
Nautiloidea {Ãœberfamilie}

Nautiloidea {Ãœberfamilie}

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Pictures (38 Images total)

Views (File:
): 1241
Cymatoceras; Oberkreide, Coniac; Größe: 33cm; Fundort: Erwitte
Copyright: Steinchen; Contribution: Steinchen
Location: Deutschland/Nordrhein-Westfalen/Arnsberg, Bezirk/Soest, Landkreis/Erwitte
Fossil: Cymatoceras
Image: 1128158133
Rating: 9 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Cymatoceras; Oberkreide, Coniac; Größe: 33cm; Fundort: Erwitte

Copyright: Steinchen
Contribution: Steinchen 2005-10-01
Locality: Erwitte / Soest, Landkreis / Arnsberg, Bezirk / Nordrhein-Westfalen / Deutschland
Eutrephoceras sharpei
Views (File:
): 16475
Eutrephoceras sharpei
18cm; Unteres Mittelturon Oberkreide, südl. Münsterland
Copyright: Grenzton; Contribution: Grenzton
Collection: Grenzton
Location: Deutschland/Nordrhein-Westfalen
Fossil: Eutrephoceras sharpei
Image: 1206055680
Rating: 8 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Eutrephoceras sharpei

18cm; Unteres Mittelturon Oberkreide, südl. Münsterland

Collection: Grenzton
Copyright: Grenzton
Contribution: Grenzton 2008-03-20
Locality: Nordrhein-Westfalen / Deutschland
Views (File:
): 2058, Rating: 6.8
Cenoceras sp. Jura; Fundort: Geisingen; Größe: 17cm
Copyright: Steinchen; Contribution: Steinchen
Location: Deutschland/Baden-Württemberg/Freiburg, Bezirk/Tuttlingen, Landkreis/Geisingen
Fossil: Cenoceras
Image: 1128157110
Rating: 6.8 (votes: 5)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Cenoceras sp. Jura; Fundort: Geisingen; Größe: 17cm

Copyright: Steinchen
Contribution: Steinchen 2005-10-01
Locality: Geisingen / Tuttlingen, Landkreis / Freiburg, Bezirk / Baden-Württemberg / Deutschland
Views (File:
): 6872
Dogger epsilon, Wartenberg, Geislingen/Donau. (N Vulkan des Hegau-Vulkanismus) Baden-Württemberg; B:39cm.
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Collection: Naturkundemuseum Göppingen
Location: Deutschland/Baden-Württemberg/Freiburg, Bezirk/Tuttlingen, Landkreis/Geisingen/Wartenberg
Fossil: Cenoceras, Nautiloidea
Image: 1271951305
Rating: 6 (votes: 1)
License: Creative Commons - Attribution (CC-BY) V.3.0

Dogger epsilon, Wartenberg, Geislingen/Donau. (N Vulkan des Hegau-Vulkanismus) Baden-Württemberg; B:39cm.

Collection: Naturkundemuseum Göppingen
Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2010-04-22
Locality: Wartenberg / Geisingen / Tuttlingen, Landkreis / Freiburg, Bezirk / Baden-Württemberg / Deutschland
Eutrephoceras cf.sublaevigatum
Views (File:
): 601
Eutrephoceras cf.sublaevigatum
unverdrückter vollständiger Nautilus im Plänersandstein, Zone von Mammites nodosoides, Unterturon, Oberkreide,Kreide; Größe: 10,5cm; Fundort: Cotta/Dresden/Dresden,Regierungsbezirk/Sachsen
Copyright: steinfried; Contribution: steinfried
Collection: steinfried
Location: Deutschland/Sachsen/Dresden/Cotta
Fossil: Eutrephoceras sublaevigatum
Image: 1381690055
Rating: 6 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Eutrephoceras cf.sublaevigatum

unverdrückter vollständiger Nautilus im Plänersandstein, Zone von Mammites nodosoides, Unterturon, Oberkreide,Kreide; Größe: 10,5cm; Fundort: Cotta/Dresden/Dresden,Regierungsbezirk/Sachsen

Collection: steinfried
Copyright: steinfried
Contribution: steinfried 2013-10-13
Locality: Cotta / Dresden / Sachsen / Deutschland


Belong­ing to

Gaeabionta  ⇒ Domäne: Eukaryota  ⇒ Reich: Animalia  ⇒ Mittelreich: Eumetazoa  ⇒ Klade: Triploblastica  ⇒ Klade: Eutriploblastica  ⇒ Klade: Neotriploblastica  ⇒ Klade: Eucoelomata  ⇒ Superstamm: Eutrochozoa  ⇒ Stamm: Mollusca  ⇒ Klasse: Cephalopoda  ⇒ Unterklasse: Nautiloidea  ⇒ Ordnung: Nautilida

Taxo­nomic seg­ment


This mentioned taxonomy is an attempt to make an conclusive assignment from the different classifications of various scientists. Because the taxonomy may change due to the latest investigative methods and other findings, our map is a guide only.

Name from

Corre­spond­ing author (Name, Year)

de Blainville, 1825

Other languages


Nautiloidea {Ãœberfamilie}

Alternative Name




Lebenszeitraum in Million Jahren (Ma)

Start age: 251.902 Ma - End age: 0 Ma
Upper Pleistocene
Upper/Late Cretaceous
Lower/Early Cretaceous
Upper/Late Jurassic
Middle Jurassic
Lower/Early Jurassic
Upper/Late Triassic
Middle Triassic
Lower/Early Triassic
Start age: 290.1 Ma - End age: 251.902 Ma

Additional data by PBDB, License: CC BY

Motility: actively mobile
Habit: nektobenthic
Compositon of the remains:


External links

Taxondiversity - Nautiliaceae

Reference- and Source indication, Literature


Automatic Links to external internet sources (Responsibility is with the operator)

Search for taxonomy at
Search for taxonomy at Fossilworks
Search for taxonomy at The Taxonomicon

Next lower taxonomy level

On the same taxonomic level (siblings) (Count: 58)

Taxonomic assignment (558)

Eukaryota (Domäne)

Animalia (Reich)

Eumetazoa (Mittelreich)




Eucoelomata (Klade)

Eutrochozoa (Superstamm)

Mollusca (Stamm)

Cephalopoda (Klasse)

Nautiloidea (Unterklasse)

Nautilida (Ordnung)


Cymatoceratidae (Familie)

