
Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes)


Path to the site

Griechenland / Südliche Ägäis (Νότιο Αιγαίο) / Rhodos, Insel / Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk / Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes)



GPS Coordinates

Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes)

Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes)

WGS 84: 
Lat.: 36.33878637° N, 
Long: 28.06146919° E
WGS 84: 
Lat.: 36° 20' 19.631" N,
   Long: 28° 3' 41.289" E
Local weather information, Macrostrat geological map

Mineralienatlas short URL
Please feel free to link to this location

Shortened path specification

Schmetterlingstal, Petaloudesbezirk, Rhodos, Insel, Südliche Ägäis, GR
Useful for image descriptions and collection inscriptions

Important: Before entering this or any other place of discovery you should have a permission of the operator and/or owner. Likewise it is to be respected that necessary safety precautions are kept during the visit.

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Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes)



Griechenland / Südliche Ägäis (Νότιο Αιγαίο) / Rhodos, Insel / Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk / Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes)


Greece / South Aegean / Rhodos, Insel / Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk / Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes)

Additional Functions

Images from localities (1 Images total)

Bei Kloster Kalopetras im Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes)
Views (File:
): 234
Bei Kloster Kalopetras im Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes)
Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk; Rhodos, Südliche Ägais, Griechenland. 5.2017
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Location: Griechenland/Südliche Ägäis (Νότιο Αιγαίο)/Rhodos, Insel/Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk/Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes)
Image: 1495879708
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Bei Kloster Kalopetras im Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes)

Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk; Rhodos, Südliche Ägais, Griechenland. 5.2017

Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2017-05-27

Detailed Description

Kleines Naturkundemuseum:

Einige Mineralien und Gesteine sind dort u.A. ausgestellt.

Rock images (3 Images total)

Gastropoda und Echinodermata in Kalkgestein
Views (File:
): 1305
Gastropoda und Echinodermata in Kalkgestein
Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes); Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk; Rhodos, Südliche Ägais, Griechenland.
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Collection: Naturkundemuseum Petaloudes, Rhodos
Location: Griechenland/Südliche Ägäis (Νότιο Αιγαίο)/Rhodos, Insel/Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk/Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes)
Rock: limestone
Fossil: Echinodermata, Gastropoda
Image: 1495802211
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Gastropoda und Echinodermata in Kalkgestein

Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes); Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk; Rhodos, Südliche Ägais, Griechenland.

Collection: Naturkundemuseum Petaloudes, Rhodos
Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2017-05-26
More   RFoF 
Ton und Schluff
Views (File:
): 5349
Ton und Schluff
Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes); Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk; Rhodos, Südliche Ägais, Griechenland.
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Collection: Naturkundemuseum Petaloudes, Rhodos
Location: Griechenland/Südliche Ägäis (Νότιο Αιγαίο)/Rhodos, Insel/Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk/Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes)
Rock: clay stone, silt
Image: 1495799404
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Ton und Schluff

Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes); Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk; Rhodos, Südliche Ägais, Griechenland.

Collection: Naturkundemuseum Petaloudes, Rhodos
Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2017-05-26
More   RF 
Views (File:
): 2650
Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes); Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk; Rhodos, Südliche Ägais, Griechenland.
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Collection: Naturkundemuseum Petaloudes, Rhodos
Location: Griechenland/Südliche Ägäis (Νότιο Αιγαίο)/Rhodos, Insel/Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk/Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes)
Rock: conglomerate, limestone
Image: 1495792730
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes); Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk; Rhodos, Südliche Ägais, Griechenland.

Collection: Naturkundemuseum Petaloudes, Rhodos
Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2017-05-26
More   RF 

Rocks (Count: 4)

Fossil images (1 Images total)

Gastropoda und Echinodermata in Kalkgestein
Views (File:
): 1305
Gastropoda und Echinodermata in Kalkgestein
Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes); Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk; Rhodos, Südliche Ägais, Griechenland.
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Collection: Naturkundemuseum Petaloudes, Rhodos
Location: Griechenland/Südliche Ägäis (Νότιο Αιγαίο)/Rhodos, Insel/Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk/Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes)
Rock: limestone
Fossil: Echinodermata, Gastropoda
Image: 1495802211
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Gastropoda und Echinodermata in Kalkgestein

Schmetterlingstal (Petaloudes); Petaloudes, Gemeindebezirk; Rhodos, Südliche Ägais, Griechenland.

Collection: Naturkundemuseum Petaloudes, Rhodos
Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2017-05-26
More   RFoF 

Fossils (Count: 2)

Reference- and Source indication, Literature



GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) x7w71PFScEyMZ_UbtvAoCA
GUID (Global unique identifier) D43BBCC7-52F1-4C70-8C67-F51BB6F02808
Database ID 45172