
Sulawesi (Celebes)


Path to the site

Indonesien / Sulawesi (Celebes)

Journey Description

Ca. 16 Mio. Einwohner.


Die Insel ist vulkanischen Ursprungs. In der Banggai-Region in Zentralsulawesi gibt es Nickelvorkommen, in SO Sulawesi auf der Insel Buton Asphalt, in Gorontalo Erdöl- und Erdgasförderung.

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Sulawesi, ID
Useful for image descriptions and collection inscriptions

Important: Before entering this or any other place of discovery you should have a permission of the operator and/or owner. Likewise it is to be respected that necessary safety precautions are kept during the visit.

Additional Functions

Images from localities (3 Images total)

Gasexhalationen des vulkanischen Untergrunds
Views (File:
): 209
Gasexhalationen des vulkanischen Untergrunds
Lahendong, Tondano See, Manado, Nord-Sulawesi, Provinz, Celebes, Indonesien. 1995.
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Location: Indonesien/Sulawesi (Celebes)/Nord-Sulawesi, Provinz/Manado/Tondano See/Lahendong
Image: 1343040871
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Gasexhalationen des vulkanischen Untergrunds

Lahendong, Tondano See, Manado, Nord-Sulawesi, Provinz, Celebes, Indonesien. 1995.

Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2012-07-23
Gasexhalationen des vulkanischen Untergrunds
Views (File:
): 208
Gasexhalationen des vulkanischen Untergrunds
Lahendong, Tondano See, Manado, Nord-Sulawesi, Provinz, Celebes, Indonesien. 1995.
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Location: Indonesien/Sulawesi (Celebes)/Nord-Sulawesi, Provinz/Manado/Tondano See/Lahendong
Image: 1343040677
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Gasexhalationen des vulkanischen Untergrunds

Lahendong, Tondano See, Manado, Nord-Sulawesi, Provinz, Celebes, Indonesien. 1995.

Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2012-07-23
Views (File:
): 192
Lahendong, Tondano See, Manado, Nord-Sulawesi, Provinz, Celebes, Indonesien. 1995.
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Location: Indonesien/Sulawesi (Celebes)/Nord-Sulawesi, Provinz/Manado/Tondano See/Lahendong
Image: 1343040809
Rating: 7 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Lahendong, Tondano See, Manado, Nord-Sulawesi, Provinz, Celebes, Indonesien. 1995.

Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2012-07-23

You find additional specimen at the Geolitho Museum

Detailed Description

Politische Einteilung in Provinzen:

  • Provinz Nord- Sulawesi - Sulawesi Utara
  • Provinz Gorontalo
  • Provinz Zentral- Sulawesi - Sulawesi Tengah
  • Provinz Süd- Sulawesi - Sulawesi Selatan
  • Provinz Südost- Sulawesi - Sulawesi Tenggara

Mineral images (38 Images total)

Views (File:
): 274
Größe: 19 x 8 x 5 cm; Fundort: Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat Province, Sulawesi, Indonesien
Copyright:; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Location: Indonesien/Sulawesi (Celebes)/Westsulawesi (Sulawesi Barat), Provinz/Mamuju, Bezirk/Mamaju, Stadt (Manakarra Beach)
Mineral: Chalcedony
Image: 1519562366
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Größe: 19 x 8 x 5 cm; Fundort: Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat Province, Sulawesi, Indonesien

Contribution: Philip Blümner 2018-02-25
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Views (File:
): 152
Mamuju Area, West Sulawesi, Indonesien; Bb 25 mm.
Copyright: Guy Heinen; Contribution: guyhein
Collection: Guy Heinen
Location: Indonesien/Sulawesi (Celebes)/Westsulawesi (Sulawesi Barat), Provinz/Mamuju, Bezirk
Mineral: Chalcedony
Image: 1612723914
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Mamuju Area, West Sulawesi, Indonesien; Bb 25 mm.

Collection: Guy Heinen
Copyright: Guy Heinen
Contribution: guyhein 2021-02-07
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Views (File:
): 332
Kugelgröße: 6 mm; Fundort: Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat Province, Sulawesi, Indonesien
Copyright: Fabre Minerals; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Location: Indonesien/Sulawesi (Celebes)/Westsulawesi (Sulawesi Barat), Provinz/Mamuju, Bezirk/Mamaju, Stadt (Manakarra Beach)
Mineral: Chalcedony
Image: 1485892886
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Kugelgröße: 6 mm; Fundort: Mamuju, Sulawesi Barat Province, Sulawesi, Indonesien