Cymatoceras (Gattung)
























































Cymatonautilus (Gattung)




Neocymatoceras (Gattung)

Procymatoceras (Gattung)


Syrionautilus (Gattung)



Eutrephoceras (Gattung)

























































































Hercoglossidae (Familie)

Angulithes (Gattung)












Aturoidea (Gattung)










Cimomia (Gattung)


















































Cimomia (Afrocimomia) (Untergattung)
























Hercoglossa (Gattung)




























Pseudaturoidea (Gattung)


Teichertia (Gattung)





Nautilidae (Familie)

Allonautilus (Gattung)


Anglonautilus (Gattung)











Belmonticeras (Gattung)


Carinonautilus (Gattung)


Cenoceras (Gattung)




















































































Cenoceras (Cenoceras) (Untergattung)







Epicymatoceras (Gattung)



Euciphoceras (Gattung)



Eucymatoceras (Gattung)




Kummelonautilus (Gattung)








Ligeiceras (Gattung)






Nautilinae (Unterfamilie)

Nautilopsis (Gattung)


Nautilus (Gattung)




















Nautilus (Discites) (Untergattung)

Paracymatoceras (Gattung)




















Stenzeloceras (Gattung)


Strionautilus (Gattung)


Aulacenoceras (Gattung)


Paracenoceras (Gattung)
































Somalinautilus (Gattung)



Tithonoceras (Gattung)


Aulaconautilus (Gattung)





Palelialia (Gattung)




Pseudaganides (Gattung)
































Pseudonautilus (Gattung)




Xenocheilus (Gattung)





