: Gotland, Schweden

Copyright: Steinchen
Contribution: Steinchen 2005-09-29
Locality: Gotland, Provinz / Schweden
Views (File:
): 2164
Orthocerenkalk, Ordovizium; Geschnittene Platte; Maße der Platte: 77cm x 35cm; Fundort: Marokko
Copyright: Steinchen; Contribution: Steinchen
Location: Marokko
Fossil: Orthocerida
Image: 1128005572
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Orthocerenkalk, Ordovizium; Geschnittene Platte; Maße der Platte: 77cm x 35cm; Fundort: Marokko

Copyright: Steinchen
Contribution: Steinchen 2005-09-29
Locality: Marokko
Views (File:
): 6319
Hamar Laghdad Formation Erfoud Tafilet Süd Marokko. Platte ca. 82 x 81 cm.(101 Exemplare); Ober Devon
Copyright: pilzpirat; Contribution: pilzpirat
Collection: pilzpirat
Location: Marokko/Drâa-Tafilalet, Region/Errachidia (Er-Rachidia), Provinz/Arfoud, Cercle/Erfoud (Arfoud)/Hamar Laghdad
Fossil: Orthoceras
Image: 1324561365
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Hamar Laghdad Formation Erfoud Tafilet Süd Marokko. Platte ca. 82 x 81 cm.(101 Exemplare); Ober Devon

Collection: pilzpirat
Copyright: pilzpirat
Contribution: pilzpirat 2011-12-22
Locality: Hamar Laghdad / Erfoud (Arfoud) / Arfoud, Cercle / Errachidia (Er-Rachidia), Provinz / Drâa-Tafilalet, Region / Marokko

Additional information / Summary

wird von manchen Autoren auch direkt den Cephalopoda untergeordnet !


Belong­ing to

Gaeabionta  ⇒ Domäne: Eukaryota  ⇒ Reich: Animalia  ⇒ Mittelreich: Eumetazoa  ⇒ Klade: Triploblastica  ⇒ Klade: Eutriploblastica  ⇒ Klade: Neotriploblastica  ⇒ Klade: Eucoelomata  ⇒ Superstamm: Eutrochozoa  ⇒ Stamm: Mollusca  ⇒ Klasse: Cephalopoda  ⇒ Unterklasse: Nautiloidea

Taxo­nomic seg­ment


This mentioned taxonomy is an attempt to make an conclusive assignment from the different classifications of various scientists. Because the taxonomy may change due to the latest investigative methods and other findings, our map is a guide only.

Name from

Corre­spond­ing author (Name, Year)

Kuhn, 1940

Other languages



Alternative Name



Flower & Kummel, 1950
Ref.: S. C. Hook and R. H. Flower. 1977. Late Canadian (Zones J, K) cephalopod faunas from Southwestern United States. New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources 32:1-56



Kobayashi, 1958
Ref.: W. C. Sweet. 1964. Nautiloidea–Orthocerida. In C. Teichert et. al. (ed.), Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (K) Mollusca 3




Kuhn, 1940
Ref.: J. J. Sepkoski, Jr. 2002. A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology 363:1-560

Detailed description


Vorkommen: Ordovizium bis Trias.

Die Orthoceraten bildeten die größten Formen unter den Cephalopoden. Es wurden bis 10 Meter lange Exemplare gefunden. Die schlanken Gehäuse sind meist gerade gestreckt. Der enge, meist zentral gelegene Siphonalstrang kann auch leicht perlschnurartig sein. Orthoceren sind Typusfossilien des Ordovizium. Bekannt sind die Orthocerenkalke , die massenhaft Reste der stabförmigen Gehäuse enthalten.

