Mineralienatlas - Fossilienatlas
Ostreioni |
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Pictures (223 Images total)
Views (File: ): 1226
Neithea Neithea Breite: 2,5cm, t'Rooth Copyright: bardenoki; Contribution: bardenoki Location: Niederlande/Limburg, Provinz/Eijsden-Margraten/Bemelen/t'Rooth Fossil: Neithea Image: 1156358967 Rating: 9 (votes: 1) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Neithea |
Neithea Breite: 2,5cm, t'Rooth |
Copyright: | bardenoki |
Contribution: bardenoki 2006-08-23 |
Locality: t'Rooth / Bemelen / Eijsden-Margraten / Limburg, Provinz / Niederlande |
Views (File: ): 1438
Gryphaea Gryphaea, "Devil's toenails", in Jura-Kalk; Mingary Castle, Kilchoan, Ardnamurchan Peninsula Copyright: Erik; Contribution: Erik Location: UK/Schottland/Highland/Ardnamurchan/Kilchoan/Mingary Castle Fossil: Gryphaea Image: 1190891542 Rating: 8 (votes: 2) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Gryphaea |
Gryphaea, "Devil's toenails", in Jura-Kalk; Mingary Castle, Kilchoan, Ardnamurchan Peninsula |
Copyright: | Erik |
Contribution: Erik 2007-09-27 |
Locality: Mingary Castle / Kilchoan / Ardnamurchan / Highland / Schottland / UK |
Views (File: ): 1340
Hilberia brauni Faziesstück mit verdrifteter Doppelklappe von Hilberia Brauni, Fundort: Deutschland/Rheinland-Pfalz/Rheinhessen/Alzey/Eckelsheim/Steigerberg, Größe: 8,0*7,5cm. Copyright: CARCHARIAS; Contribution: CARCHARIAS Collection: CARCHARIAS Location: Deutschland/Rheinland-Pfalz/Alzey-Worms, Landkreis/Eckelsheim/Steigerberg Fossil: Hilberia, Hilberia brauni Image: 1239140018 Rating: 7.5 (votes: 2) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Hilberia brauni |
Faziesstück mit verdrifteter Doppelklappe von Hilberia Brauni, Fundort: Deutschland/Rheinland-Pfalz/Rheinhessen/Alzey/Eckelsheim/Steigerberg, Größe: 8,0*7,5cm. |
Collection: | CARCHARIAS |
Copyright: | CARCHARIAS |
Contribution: CARCHARIAS 2009-04-07 |
Locality: Steigerberg / Eckelsheim / Alzey-Worms, Landkreis / Rheinland-Pfalz / Deutschland |
Views (File: ): 5590
Auster Frankreich/Basse-Normandie/Calvados/Falaises des Vaches Noir Copyright: Bullifan; Contribution: Bullifan Collection: Bullifan Location: Frankreich/Normandie, Region/Calvados, Département/Lisieux, Arrondissement/Houlgate/Falaises des Vaches Noires Fossil: Ostreidae Image: 1256658419 Rating: 8 (votes: 2) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Auster |
Frankreich/Basse-Normandie/Calvados/Falaises des Vaches Noir |
Collection: | Bullifan |
Copyright: | Bullifan |
Contribution: Bullifan 2009-10-27 |
Locality: Falaises des Vaches Noires / Houlgate / Lisieux, Arrondissement / Calvados, Département / Normandie, Region / Frankreich |
Views (File: ): 2154
Chlamys latissima Alter: Miozän-Badenium; Fundort: Müllendorf, Burgenland, Österreich. Copyright: Chlamys; Contribution: Chlamys Location: Österreich/Burgenland/Eisenstadt-Umgebung, Bezirk/Müllendorf Fossil: Chlamys latissima Image: 1133071762 Rating: 8 (votes: 1) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Chlamys latissima |
Alter: Miozän-Badenium; Fundort: Müllendorf, Burgenland, Österreich. |
Copyright: | Chlamys |
Contribution: Chlamys 2005-11-27 |
Locality: Müllendorf / Eisenstadt-Umgebung, Bezirk / Burgenland / Österreich |
Belonging to |
Gaeabionta ⇒ Domäne: Eukaryota ⇒ Reich: Animalia ⇒ Mittelreich: Eumetazoa ⇒ Klade: Triploblastica ⇒ Klade: Eutriploblastica ⇒ Klade: Neotriploblastica ⇒ Klade: Eucoelomata ⇒ Superstamm: Eutrochozoa ⇒ Stamm: Mollusca ⇒ Klasse: Bivalvia ⇒ Unterklasse: Pteriomorphia ⇒ Klade: Ostreomorphi | |
Taxonomic segment |
Klade |
This mentioned taxonomy is an attempt to make an conclusive assignment from the different classifications of various scientists. Because the taxonomy may change due to the latest investigative methods and other findings, our map is a guide only. |
Name from
Corresponding author (Name, Year) |
Ferussac, 1822 |
Other languages
scientific |
Ostreioni |
Lebenszeitraum in Million Jahren (Ma)
Start age: 251.902 Ma - End age: 0 Ma 0 0.0117 1.8 5.333 13.82 23.03 37.71 56 66 86.3 100.5 125.77 145 161.5 170.9 189.6 208.5 242 251.902 Start age: 471.8 Ma - End age: 251.902 Ma 251.902 264.28 283.5 298.9 315.2 346.7 382.7 407.6 423 430.5 440.8 453 477.7 |
Additional data by PBDB, License: CC BY
Motility: | facultatively mobile |
Habit: | epifaunal |
Diet: | suspension feeder |
Compositon of the remains: |
Reference- and Source indication, Literature
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Next lower taxonomy level
On the same taxonomic level (siblings) (Count: 2)
GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) | HCWZDvBHgECjC4s1951Qgw |
GUID (Global unique identifier) | 0E99251C-47F0-4080-A30B-8B35F79D5083 |
Database ID | 5696 |