Refresh list

Actuality: 31. Jan 2025 - 01:32:15

References by PBDB, License: CC BY

  • S. Jain, 2019 - First Bathonian (Middle Jurassic) nautiloid Paracenoceras Spath from Ethiopia - Journal of African Earth Sciences (149), 84-96 (journal article, English)
  • A. G. A. Hewaidy, 2019 - Campanian–early Eocene cephalopods from Kharga Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt - Annales de Paléontologie (105), 45-61 (journal article, English)
  • M. Wilmsen, 2019 - Late Campanian nautiloids from Deir Abu Said, north-western Jordan - Cretaceous Research (102), 81-88 (journal article, English)
  • L. Bujtor, 2019 - The first recording of the presence of nautiloids (Eutrephoceras ex gr. boissieri) from the Lower Cretaceous of the Mecsek Mountains, southern Hungary - Földtani Közlöny (149), 19-24 (journal article, English)
  • C. A. Laurito, 2018 - Nuevo registro fósil de Aturia cubaensis (Lea, 1841) [Cephalopoda, Nautilidae] para el Mioceno inferior - medio de Costa Rica - Revista Geológica de América Central (58), 171-178 (journal article, Spanish)
  • O. Malchyk, 2018 - First record of Epicymatoceras vaelsense (Nautilida) from the Maastrichtian white chalk of northern Denmark - Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark (66), 229-235 (journal article, English)
  • M. Benzaggagh, 2017 - Turonian cephalopods (ammonoids and a nautiloid) from the Wadi Daya Formation of the Talerzha Basin (South Riffian Ridges Domain, northern Morocco) - Cretaceous Research (74), 109-119 (journal article, English)
  • J. Lehmann, 2017 - Origin and evolutionary history of Anglonautilus (Nautilida, Cymatoceratidae) and a new species from the lower Aptian of Spain - Cretaceous Research (72), 66-80 (journal article, English)
  • C. Baudouin, 2016 - Revision of the Early Cretaceous genera Heminautilus Spath, 1927, and Josanautilus Martínez & Grauges, 2006 (Nautilida, Cenoceratidae) - Carnets de Géologie (16), 61-212 (journal article, English)
  • J. Lehmann, 2016 - Cephalopoden aus unterkreidezeitlichen Geschieben der Region um Wolgast-Hohendorf, Vorpommern - Archiv für Geschiebekunde (7), 401-530 (journal article, German)
  • P. D. Ward, 2016 - The Paleocene cephalopod fauna from Pebble Point, Victoria (Australia) – fulcrum between two Eras - Memoirs of Museum Victoria (74), 391-402 (journal article, English)
  • M. Machalski, 2015 - Taxonomy and taphonomy of Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) nautilids from Annopol, Poland - Acta Geologica Polonica (65), 495-506 (journal article, English)
  • M. E. Clapham, 2015 - Personal Opinions - (), - (unpublished, English)
  • C. Ifrim, 2015 - Upper Campanian (Upper Cretaceous) cephalopods from the Parras Shale near Saucedas, Coahuila, Mexico - Journal of South American Earth Sciences (64), 229-257 (journal article, English)
  • C. Ifrim, 2013 - An endemic cephalopod assemblage from the Lower Campanian (Late Cretaceous) Parras Shale, western Coahuila, Mexico - Journal of Paleontology (87), 881-901 (journal article, English)
  • S. Schneider, 2013 - Silicified sea life – Macrofauna and palaeoecology of the Neuburg Kieselerde Member (Cenomanian to Lower Turonian Wellheim Formation, Bavaria, southern Germany) - Acta Geologica Polonica (63), 555-610 (journal article, English)
  • V. Mikuz, 2012 - A new cephalopod find in the Eocene beds near Grdoselo in Istria, Croatia - Geologija (55), 263-270 (journal article, English)
  • W. Ayoub-Hannaa, 2012 - Cenomanian-Turonian ammonites from eastern Sinai, Egypt, and their biostratigraphic significance - Beringeria (), 57-92 (journal article, English)
  • K. Halder, 2012 - Cenozoic fossil nautiloids (Cephalopoda) from Kutch, western India - Palaeoworld (22), 116-130 (journal article, English)
  • G. Delanoy, 2012 - Sur la présence des genres Heminautilus Spath, 1927 et Eucymatoceras Spath, 1927 (Nautilida, Nautilaceae) dans le Barrémien inférieur du Gard (sud-est de la France) - Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle de Nice (28), 155-195 (journal article, French)
  • S. N. Nielsen, 2011 - Eutrephoceras subplicatum (Steinmann, 1895) is a junior synonym of Eutrephoceras dorbignyanum (Forbes in Darwin, 1846) (Cephalopoda, Nautiloidea) from the Maastrichtian Quiriquina Formation of Chile - Cretaceous Research (32), 833-8- (journal article, English)
  • F. Barroso-Barcenilla, 2011 - Systematic palaeontology, in A new genus of nautiloid in the Toarcian of the Iberian peninsula (Spain and Portugal) - Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France (182), 391-404 (journal article, English)
  • E. Y. Baraboshkin, 2011 - A unique find of Hercoglossa pavlovi (Arkh.) (Nautiloidea) in Paleocene sediments of the Volga region - Moscow University Geology Bulletin (66), 369-372 (journal article, English)
  • K. I. Schnetler, 2011 - The molluscan fauna of the Eocene Lillebælt clay, Denmark - Cainozoic Research (8), 41-99 (journal article, English)
  • J. M. Pacaud, 2010 - Description des rhyncholites des Nautiles (Mollusca, Cephalopoda) du Paléogène des bassins de Paris et d’Aquitaine et des Corbières (France) - Geodiversitas (32), 121-156 (journal article, French)
  • T. A. Darragh, 2010 - Eocene molluscs from the Merlinleigh Sandstone, Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia - Records of the Western Australian Museum (26), 23-41 (journal article, English)
  • S. N. Nielsen, 2009 - Palaeobiogeographical provenance, taphonomy, and mode of life of Aturia cubaensis (Cephalopoda, Nautiloidea) from Cainozoic deposits of Chile - Geobios (42), 73-88 (journal article, English)
  • R. Chirat, 2008 - Developmental integration related to buoyancy control in nautiloids: evidence from unusual septal approximation and ontogenetic allometries in a Jurassic species - Palaeontology (51), 251-261 (journal article, English)
  • L. Rulleau, 2008 - - Les Nautiles du Lias et du Dogger de la Région Lyonnaise (), 1-149 (serial monograph, French)
  • R. Wani, 2008 - First discovery of fossil Nautilus pompilius Linnaeus, 1758 (Nautilidae, Cephalopoda) from Pangasinan, northwestern Philippines - Paleontological Research (12), 89-95 (journal article, English)
  • W. J. Kennedy, 2008 - The late Late Albian (Mortoniceras fallax Zone) cephalopod fauna from the Bracquegnies formation at Strépy-Thieu (Hainaut, southern Belgium) - Geologica Belgica (11), 35-69 (journal article, English)
  • N. H. Landman, 2007 - Cephalopods from the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary interval on the Atlantic Coastal Plain. with a description of the highest ammonite zones in North America. Part III. Manasquan River Basin, Monmouth County, New Jersey - Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (303), 1-122 (serial monograph, English)
  • R. Martínez, 2006 - Nautílidos del Aptiense Inferior (Cretácico Inferior) de la Subcuenca de Oliete, Cordillera Ibérica oriental (Teruel, España) - Revista Española de Paleontología (21), 15-27 (journal article, Spanish)
  • M. D. Perrilliat, 2006 - Lower Eocene Gastropods from El Bosque Formation, Central Chiapas, Mexico - The Veliger (48), 151-169 (journal article, English)