Lebenszeitraum in Million Jahren (Ma)

Start age: 438.5 Ma - End age: 112.03 Ma
Lower/Early Cretaceous
Upper/Late Jurassic
Middle Jurassic
Lower/Early Jurassic
Upper/Late Triassic
Middle Triassic
Lower/Early Triassic
Upper Devonian
Middle Devonian
Lower Devonian
Start age: 478.6 Ma - End age: 438.5 Ma
Upper Ordovician
(Oberes Ordovizium)
Middle Ordovician
(Mittleres Ordovizium)
Lower Ordovician
(Unteres Ordovizium)

Additional data by PBDB, License: CC BY

Motility: actively mobile
Environment: marine
Compositon of the remains:


Reference- and Source indication, Literature


Automatic Links to external internet sources (Responsibility is with the operator)

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Search for taxonomy at Fossilworks
Search for taxonomy at The Taxonomicon

Next lower taxonomy level

On the same taxonomic level (siblings) (Count: 16)

Taxonomic assignment (685)

Eukaryota (Domäne)

Animalia (Reich)

Eumetazoa (Mittelreich)




Eucoelomata (Klade)

Eutrochozoa (Superstamm)

Mollusca (Stamm)

Cephalopoda (Klasse)

Nautiloidea (Unterklasse)

Orthocerida (Ordnung)


Aethiosolen (Gattung)


Arionoceratidae (Familie)

Adiagoceras (Gattung)



Arionoceras (Gattung)





Caliceras (Gattung)

Parakionoceras (Gattung)


Arterioceras (Gattung)

Badouceras (Gattung)

Baltoceratidae (Familie)

Amsleroceras (Gattung)


Annbactroceras (Gattung)



Bactroceras (Gattung)






Castelloceras (Gattung)


Cochlioceras (Gattung)





Cyrtobaltoceras (Gattung)


Endorioceras (Gattung)





Hedstroemoceras (Gattung)


Metabaltoceras (Gattung)



Microbaltoceras (Gattung)


Rhabdiferoceras (Gattung)




Semiannuloceras (Gattung)



Veneficoceras (Gattung)


Bogoslovskya (Gattung)

Bohemites (Gattung)


Chicagooceras (Gattung)

Choanoceratidae (Familie)

Choanoceras (Gattung)

Clinoceratidae (Familie)

Clinoceras (Gattung)


Whiteavesites (Gattung)

Whitfieldoceras (Gattung)



Coralloceras (Gattung)


Cycloceras (Gattung)





Dictyoceras (Gattung)


Engorthoceras (Gattung)

Eskimoceratidae (Familie)

Eskimoceras (Gattung)

Esopoceras (Gattung)

Folioceras (Gattung)

Garryoceras (Gattung)


Angeisonoceras (Gattung)










Columenoceras (Gattung)

Geisonoceras (Gattung)







Harrisoceras (Gattung)

Joachimoceras (Gattung)

Jonesoceras (Gattung)

Mimokionoceras (Gattung)

Neritoceras (Gattung)

Nilssonoceras (Gattung)


Oisengoceras (Gattung)






Protokionoceras (Gattung)



Striacoceras (Gattung)

Temperoceras (Gattung)





Ugooloceras (Gattung)


Virgoceras (Gattung)


Zhuravlevia (Gattung)

Geisonocerina (Gattung)

Greenlandoceras (Gattung)



Richmondoceras (Gattung)


Standardoceras (Gattung)

Haruspex (Gattung)


Heloceras (Gattung)

Jangziceras (Gattung)

Joldagiroceras (Gattung)


Kionoceratidae (Familie)

Kionoceras (Gattung)















Ohioceras (Gattung)

Polygrammoceras (Gattung)



Ringoceras (Gattung)


Thoracoceras (Gattung)

Leurocycloceras (Gattung)



Lituitina (Unterordnung)


Arthrophyllum (Gattung)



Gorgonoceras (Gattung)

Lituitidae (Familie)

Ancistroceras (Gattung)


Angelinoceras (Gattung)


Bodoceras (Gattung)


Cyclolituites (Gattung)





Holmiceras (Gattung)





Lituites (Gattung)







Trilacinoceras (Gattung)



Sinoceratidae (Familie)








Tyrioceras (Gattung)




Sphooceratidae (Familie)

Sphooceras (Gattung)


Loxoceras (Gattung)

Mericoceras (Gattung)


Wardoceras (Gattung)


Murchisoniceras (Gattung)

Naivs (Gattung)


Donacoceras (Gattung)

Narthecoceras (Gattung)


Nebroceras (Gattung)

Neorthoceras (Gattung)


Ophidioceras (Gattung)

Orthoceratidae (Familie)


Chebbioceras (Gattung)


Copiceras (Gattung)


Ctenoceras (Gattung)




Eneoceras (Gattung)







