This mentioned taxonomy is an attempt to make an conclusive assignment from the different classifications of various scientists. Because the taxonomy may change due to the latest investigative methods and other findings, our map is a guide only.
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Schellwien, 1900
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Zhan, 1979
Ref.: L.P. Zhan. 1979. Taxonomic Descriptions. The Coal-Bearing Strata and Fossils of the Late Permian from Guangdong
Schellwien, 1900
Ref.: L.P. Zhan. 1979. Taxonomic Descriptions. The Coal-Bearing Strata and Fossils of the Late Permian from Guangdong
H. T. Wu, 2019 - A mixed Permian-Triassic boundary brachiopod fauna from Guizhou province, South China - Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia (125), 609-630 (journal article, English)
W. H. He, 2019 - Systematic palaeontology - Brachiopods around the Permian-Triassic Boundary of South China (), 61-224 (book chapter, English)
S. Z. Shen, 2016 - An upper Kungurian/lower Guadalupian (Permian) brachiopod fauna from the South Qiangtang Block in Tibet and its palaeobiogeographical implications - Palaeoworld (25), 519-538 (journal article, English)
M. E. Clapham, 2015 - Personal Opinions - (), - (unpublished, English)
J. I. Tazawa, 2015 - Early Permian (Kungurian) brachiopods from Nakadaira, South Kitakami Belt, northeastern Japan - Paleontological Research (19), 156-177 (journal article, English)
A. Ghaderi, 2015 - Study of Late Permian (Wuchiapingian) brachiopods of sedimentary succession at the Zal section, Northwest Iran - Paleontology (2), 212-229 (journal article, other)
G. Crippa, 2012 - Guadalupian (Permian) brachiopods from the Ruteh limestone, north Iran - GeoArabia (17), 125-176 (journal article, English)
S. Z. Shen, 2007 - Lopingian (Late Permian) brachiopods from South China. Part 1. Orthotetida, Orthida and Rhynchonellida - Bulletin of the Tohoku University Museum (6), 1-102 (journal article, English)
Z. Q. Chen, 2006 - Artinskian-Kungurian (Early Permian) brachiopod faunas from the Tarim Basin, Northwest China, Part 2: Paleobiogeography, and systematics of Orthotetida, Orthida, Spiriferida, Spiriferinida, Rhynchonellida, Athyridida and Terebratulida - Palaeontographica Abteilung A (275), 1-53 (journal article, English)
R. Posenato, 2005 - Systematic descriptions, in: Bivalves and brachiopods near the Permian-Triassic boundary in the Bukk Mountains (Balvany-North section, northern Hungary) - Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia (111), 221-229 (journal article, English)
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M. Sone, 2001 - Systematic palaeontology, in Middle Permian brachiopods from central Peninsular Malaysia - faunal affinities between Malaysia and west Cambodia - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences (19), 177-194 (journal article, English)
A. Williams, 2000 - Part H Brachiopoda (revised): Volumes 2 & 3, Linguliformea, Craniiformea, Rhynchonelliformea (part). - Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology (), 1-919 (serial monograph, English)
J. I. Yanagida, 1999 - Permian brachiopods from the Khao Hin Kling area near Phetchabun, north-central Thailand - Bulletin of the Kitakyushu Museum of Natural History (18), 105-136 (journal article, English)
L. Angiolini, 1996 - Permian brachiopods from Karakorum (Pakistan). Pt. 2. - Revista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia (102), 3-26 (journal article, )
S. Z. Shen, 1992 - Changxingian brachiopods from Zhongliang Hill of Chongqing, Sichuan Province - Stratigraphy and Palaeontology of Oil and Gas Bearing Areas in China (3), 171-196 (book/book chapter, Chinese)
D. L. Yang, 1991 - The brachiopod fauna of Early Permian early Qixia stage, Yishan area, Guangxi and its significance - Bulletin of the Yichang Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources (17), 81-92 (journal article, Chinese)
W. P. Liang, 1990 - Lengwu Formation of Permian and its Brachiopod Fauna in Zhejiang Province - Geological Memoirs (2), 1-522 (book/book chapter, Chinese)
G. V. Kotlyar, 1989 - Taxonomic Names: Brachiopoda - Evolution of the latest Permian biota: Midian regional stage in the USSR (), 1-184 (book/book chapter, Russian)
T. C. Lu, 1982 - Early Permian brachiopods from Gaoqiao, Mianchu, Sichuan Province - Acta Palaeontologica Sinica (21), 607-612 (journal article, Chinese)
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Y. G. Jin, 1979 - Permian brachiopod names - Paleontological atlas of northwest China, Qinghai Volume (1), 70-131 (book/book chapter, Chinese)
L.P. Zhan, 1979 - Taxonomic Descriptions - The Coal-Bearing Strata and Fossils of the Late Permian from Guangdong (), 1-166 (book/book chapter, Chinese)
T. C. Lu, 1978 - Brachiopod taxonomic names - Palaeontological Atlas of Southwest China - Sichuan Volume (2), 233-262 (book/book chapter, Chinese)
R. L. Feng, 1978 - Brachiopod names - Paleontological Atlas of Southwest China, Guizhou Volume (2), 231-305 (book/book chapter, Chinese)
Z. X. Tong, 1978 - Carboniferous and Permian Brachiopoda - Palaeontological Atlas of Southwest China - Sichuan Volume (2), 210-267 (book/book chapter, Chinese)
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M. J. McIntosh, 1974 - Some Scottish Carboniferous brachiopods - Scottish Journal of Geology (10), 199-222 (journal article, English)
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N. Fantini Sestini, 1966 - Brachiopods from the Upper Permian Nesen Formation (North Iran) - Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia (72), 887-930 (journal article, )
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