  • P. Alsen, 2006 - The Early Cretaceous (Late Ryazanian-Early Hauterivian) ammonite fauna of North-East Greenland: taxonomy, biostratigraphy, and biogeography - Fossils and Strata (53), 1-229 (journal article, English)
  • M. Cichowolski, 2005 - Nautilids from the Upper Cretaceous of the James Ross Basin, Antarctic Peninsula - Antarctic Science (17), 267-280 (journal article, English)
  • M. Wilmsen, 2004 - Latest Campanian to Early Maastrichtian (Cretaceous) nautiloids from the white chalk of Kronsmoor, northern Germany - Acta Geologica Polonica (54), 489-498 (journal article, English)
  • P. Branger, 2004 - Middle Jurassic Nautiloidea from western France - Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia (110), 141-149 (journal article, English)
  • A. Galácz, 2004 - Nautiloid cephalopods from the Middle Eocene of Iszkaszentgyörgy, Transdanubian Hungary - Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis, Sectio Geologica (34), 1-7 (journal article, English)
  • M. Cichowolski, 2004 - El género Cymatoceras (Nautilida) en el Cretácio Inferior de la Cuenca de Atacama, norte de Chile - Revista Geológica de Chile (31), 119-131 (journal article, English)
  • M. Wilmsen, 2003 - Campanian (Late Cretaceous) nautiloids from Sakhalin, Far East Russia - Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (48), 481-490 (journal article, English)
  • M. Cichowolski, 2003 - The nautiloid genus Cymatoceras from the Cretaceous of the Neuquén and Austral basins, Argentina - Cretaceous Research (24), 375-390 (journal article, English)
  • S. Tomida, 2002 - Occurrence of Aturia (Cephalopoda: Nautilida) from the Miocene Bihoku Group of Hiroshima Prefecture, southwestern Japan - Bulletin of the Mizunami Fossil Museum (29), 151-156 (journal article, English)
  • R. A. Hewitt, 2002 - A review of the Early Eocene nautiloids of the London Clay Formation (upper division C to lowest division E) of south-east England, with particular reference to concretionary horizons and faunules in the offshore facies strata at Southeand-on-Sea, Essex a - Tertiary Research (21), 39-50 (journal article, English)
  • J. J. Sepkoski, Jr., 2002 - A compendium of fossil marine animal genera - Bulletins of American Paleontology (363), 1-560 (serial monograph, English)
  • J. Dzik, 2001 - The Eocene expansion of nautilids to high latitudes - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (172), 297-312 (journal article, English)
  • R. L. Squires, 2001 - Additions to the Eocene megafossil fauna of the Llajas Formation, Simi Valley, southern California - Contributions in Science (489), 1-40 (journal article, English)
  • H. Noda, 2001 - First occurrence of Eocene nautilids from the Miyaragawa Formation in Ishigaki-jima Island the Ryukyus, southwest Japan - Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, Series C (27), 89-100 (journal article, English)
  • H. C. Klinger, 2001 - Upper Maastrichtian ammonites and nannofossils and a Palaeocene nautiloid from Richards Bay, Kwa Zulu, South Africa - Acta Geologica Polonica (51), 273-291 (journal article, English)
  • S. K. Donovan, 2001 - Further fossil cephalopods from Jamaica - Palaeontologische Zeitschrift (75), 17-21 (journal article, English)
  • I. FÅ‘zy, 2001 - Campanian (Late Cretaceous) cephalopods from Sümeg (Transdanubian Central Range, Hungary) - Fragmenta Palaeontologica Hungarica (19), 25-37 (journal article, English)
  • M. Wilmsen, 2000 - Late Cretaceous nautilids from northern Cantabria, Spain - Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (50), 29-43 (journal article, English)
  • F. A. Wittler, 1999 - Die Nautiliden der oberen Kreide (Cenoman-Campan) von Süd- und Westrand des Münsterländer Beckens - Arbeitskreis Paläontologie Hannover (27), 1-52 (journal article, German)
  • S. Casadío, 1999 - Tertiary nautiloids from Patagonia, southern Argentina - Ameghiniana (36), 189-202 (journal article, English)
  • M. Rakús, 1999 - Lower Liassic (Hettangian) ammonites from Zlambach Graben near Bad Goisern, Upper Austria - Abhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt (56), 329-341 (journal article, English)
  • P. D. Ward, 1997 - Allonautilus: A new genus of living nautiloid cephalopod and its bearing on phylogeny of the Nautilida - Journal of Paleontology (71), 1054-1064 (journal article, English)
  • K. Halder, 1997 - On some new late Bathonian paracenoceratids (Nautiloidea) from Kutch, India and their evolutionary and biostratigraphic implications - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Monatshefte (1997), 543-561 (journal article, English)
  • K. Halder, 1996 - The Oxfordian (Upper Jurassic) nautiloid fauna of Kutch, western India - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen (201), 17-32 (journal article, English)
  • T. Ozawa, 1996 - Occurrence of Aturia coxi (Cephalopoda: Nautilida) from the uppermost Miocene of Japan and its implication for Late Miocene marine climate in the northwestern Pacific - Journal of Paleontology (70), 795-798 (journal article, English)
  • I. Fritz, 1996 - Funde von Aturia (Nautiloidea) aus dem miozänen Kalksteinbruch Retznei (Südweststeiermark) - Mitteilungen der Abteilung für Geologie und Paläontologie am Landesmuseum Joanneum (52/53), 13-18 (journal article, German)
  • W. B. Saunders, 1996 - Clarification of Nautilus praepompilius Shimansky from the Late Eocene of Kazakhstan - Journal of Paleontology (70), 609-611 (journal article, English)
  • K. Halder, 1996 - The fleeting genus Cymatonautilus (Nautiloidea): new record from the Jurassic Chari Formation, Kutch, India - Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (33), 1007-1010 (journal article, English)
  • J. D. Stilwell, 1996 - Records of Nautiloidea (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in Otago and Chatham Islands, New Zealand - New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics (39), 83-91 (journal article, English)
  • N. J. Morris, 1995 - Maastrichtian nautiloids from the United Arab Emirates-Oman border region - Bulletin of the Natural History Museum, Geology Series (51), 251-255 (journal article, English)
  • S. Bardhan, 1994 - Earliest sexual dimorphism in Nautiloidea from the Jurassic of Kutch, India - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie, Abhandlungen (193), 287-309 (journal article, English)
  • T. Al-Harithi, 1992 - Some Cephalopoda from Maastrichtian outcrops of Wadi Usaykhim, Al Azraw area in east Jordan - Senckenbergiana Lethaea (71), 427-437 (journal article, English)
  • E. S. Sobolev, 1989 - Triasovye nautilidy severo-vostochnoy Azii - Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Sibirskoe Otdelenie Trudy Instituta Geologii I Geofiziki (727), 1-193 (serial monograph, Russian)
  • A. Galácz, 1988 - First record of Paleocene nautiloids from Cuba - Palaeontologische Zeitschrift (62), 265-269 (journal article, English)
  • S. Calzada, 1988 - Nautílidos liasicos de los alrededores de Alfara (Tarragona, NE España) - Acta Geologica Hispanica (23), 303-309 (journal article, Spanish)