Kopaninoceras (Gattung)




Merocycloceras (Gattung)


Michelinoceras (Gattung)















Michelinoceratinae (Unterfamilie)

Arkonoceras (Gattung)


Balticoceras (Gattung)

Hesperoceras (Gattung)

Imbricatoceras (Gattung)





Sinoceras (Gattung)


Ogygoceras (Gattung)


Orthoceras (Gattung)







































Orthocycloceras (Gattung)



Oxfordoceras (Gattung)



Palorthoceras (Gattung)



Pleurorthoceras (Gattung)






Pojetoceras (Gattung)










Theoceras (Gattung)


Tibichoanoceras (Gattung)




Tienoceras (Gattung)


Trematoceras (Gattung)












Orthoceratina (Unterordnung)


Anaspyroceras (Gattung)


Calocyrtocerina (Gattung)

Dawsonoceras (Gattung)








Dawsonocerina (Gattung)

Dawsonoceroides (Gattung)

Metaspyroceras (Gattung)





Eriditidae (Familie)

Nathorstoceras (Gattung)




Orthodochmioceratoidea (Überfamilie)




Paradnatoceras (Gattung)

Paramooreoceras (Gattung)

Plicatoceras (Gattung)

Podoliceras (Gattung)

Proteoceratidae (Familie)


Baykonuroceras (Gattung)

Clothoceras (Gattung)


Cyrtactinoceras (Gattung)








Euorthoceras (Gattung)

Gangshanoceras (Gattung)






Gorbyoceras (Gattung)








Isorthoceras (Gattung)























Liulinoceras (Gattung)

Mesnaquaceras (Gattung)



Monomuchites (Gattung)




Paraproteoceras (Gattung)

Proteoceras (Gattung)










Tofangoceras (Gattung)

Transorthoceras (Gattung)


Ulmioceras (Gattung)

Protobactrites (Gattung)

Pseudorthocerataceae (Überfamilie)


Heyuncunoceras (Gattung)


Mysterioceras (Gattung)








Buchanoceras (Gattung)


Cayutoceratinae (Unterfamilie)

Arpaoceras (Gattung)

Bradfordoceras (Gattung)

Cayutoceras (Gattung)

Dnestroceras (Gattung)


Stromatoceras (Gattung)

Dinocycloceras (Gattung)



Eomooreoceras (Gattung)

Geidoloceras (Gattung)


Hebetorthoceras (Gattung)





Malgaoceras (Gattung)


Mitorthoceras (Gattung)






Mongoceras (Gattung)


Mooreoceras (Gattung)








Neocycloceras (Gattung)




Probatoceras (Gattung)


Pseudactinoceratinae (Unterfamilie)

Bergoceras (Gattung)

Campyloceras (Gattung)

Eusthenoceras (Gattung)

Macroloxoceras (Gattung)

Paraloxoceras (Gattung)


Pseudorthoceratinae (Unterfamilie)

Eifeloceras (Gattung)


Pseudorthoceras (Gattung)






Simorthoceras (Gattung)


Uralorthoceras (Gattung)



Spyroceras (Gattung)





















Subdoloceras (Gattung)




Subormoceras (Gattung)






Pseudorthoceratoidea (Überfamilie)

Sactoceratidae (Familie)

Sactoceras (Gattung)







Pythonoceras (Gattung)

Rhabdites (Gattung)

Rhipsites (Gattung)


Braulioceras (Gattung)


Cartersoceras (Gattung)




Centroonoceras (Gattung)


Glenisteroceras (Gattung)



Murrayoceras (Gattung)



Sactorthoceras (Gattung)




Scipioceras (Gattung)

Sigmocycloceras (Gattung)

Wennanoceras (Gattung)

Wolungoceras (Gattung)

Sannionites (Gattung)

Siberioceras (Gattung)

Sichuanaceras (Gattung)


Sichuanoceras (Gattung)




























Subspyroceras (Gattung)

Tambegiroceras (Gattung)


Tartaroceras (Gattung)

Tretoceras (Gattung)


Allumettoceras (Gattung)







Eotripteroceras (Gattung)


Mucteoceras (Gattung)


Rasmussenoceras (Gattung)


Tripteroceras (Gattung)





Tripterocerina (Gattung)

Zeehanoceras (Gattung)


Trispectes (Gattung)

Tunguskoceras (Gattung)

Vericeras (Gattung)

Zhuralevia (Gattung)

Refresh list

Actuality: 08. Feb 2025 - 18:16:14

Occurrences (2)

Refresh list | Fold level: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - Unfold allActuality: 08. Feb 2025 - 18:16:13

Locations with GPS information

References by PBDB, License: CC BY

  • S. Niko, 2020 - Ordovician Orthocerida and Pseudorthocerida (Cephalopoda: Nautiloidea) from the Lower Setul Limestone of the Langkawi Islands, Malaysia - Journal of Systematic Palaeontology (18), 381-414 (journal article, English)
  • A. Brayard, 2019 - Ammonoids and nautiloids from the earliest Spathian Paris Biota and other early Spathian localities in southeastern Idaho, USA - Geobios (54), 13-36 (journal article, English)
  • B. Kröger, 2019 - The cephalopods of the Kullsberg Limestone Formation, Upper Ordovician, central Sweden and the effects of reef diversification oncephalopod diversity - Journal of Systematic Palaeontology (0), 1-35 (journal article, English)
  • B. Kröger, 2017 - Cephalopods from reef limestone of the Vasalemma Formation, northern Estonia (latest Sandbian, Upper Ordovician) and the establishment of a local warm-water fauna - Journal of Systematic Palaeontology (14), 1-42 (journal article, English)
  • K. Tongtherm, 2016 - New records of nautiloid and ammonoid cephalopod fossils in peninsular Thailand - Swiss Journal of Palaeontology (135), 153-168 (journal article, English)
  • B. Kröger, 2014 - Middle Ordovician cephalopod biofacies and palaeoenvironments of Baltoscandia - Lethaia (), - (journal article, English)
  • B. Kröger, 2013 - The cephalopods of Boda Limestone, Late Ordovocian, of Dalarna, Sweden - European Journal of Taxonomy (41), 1-110 (journal article, English)
  • B. Kröger, 2012 - Palaeogeography and palaeoecology of early Floian (Early Ordovician) cephalopods from the Upper Fezouata Formation, Anti-Atlas, Morocco - Fossil Record (15), 61-75 (journal article, English)
  • D.H. Evans, 2011 - The Lower Ordovician cephalopod faunas of the Durness Group, North-West Scotland - Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society, London (165), 1-131 (book, English)
  • B. Kröger, 2011 - Mass concentration of Hirnantian cephalopods from the Siljan District, Sweden; taxonomy, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeographic relationships - Fossil Record (14), 35-53 (journal article, English)
  • B. Kröger, 2011 - Review and paleoecological analysis of the late Tremadocian – early Floian (Early Ordovician) cephalopod fauna of the Montagne Noire, France - Fossil Record (14), 5-34 (journal article, English)
  • Y. Shigeta, 2009 - Systematic Paleontology: Cephalopods - The Lower Triassic System in the Abrek Bay area, south Primorye, Russia (38), 44-140 (book/book chapter, English)
  • B. Kröger, 2009 - Cephalopods and Paleoenvironments of the Fort Cassin Formation (Upper Lower Ordovician), eastern New York and adjacent Vermont - Journal of Paleontology (83), 664-693 (journal article, English)
  • C. H. Holland, 2008 - Ordovician and Silurian nautiloid cephalopods from Anticosti Island: traject across the Ordovician-Silurian (O-S) boundary - Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (45), 1015-1038 (journal article, English)
  • C. Klug, 2008 - Ecological Change during the early Emsian (Devonian) in the Tafilalt (Morocco),the Origin of the Ammonoidea,and the First African Pyrgocystid Edrioasteroids,Machaerids and Phyllocarids - Palaeontographica Abteilung A (), 83-176 (journal article, English)
  • B. Kröger, 2008 - Nautiloids before and during the ammonoid origin in a Siluro–Devonian section of the Tafilalt (Morocco) - Special Papers in Palaeontology (79), 1-110 (serial monograph, English)
  • S. Niko, 2007 - Isorthoceras wahlenbergi, a new Late Ordovician cephalopod from the Boda Limestone of Dalarna, Sweden - Paleontological Research (12), 195-198 (journal article, English)