  • R. L. Squires, 1988 - Cephalopods from the late Eocene Hoko River Formation, northwestern Washington - Journal of Paleontology (62), 76-82 (journal article, English)
  • H. Tinant, 1987 - Les nautiles du Jurassique d'Arabie Saoudite - Geobios, Mémoire Spécial (9), 67-159 (journal article, French)
  • T. Chevallier, 1987 - Nautilidés d'âge Kimméridgien dans le Jura français: conséquences stratigraphiques et paléogéographiques - Geobios (20), 713-723 (journal article, French)
  • C. Llompart, 1986 - Restos de nautílidos en la secuencia deposicional de Armàncies (Eoceno, Prepirineo de Gerona) - Scientia Gerundensis (12), 165-171 (journal article, Spanish)
  • H. C. Klinger, 1985 - Upper Cretaceous Cephalopoda from offshore deposits off the Natal south coast, South Africa. - Palaeontologia Africana (26), 1-11 (journal article, English)
  • T. Matsumoto, 1984 - Postscript, in Cretaceous nautiloids from Hokkaido - V - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (134), 335-346 (journal article, English)
  • R. L. Squires, 1984 - Megapaleontology of the Eocene Llajas Formation, Simi Valley, California - Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (350), 1-76 (serial monograph, English)
  • E. J. Moore, 1984 - Molluscan paleontology and biostratigraphy of the Lower Miocene upper part of the Lincoln Creek Formation in southwestern Washington - Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (351), 1-42 (serial monograph, English)
  • F. A. Sundberg, 1984 - Two Cretaceous nautiloids from Baja California, Mexico, and southern California - Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences (83), 43-52 (journal article, English)
  • T. Matsumoto, 1984 - Cretaceous nautiloids from Hokkaido - V - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (134), 335-346 (journal article, English)
  • E. Gliozzi, 1983 - I molluschi del Paleocene di Baixa Chinhauanine nel bacino del Rio Massintonto (Maputo - Mozambico) - Geologica Romana (22), 85-145 (journal article, Italian)
  • K. Tanabe, 1983 - A new species of Deltoidonautilus (Cephalopoda) from the upper Eocene of western Kyushu - Venus (42), 248-258 (journal article, English)
  • T. Matsumoto, 1983 - Cretaceous nautiloids from Hokkaido - II. Part 2. Three nautiloid species from the Santonian and Campanian of Hokkaido - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (130), 85-95 (journal article, English)
  • T. Matsumoto, 1983 - Cretaceous Nautiloids from Hokkaido-III Part 3. Some Nautiloids from the Campanian of Soya, Northern Hokkaido - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (132), 220-229 (journal article, English)
  • T. Matsumoto, 1983 - Cymatoceratidae discussion, in Cretaceous nautiloids from Hokkaido - II. Part 2. Three nautiloid species from the Santonian and Campanian of Hokkaido - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (130), - (journal article, English)
  • T. Matsumoto, 1983 - Cretaceous nautiloids from Hokkaido - I - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (129), 9-25 (journal article, English)
  • E. A. Mancini, 1982 - Early Cenomanian cephalopods from the Grayson Formation of north-central Texas - Cretaceous Research (3), 241-259 (journal article, English)
  • M. Furuichi, 1982 - A new nautiloid species from the Upper Cretaceous Izumi Group of Shikoku - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (126), 334-340 (journal article, English)
  • T. Matsumoto, 1982 - A new nautiloid species from the Cretaceous of Hokkaido - Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B (58), 295-298 (journal article, English)
  • G. Conte, 1980 - Heminautilus sanctaecrucis, nouvelle espèce de nautiloïde Cretace - Geobios (13), 137-141 (journal article, French)
  • I. Obata, 1978 - Danian Nautiloid from Majunga, Northwest Madagascar - Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, Series C (4), 73-84 (journal article, English)
  • K. N. Whetstone, 1978 - A new genus of nautiloid cephalopods from the Mooreville Formation (Cretaceous) of Alabama - Journal of Paleontology (52), 440-443 (journal article, English)
  • L. D. Toulmin, 1977 - Stratigraphic Distribution of Paleocene and Eocene Fossils in the Eastern Gulf Coast Region - Geological Survey of Alabama, Monograph 13 (1), 1-602 (journal article, English)
  • O. S. Adegoke, 1977 - Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Ewekoro Formation (Paleocene) of Southwestern Nigeria - Bulletins of American Paleontology (71), 1-379 (, )
  • R. H. Bailey, 1976 - Eutrephoceras (Nautiloidea) from the Paleocene Beaufort Formation of North Carolina - Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology (12), 235-242 (journal article, English)
  • O. Schultz, 1976 - Eutrephoceras (Eutrephoceras) traubi nov. spec. - ein neuer Nautilus aus dem Paleozän Österreichs - Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien (80), 233-237 (journal article, German)
  • E. J. Moore, 1976 - Oligocene marine mollusks from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation in Oregon - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (922), 1-66 (journal article, English)
  • V. N. Shimansky, 1975 - Melovye Nautiloidei - Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Trudy Paleontologicheskogo Instituta (150), 1-208 (serial monograph, Russian)
  • R. Förster, 1975 - Die geologische Entwicklung von Süd-Mozambique seit der Unterkreide und die Ammoniten-Fauna von Unterkreide und Cenoman - Geologisches Jahrbuch, Reihe B (12), 3-324 (journal article, English)
  • A. G. Beu, 1973 - Nautiloids of the genus Aturia from the uppermost Miocene of Australia and New Zealand - Science Reports of the Tohoku University. Second Series, Geology. Special Volume (6), 297-308 (journal article, English)
  • Z. KotaÅ„ski, 1973 - Ammonites, nautiloids and daonelles from the upper subtatric Triassic in the Tatra Mts. - Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae (43), 439-451 (journal article, English)
  • H. L. Abbass, 1972 - Paleontological studies of some Saudi Arabian lower Tertiary fossils - Egyptian Journal of Geology (16), 35-68 (journal article, )
  • A. Bossio, 1972 - Alcune specie di Aturia (Nautiloidea) della Puglia e dell'Arcipelago di Malta - Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali Residente in Pisa, Memorie, Serie A (79), 87-94 (journal article, Italian)
  • G. Ficcarelli, 1968 - Fossili Giuresi della serie sedimentaria del Nilo Azurro meridionale [Jurassic fossils from the sedimentary series of the southern Blue Nile] - Rivista Italiana di paleontologia e Stratigrafia (74), 23-50 (journal article, Italian)
  • A. G. Beu, 1968 - A specimen of the nautiloid Aturia from the Kapitean stage (uppermost Miocene) of New Zealand - New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics (11), 161-165 (journal article, English)
  • A. E. Cockbain, 1968 - The nautiloid Cimomia in the Plantagenet Group - Report of the Department of Mines Western Australia for the Year 1967 (), 95-96 (journal article, English)