  • B. Kröger, 2007 - Concentrations of juvenile and small adult cephalopods in the Hirnantian cherts (Late Ordovician) of Porkuni, Estonia - Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (52), 591-608 (journal article, English)
  • B. Kröger, 2007 - Early orthoceratoid cephalopods from the Argentine Precordillera (Lower-Middle Ordovician) - Journal of Paleontology (81), 1266-1283 (journal article, English)
  • B. Kröger, 2006 - Revision of annulated orthoceridan cephalopods of the Baltoscandic Ordovician - Fossil Record (9), 137-163 (journal article, English)
  • M. Dastanpour, 2006 - A new orthoceratoid cephalopod from the Ordovician (Caradoc) of east-central Iran - Geobios (39), 337-345 (journal article, English)
  • S. Niko, 2005 - Redescription of the Ordovician Cephalopod Genus Centroonoceras Kobayashi, 1934 - Journal of Paleontology (79), 1028-1030 (journal article, English)
  • B. Kröger, 2005 - Nautiloids with multiple paired muscle scars from Lower–Middle Ordovician of Baltoscandia - Palaeontology (48), 781-791 (journal article, English)
  • D. H. Evans, 2005 - The Lower and Middle Ordovician cephalopod faunas of England and Wales - Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society (623), 1-81 (serial monograph, English)
  • B. Kröger, 2004 - Revision of Middle Ordovician orthoceratacean nautiloids from Baltoscandia - Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (49), 57-74 (journal article, English)
  • J. J. Sepkoski, Jr., 2002 - A compendium of fossil marine animal genera - Bulletins of American Paleontology (363), 1-560 (serial monograph, English)
  • S. Niko, 2002 - Revision of an Ordovician Cephalopod Ormoceras yokoyamai (Kobayashi, 1927) - Paleontological Research (6), 121-124 (journal article, English)
  • D. H. Evans, 2000 - A Cephalopod Fauna from the Middle Ordovician of Saudi Arabia - Palaeontology (43), 573-589 (journal article, English)
  • C. H. Holland, 2000 - Silurian cephalopods from the Pentland Hills - Scottish Journal of Geology (36), 177-186 (journal article, English)
  • C.-S. Yun, 1999 - Three Ordovician cephalopods from the Jigunsan Formation of Korea - Paleontological Research (3), 65-80 (journal article, English)
  • D. H. Evans, 1996 - Ugooloceras oblatum gen. and sp. nov., an Annulate Orthocerid (Orthocerida, Nautiloidea) from the Llanvirn Series of County Mayo - Irish Journal of Earth Sciences (15), 71-76 (journal article, English)
  • V. N. Shimanskiy, 1996 - Permian nonammonoid cephalopods from the Pamirs - Paleontological Journal (30), 396-400 (journal article, English)
  • R. C. Frey, 1995 - Middle and Upper Ordovician nautiloid cephalopods of the Cincinnati Arch region of Kentucky, Indiana, and Ohio - U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper (1066P), 1-126 (serial monograph, English)
  • L. A. Doguzhaeva, 1994 - An Early Cretaceous orthocerid cephalopod from north-western Caucasus - Palaeontology (37), 889-899 (journal article, English)
  • D. H. Evans, 1994 - Irish Silurian Cephalopods - Irish Journal of Earth Sciences (13), 113-148 (journal article, English)
  • D. H. Evans, 1994 - Siphonal and cameral deposits in Allumettoceras and the position of the Tripteroceratidae (Nautiloidea) - Palaeontologische Zeitschrift (68), 321-337 (journal article, English)
  • D. H. Evans, 1994 - The Cephalopod Fauna of the Bardahessaigh Formation (Caradoc Series) of Pomeroy, County Tyrone - Irish Journal of Earth Sciences (13), 11-29 (journal article, English)
  • D. H. Evans, 1993 - The Cephalopod Fauna of the Killey Bridge Formation (Ordovician, Ashgill), Pomeroy, County Tyrone - Irish Journal of Earth Sciences (12), 155-189 (journal article, English)
  • C. H. Holland, 1992 - Orthoconic nautiloid cephalopod genera - Geological Magazine (129), 123-124 (journal article, English)
  • N. P. Schastlivtseva, 1988 - Triasovye Ortoseratidy i Nautilidy SSSR - Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta (229), 1-103 (serial monograph, English)
  • B. Stait, 1985 - Ordovician nautiloids of central Australia, with a revision of Madiganella Teichert & Glenister - BMR Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics (), 261-266 (journal article, English)
  • J.-y. Chen, 1984 - Ordovician cephalopods from the Ordos area, China - Memoirs of the Nanjing Institute, Geology Palaeontology (20), 33-111 (journal article, Chinese)
  • T. Kobayashi, 1984 - New observations of Shiroishi-ohsawa, Mt. Yokokura, Kochi Prefecture with palaeontological studies on the cephalopods and trilobites from the locality - Research Report of the Kochi University (32), 235-258 (journal article, English)
  • J. Dzik, 1984 - Phylogeny of the Nautiloidea - Palaeontologica Polonica (45), 1-212 (serial monograph, English)
  • J. F. Bockelie, 1984 - The Diploporita of the Oslo region, Norway - Palaeontology (27), 1-68 (journal article, English)
  • N. J. Silberling, 1982 - Middle Triassic Molluscan Fossils of Biostratigraphic Significance from the Humboldt Range, Northwestern Nevada - Geological Survey Professional Paper (1207), - (serial monograph, )
  • M. W. Frye, 1982 - Upper Ordovician (Harjuan) Nautiloid Cephalopods from the Boda Limestone of Sweden - Journal of Paleontology (56), 1274-1292 (journal article, English)
  • B. Stait, 1982 - Ordovician Oncoceratida (Nautiloidea) from Tasmania, Australia - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatsheft (10), 607-618 (journal article, English)
  • R. C. Frey, 1981 - Narthecoceras (Cephalopoda) from the Upper Ordovician (Richmondian) of Southwest Ohio - Journal of Paleontology (55), 1217-1224 (journal article, English)
  • S. C. Hook, 1977 - Late Canadian (Zones J, K) cephalopod faunas from Southwestern United States - New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources (32), 1-56 (journal article, English)
  • G. H. Xu, 1977 - Cephalopoda - Palaeontological Atlas of South-Central China (2), 537-582 (book/book chapter, Chinese)
  • J.-y. Chen, 1976 - Advances in the Ordovician stratigraphy of North China with a brief description of nautiloid fossils - Acta Palaeontologica Sinica (15), 55-74 (journal article, Chinese)
  • R. Estes, 1972 - The first fossil record of caecilian amphibians - Nature (239), 228-231 (journal article, English)
  • M.J.A. Kobayashi, 1971 - Discovery of Ellesmereoceroid cephalopods in West Irian, New Guinea - Proceedings Japanese Academy (47), 625-630 (journal article, English)
  • B. Kummel, 1968 - Lower and Middle Triassic cephalopods from Afghanistan - Palaeontographica Abteilung A (129), 95-148 (journal article, )
  • E. I. Miagkova, 1967 - Siluriiskie nautiloidei Sibirskoi platformy - (), 1-55 (book, Russian)
  • M. Gordon, Jr., 1964 - Carboniferous Cephalopods of Arkansas - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (460), 1-322 (serial monograph, English)
  • R. H. Flower, 1964 - The Nautiloid Order Ellesmeroceratida (Cephalopoda) - State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Memoir (12), 234 p- (serial monograph, English)
  • F. A. Zhuravleva, 1964 - New Ordovician and Silurian cephalopods from the Siberian platform - Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (1964), 485-500 (journal article, Russian)
  • W. C. Sweet, 1964 - Nautiloidea–Orthocerida - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (K) Mollusca 3 (), 216-261 (book/book chapter, English)
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  • R. H. Flower, 1962 - Part 1, Revision of Buttsoceras, Part 2, Notes on the Michelinoceratida - State Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Memoir (10), 1-58 (journal article, English)
  • W. C. Sweet, 1958 - The middle ordovician of the Oslo region, Norway 10. Nautiloid Cephalopods - Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift (38), 1-178 (journal article, English)
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  • R. H. Flower, 1945 - Classification of Devonian Nautiloids - American Midland Naturalist (33), 675-724 (journal article, English)
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  • A. F. Foerste, 1917 - Notes on Richmond and Related Fossils - Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History (22), 42-55 (journal article, English)
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