  • P. Jung, 1966 - Zwei miocaene Arten von Aturia (Nautilaceae) - Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae (59), 485-492 (journal article, German)
  • R. Toriyama, 1965 - Nautilus pompilius drifts on the west coast of Thailand - Contributions to the Geology and Palaeontology of Southeast Asia (20), 149-161 (journal article, English)
  • A. R. Palmer, 1965 - Trilobites of the Late Cambrian Pterocephaliid Biomere in the Great Basin, United States - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (493), 1-105 (serial monograph, English)
  • K. V. Palmer, 1965 - Catalogue of the Paleocene and Eocene mollusca of the southern and eastern United States. Part 1. Pelecypoda, Amphineura, Peteropoda, Scaphopoda and Cephalopoda - Bulletins of American Paleontology (48), 1-471 (serial monograph, English)
  • M. K. Howarth, 1965 - Cretaceous ammonites and nautiloids from Angola - Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology (10), 337-412 (serial monograph, English)
  • C. Teichert, 1964 - Cephalopoda - general features - Endoceratoidea - Actinoceratoidea - Nautiloidea - Bactritoidea - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (K), 1-519 (book/book chapter, English)
  • T. Matsumoto, 1964 - Notes on a Cretaceous nautiloid from Kyushu - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (53), 173-178 (journal article, English)
  • B. Kummel, 1963 - Miscellaneous nautilid type species of Alpheus Hyatt - Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (128), 325-368 (journal article, English)
  • K. V. W. Palmer, 1961 - A new nautiloid, Eutrephoceras eyerdami, new species from the Cowlitz Formation, upper Eocene, of Washington - Journal of Paleontology (35), 532-534 (journal article, English)
  • J. Wiedmann, 1960 - Zur systematik jungmesozoischer Nautiliden besonderer Berücksichtigung der iberischen Nautilinae d'Orb - Palaeontographica Abteilung A (115), 144-206 (journal article, German)
  • T. Kobayashi, 1960 - Some Miocene nautiloids from Shimane and Toyama prefectures, west Japan - Science Reports, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2nd Series (Geology), Special Volume (4), 117-124 (journal article, English)
  • B. McGowran, 1959 - Tertiary nautiloids (Eutrephoceras and Cimomia) from South Australia - Journal of Paleontology (33), 435-448 (journal article, English)
  • B. Kummel, 1959 - Triassic-Jurassic cenoceratids from New Zealand - New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics (2), 421-428 (journal article, English)
  • F. M. Anderson, 1958 - Upper Cretaceous of the Pacific Coast - Geological Society of America Memoir (71), 1-378 (serial monograph, English)
  • M. F. Glaessner, 1958 - New Cretaceous fossils from New Guinea, with a contribution on a new ammonite genus - Records of the South Australian Museum (13), 199-226 (journal article, English)
  • T. Kobayashi, 1957 - On an Aturia from the Poronai shale in Hokkaido - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (27), 75-80 (journal article, English)
  • V. N. Shimansky, 1957 - O semeystve Pseudonautilidae Hyatt, 1900 - Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR (112), 127-129 (journal article, Russian)
  • T. Kobayashi, 1956 - An interesting new form of the Aturiidae from the Paleogene of Northern Kyushu - Transactions and Proceedings of the Paleontological Society of Japan, N.S. (23), 243-245 (journal article, English)
  • A. K. Miller, 1956 - Cretaceous and Tertiary Nautiloids from Angola - Estudos, Ensaios e Documentos - Junta de Envestigacoes do Ultramar (21), 1-48 (serial monograph, English)
  • B. F. Glenister, 1956 - Upper Cretaceous and early Tertiary nautiloids from Western Australia - Journal of Paleontology (30), 492-503 (journal article, English)
  • V.E. Benavides-Caceres, 1956 - Cretaceous system in northern Peru - Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (108), 1-493 (serial monograph, English)
  • A. K. Miller, 1956 - Tertiary nautiloids dredged near Cape of Good Hope - Annals of the South African Museum (42), 327-328 (journal article, English)
  • B. Kummel, 1956 - Post-Triassic nautiloid genera - Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (114), 324-494 (journal article, English)
  • V. N. Shimansky, 1955 - A nakhodkakh Triasovykh nautiloidei v SSSR - Byulleten Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody, Otdel Geologicheskiy (30), 95-96 (journal article, Russian)
  • M. F. Glaessner, 1955 - Pelagic fossils (Aturia, penguins, whales) from the Tertiary of South Australia - Records of the South Australia Museum (), 353-371 (journal article, )
  • A. K. Miller, 1955 - Aturias from southern Chile - Journal of Paleontology (29), 467-468 (journal article, English)
  • A. K. Miller, 1955 - Aturias from Costa Rica - Journal of Paleontology (29), 465-466 (journal article, English)
  • T. Kobayashi, 1954 - A new cymatoceratid from the Palaeogene of northern Kyushu in Japan - Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography (24), 15-21 (journal article, English)
  • B. Kummel, 1954 - Jurassic nautiloids from western North America - Journal of Paleontology (28), 320-324 (journal article, English)
  • L. F. Spath, 1953 - The Upper Cretaceous cephalopod fauna of Graham Land - Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey Scientific Reports (3), 1-60 (serial monograph, English)
  • A. K. Miller, 1952 - A new Jurassic nautiloid species from Morocco - Journal of Paleontology (26), 626-629 (journal article, English)
  • O. Haas, 1952 - Eocene Nautiloids of British Somaliland - Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (99), 319-354 (serial monograph, English)
  • A. Jeannet, 1951 - Stratigraphie und Palaeontologie des oolithischen Eisenerzlagers von Herznach und seiner Umgebung - Beiträge zur Geologie der Schweiz, Geotechnische Serie (13), 1-240 (journal article, German)
  • A. K. Miller, 1951 - A new species of Hercoglossa from Maracaibo - Journal of Paleontology (25), 377-379 (journal article, English)
  • A. K. Miller, 1951 - Tertiary nautiloids of west-coastal Africa - Annales du Museé du Congo Belge Tervuren, Sciences Géologiques (8), 1-88 (serial monograph, English)
  • A. K. Miller, 1950 - Tertiary nautiloids of the Americas: supplement - Journal of Paleontology (24), 1-18 (journal article, English)
  • C. Teichert, 1949 - A new Aturia from the Tertiary of South Australia - Records of the South Australian Museum (9), 255-256 (journal article, English)
  • A. K. Miller, 1949 - American Permian nautiloids - Geological Society of America Memoir (41), 1-218 (journal article, English)
  • C. Teichert, 1947 - New nautiloids from the older Tertiary of Victoria - Mining and Geological Journal of Victoria (3), 48-51 (journal article, English)
  • A. K. Miller, 1947 - Tertiary nautiloids of the Americas - Geological Society of America Memoir (23), 1-234 (serial monograph, English)
  • M. Avnimelech, 1947 - Nautilus blakei, a new Oligocene mollusk from Palestine - Journal of Paleontology (21), 476-479 (journal article, English)
  • J. W. Durham, 1946 - Upper Aptian Nautiloids from Colombia - Journal of Paleontology (20), 428-434 (journal article, English)
  • B. L. Clark, 1946 - Eocene Faunas from the Department of Bolivar, Colombia - Geological Society of America Memoir (16), 1-126 (serial monograph, English)
  • C. Teichert, 1944 - The genus Aturia in the Tertiary of Australia - Journal of Paleontology (18), 73-82 (journal article, English)
  • M. Avnimelech, 1943 - Lower Tertiary Aturia from Palestine - Journal of Paleontology (17), 115-119 (journal article, English)
  • C. Teichert, 1943 - Eocene nautiloids from Victoria - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria (55), 258-264 (journal article, English)
  • O. Kuhn, 1939 - Ãœber einen neuen Nautilus aus dem mittleren Malm - Palaeontologische Zeitschrift (21), 161-163 (journal article, German)
  • A. K. Miller, 1939 - Aturias from the Eocene of Panama - Journal of Paleontology (13), 77-79 (journal article, English)
  • A. K. Miller, 1937 - Beiträge zur Kenntnis tropisch-americkanischer Tertiärmollusken. VI. Some Tertiary nautiloids from Venezuela and Trinidad - Ecologae Geologicae Helvetiae (30), 59-73 (journal article, English)
  • H. E. Vokes, 1937 - Nautiloid cephalopods from the Eocene of California - Journal of Paleontology (11), 3-9 (journal article, English)
  • A. K. Miller, 1935 - The "Paleocene" nautiloid cephalopods of Landana, Portuguese West Africa - Journal of Paleontology (9), 167-173 (journal article, English)
  • A. K. Miller, 1935 - The nautiloid genus Aturoidea in America - Journal of Paleontology (9), 563-571 (journal article, English)
  • H. B. Stenzel, 1935 - Nautiloids of the genus Aturia from the Eocene of Texas and Alabama - Journal of Paleontology (9), 551-562 (journal article, English)
  • A. K. Miller, 1933 - The nautiloid cephalopods of the Midway Group - Journal of Paleontology (7), 298-324 (journal article, English)
  • A. Keller, 1932 - Mission saharienne Augiéras-Draper, 1927-1928. Sur une nouvelle espèce de nautile éocène du Soudan Français - Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 2e Série (4), 564-567 (journal article, French)
  • H. G. Schenck, 1931 - Cephalopods of the genus Aturia from western North America - University of California Publications, Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences (19), 435-490 (journal article, English)
  • C. J. Maury, 1930 - O Cretaceo da Parahyba do Norte - Serviço Geologico E Mineralogico do Brasil Monographia (8), 1-305 (serial monograph, English)
  • A. A. Olsson, 1928 - Contributions to the Tertiary paleontology of northern Peru: Part 1 - Bulletins of American Paleontology (14), - (serial monograph, English)
  • F. M. Anderson, 1928 - Notes on Lower Tertiary deposits of Colombia and their molluscan and foraminiferal fauna - Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (17), 1-29 (journal article, English)
  • M. A. Hanna, 1927 - An Eocene invertebrate fauna from the La Jolla Quadrangle, California - University of California Publications Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences (16), 247-398 (journal article, English)
  • T. Nagao, 1926 - Aturia yokoyamai, nov. nom., from the Palaeogene of Kyushu - Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology (9), 29-32 (journal article, English)
  • S. Shimizu, 1926 - On two species of Nautiloidea from the Tertiary of Japan - Science Reports of the Tohoku Imperial University, 2nd Series, Geology (9), 25-27 (journal article, English)
  • L.B. Kellum, 1926 - Paleontology and Stratigraphy of the Castle Hayne and Trent Marls in North Carolina - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (), 1-56 (serial monograph, )
  • E. Vredenburg, 1925 - Description of Mollusca from the post-Eocene Tertiary formation of north-western India: Cephalopoda, Opisthobranchiata, Siphonostomata - Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India (50), 1-350 (serial monograph, English)
  • F. M. Anderson, 1925 - Fauna and stratigraphic relations of the Tejon Eocene at the type locality in Kern County, California - Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences (11), 1-249 (serial monograph, English)
  • J. B. Reeside, 1924 - A new nautiloid cephalopod, Eutrephoceras sloani, from the Eocene of South Carolina - Proceedings of the United States National Museum (65), 79520-79524 (journal article, English)
  • J. Gardner, 1923 - New species of Mollusca from the Eocene deposits of southwestern Texas - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (131), 109-117 (journal article, English)
  • H. Douvillé, 1920 - L'Eocène au Soudan et au Sénégal - Bulletin du Comité d'Etudes Historiques et Scientifiques de l'Afrique Occidentale Française (2), 113-171 (journal article, French)
  • H. Douvillé, 1916 - Les terrains secondaires dans le massif du Moghara à l’Est de l’isthme de Suez - Mémoire de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris (54), 1-184 (serial monograph, French)
  • F. Chapman, 1915 - New or little-known Victorian fossils in the National Museum - Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria (27), 350-361 (journal article, English)
  • G. Arthaber, 1915 - Die Trias von Bithynien (Anatolien) - Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients (27), 85-206 (journal article, German)
  • J. Pia, 1914 - Untersuchungen über die liassischen Nautiloidea - Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients (27), 19-86 (journal article, German)
  • R. E. Dickerson, 1914 - Fauna of the Martinez Eocene of California - Bulletin of the Department of Geology, University of California (6), 61-180 (serial monograph, English)
  • C. A. Waring, 1914 - Eocene Horizons of California - Journal of Geology (22), 782-785 (journal article, English)
  • K. C. von Loesch, 1914 - Die Nautilen des weissen Jura - Palaeontographica (61), 57-146 (journal article, German)
  • M. Yokoyama, 1913 - On two new fossil Cephalopoda from the Tertiary of Izumo - Journal of the Geological Society of Tokyo (20), 1-3 (journal article, English)
  • J. Böhm, 1913 - Ãœber tertiäre Versteinerungen von den Bogenfelser Diamantfeldern. I. Bryozoen, Mollusken, Krebs und Fische - Beiträge zur Geologischen Erforschung der Deutschen Schutzgebiete (5), 59-83 (journal article, German)
  • K. C. von Loesch, 1912 - Eine fossile pathologische Nautilusschale - Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie (1912), 90-102 (journal article, German)
  • M. Gemmellaro, 1911 - Sui fossili degli strati a Terebratula aspasia della contrada Rocche Rosse presso Galati (prov. di Messina). Cefalopodi (fine) - Gasteropodi - Giornale di Scienze Naturali ed Economiche di Palermo (28), 203-246 (journal article, Italian)
  • E. Krenkel, 1910 - Die untere Kreide von Deutsch-Ostafrika - Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients (23), 201-250 (journal article, German)
  • E. Spengler, 1910 - Untersuchungen über die südindische Kreideformation. Die Nautiliden und Belemniten des Trichinopolydistrikts - Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients (23), 125-157 (journal article, German)
  • E. Dacque, 1905 - Beiträge zur Geologie des Somalilandes, 2. Teil. Oberer Jura [Contributions to the geology of Somaliland, Part 2. Upper Jurassic] - Beiträge zur Paläontologie und Geologie Österreich-Ungarns und des Orients (17), 119-160 (serial monograph, German)
  • F. M. Anderson, 1902 - Cretaceous Deposits of the Pacific Coast - Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (2), 1-155 (serial monograph, English)
  • P. Oppenheim, 1902 - Ueber die Fossilien der Blättermergel von Theben - Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Physikalische Klasse (32), 435-456 (journal article, German)
  • W. B. Clark, 1901 - Mollusca - Maryland Geological Survey, Eocene (), 122-203 (journal article, English)
  • F. P. Tagliarini, 1901 - Monografia sui Nautili del Dogger inferiore di Monte San Giuliano (Erice) - Giornale di Scienze Naturali ed Economiche di Palermo (23), 186-203 (journal article, Italian)
  • G. C. Crick, 1898 - Descriptions of new or imperfectly known species of Nautilus from the Inferior Oolite, preserved in the British Museum (Natural History) - Proceedings of the Malacological Society of London (3), 117-139 (journal article, English)
  • C. Diener, 1897 - The Cephalopoda of the Lower Trias - Palaeontologia Indica (15), 1-581 (serial monograph, English)
  • C. F. Parona, 1897 - I Nautili del Lias inferiore di Saltrio in Lombardia - Bullettino della Società Malacologica Italiana (20), 7-20 (journal article, Italian)
  • E. von Mojsisovics, 1896 - Upper Triassic Cephalopoda faunae of the Himalaya - Palaeontologia Indica (10), 1-264 (serial monograph, English)
  • K. Frauscher, 1895 - Nautilusse von Guttaring - Jahrbuch Des Naturhistorischen Landes-Museums Von Kärnten (23), 185-199 (journal article, German)
  • G. C. Crick, 1894 - On a collection of Jurassic Cephalopoda from Western Australia - obtained by Harry Page Woodward, F.G.S., government geologist - with descriptions of the species - Geological Magazine, Decade IV (1), 385-393 (journal article, English)
  • A. Hyatt, 1894 - Phylogeny of an acquired characteristic - Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (32), 349-647 (journal article, English)
  • A. H. Foord, 1891 - - Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the British Museum (Natural History), Part II. Containing the Remainder of the Suborder Nautiloidea, Consisting of the Families Lituitidae, Trochoceratidae, and Nautilidae, with a Supplement (), 1-407 (book, English)
  • A. H. Foord, 1890 - On some new and imperfectly-defined species of Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary Nautili contained in the British Museum (Natural History) - The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Sixth Series (6), 388-409 (journal article, English)
  • G. G. Gemmellaro, 1886 - Sui Dogger inferiore di Monte San Giuliano (Erice) - Giornale di Scienze Naturali ed Economiche di Palermo (17), 197-213 (journal article, Italian)
  • K. A. Penecke, 1884 - Das Eocän des Krappfeldes in Kärnten - Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe (90), 327-371 (journal article, German)
  • E. von Mojsisovics, 1882 - Die Cephalopoden der Mediterranen Triasprovinz - Abhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt (10), 1-322 (serial monograph, German)
  • A. de Gregorio, 1880 - - Fauna di S. Giovanni Ilarione (Parisiano). Parte 1a: Cefalopodi e Gasteropodi (), 1-110 (book, Italian)
  • K. Martin, 1879 - Die Tertiärschichten auf Java. Nach den Entdeckungen von Fr. Junghuhn - Geologische-Reichsmuseum (), 1-164 (serial monograph, German)
  • F. McCoy, 1876 - Prodromus of the Palaeontology of Victoria. Decade 3 - (), 1-40 (serial monograph, English)
  • A. H. Worthen, 1875 - Palaeontology of Illinois. Section II. Description of invertebrates - Illinois Geological Survey (6), 489-532 (journal article, English)
  • E. von Mojsisovics, 1873 - Das Gebirge um Hallstatt. Eine geologisch-paläontologische Studie aus den Alpen. 1 Teil, Die Mollusken-Faunen der Zlambach- und Hallstätter-Schichten - Abhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt (6), 1-82 (journal article, German)
  • J. Vilanova y Piera, 1870 - - Ensayo de Descripción Geognóstica de la Provincia de Teruel en sus Relaciones con la Agricultura de la Misma (), 1-312 (book, Spanish)
  • E. D. Cope, 1866 - [A specimen of Nautilus] - Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia (18), 3-4 (journal article, English)
  • G. P. Deshayes, 1865 - - Description des Animaux sans Vertèbres Découvertes dans le Bassin de Paris. Tome Troisième: Mollusques Céphalés, Deuxième Partie, Mollusques Céphalopodes (), 201-658 (book, French)
  • W. M. Gabb, 1864 - Description of the Cretaceous fossils - Geological Survey of California Palaeontology (1), 57-217 (journal article, English)
  • E. d'Eichwald, 1860 - - Lethaea rossica ou paléontologie de la Russie. Premier Volume. Seconde section de l'ancienne Période (), 1-1657 (book/book chapter, French)
  • D. Sharpe, 1854 - On the age of the fossiliferous sands and gravels of Farringdon and its neighbourhood - Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society (10), 176-198 (journal article, English)
  • F. E. Edwards, 1849 - A monograph of the Eocene Mollusca, or descriptions of shells from the older Tertiaries of England. Part I. Cephalopoda - Palaeontographical Society Monograph (2), 1-56 (serial monograph, English)
  • T. A. Conrad, 1848 - Observations on the Eocene formations, and descriptions of one hundred and five new fossils from that period, from the vicinity of Vicksburg, Mississippi; with an appendix - Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (3), 280-299 (journal article, English)
  • J. Morris, 1848 - Description of a new species of Nautilus from the Lower Greensand of the Isle of Wight - The Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Second Series (1), 106-107 (journal article, English)
  • E. Forbes, 1846 - Report on the fossil invertebrata from southern India, collected by Mr. Kaye and Mr. Cunliffe - Transactions of the Geological Society of London, Series 2 (7), 97-174 (journal article, English)
  • I. Lea, 1841 - Notice of the oolitic formation in America, with descriptions of some of its organic remains - Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, New Series (7), 251-260 (journal article, English)
  • G. P. Deshayes, 1835 - - Description des Coquilles Fossiles des Environs de Paris, Tome Second: Mollusques (), 495-780 (book, French)
  • J. Sowerby, 1812 - No. I of the mineral conchology of Great Britain; or colored figures and descriptions of those remains of testaceous animals or shells, which have been preserved at various times and depths in the Earth - The Mineral Conchology of Great Britain (1), 9-16 (journal article, English)
  • C. Linnaeus, 1758 - - Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, Secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, cum Characteribus, Differentiis, Synonymis, Locis. Editio Decima (1), 1-824 (book, other)


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Database ID 4721