Copyright: Fabre Minerals
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2017-01-31
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Views (File:
): 264
Perfect quality, finished all around, botryoidal chalcedony specimen, from Mamuju area, Sulawesi Barat Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia; Size 114 х 77 х 25 mm
Copyright: pegmatite; Contribution: pegmatite
Collection: pegmatite
Location: Indonesien/Sulawesi (Celebes)/Westsulawesi (Sulawesi Barat), Provinz/Mamuju, Bezirk
Mineral: Chalcedony
Image: 1479221850
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Perfect quality, finished all around, botryoidal chalcedony specimen, from Mamuju area, Sulawesi Barat Province, Sulawesi, Indonesia; Size 114 х 77 х 25 mm

Collection: pegmatite
Copyright: pegmatite
Contribution: pegmatite 2016-11-15
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kugelig-traubiger graublauer Chalcedon
Views (File:
): 47
kugelig-traubiger graublauer Chalcedon
Indonesien/Sulawesi (Celebes)/Westsulawesi (Sulawesi Barat), Provinz/Mamuju, Bezirk/Mamaju, Stadt (Manakarra Beach), BB = 19 mm
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer; Contribution: Münchener Micromounter
Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter, Collection number: A047015, Donator: Heinz Hublitz
Location: Indonesien/Sulawesi (Celebes)/Westsulawesi (Sulawesi Barat), Provinz/Mamuju, Bezirk/Mamaju, Stadt (Manakarra Beach)
Mineral: Chalcedony
Image: 1674640373
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
kugelig-traubiger graublauer Chalcedon (SNr: A047015)

Indonesien/Sulawesi (Celebes)/Westsulawesi (Sulawesi Barat), Provinz/Mamuju, Bezirk/Mamaju, Stadt (Manakarra Beach), BB = 19 mm

Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer
Contribution: Münchener Micromounter 2023-01-25
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Minerals (Count: 156)

Rock images (1 Images total)

Garnierit - Nepouit
Views (File:
): 140
Garnierit - Nepouit
lateritisch. Sulawesi, ID. 5,5x5x4cm.
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Collection: Doc Diether
Location: Indonesien/Sulawesi (Celebes)
Mineral: Garnierite, Nepouite, Népouite
Rock: laterite
Image: 1671380274
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Garnierit - Nepouit

lateritisch. Sulawesi, ID. 5,5x5x4cm.

Collection: Doc Diether
Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2022-12-18
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Rocks (Count: 68)

Fossils (Count: 15)

External links


Reference- and Source indication, Literature


  • Wichmann, A. (1890). Bericht über eine im Jahre 1888-89 im Auftrag der Niederlandischen Geographischen Gesellschaft ausgeführte Reise nach dem Indischen Archipel, I. Java and II. Celebes. Tijdschrift Kon. Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (2) 7, S.907-94.
  • Wichmann, A. (1893). Ãœber Glaukophan-Epidot-Glimmerschiefer von Celebes. N.Jb. Min. Geol. Palaont. 2, S.176-78.
  • Wichmann, A. (1893). Petrographische Studien über den Indischen Archipel. I. Leucitgesteine von der Insel Celebes. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift Nederlandsch-Indie 53, 2, S.315-31.
  • Bucking, H. (1899). Beiträge zur Geologie von Celebes. Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 45, S.249-60 und S.273-80.
  • Bucking, H. (1904). Beitrage zur Geologie von Celebes. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, ser.1, 7, S.29-205.
  • Sarasin, P. (1912). Zur Tektonik von Celebes. Z.D.Geol. Ges., Berlin, 64, Mb., S.226-45.
  • Van Waterschoot van der Gracht, W.A.J.M. (1915). Rapport over de opsporing van delfstoffen in Nederlandsch-Indie, krachtens opdracht bij Kon. Besluit van 9. Juni. 1913, No.54, Landsdrukkerij, The Hague, 110 S.
  • Martin, K. (1917). Bemerkungen über sog. Oligocane und andere Versteinerungen von Celebes. Sammlungen Geol. Reichs-Museums Leiden, N.F., II, 7, S. 99-308.
  • Abendanon, E.C. (1918). Ontdekking van belangrijke delfstofafzettingen in Ned.-Indië (Midden-Celebes) op grond van een geologischen verkenningstocht. De Ingenieur, 7, 14 S.
  • Dieckmann, W. (1919). Nikkelhoudende lateritische ijzerertsen op Celebes. De Ingenieur 34, 43, S.782-87.
  • Brouwer, H.A. (1930). The major tectonic features of Celebes. Proc. Kon. Nederlandse Akademie Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 33, 4, S.338-43.
  • Brouwer, H.A. (1934). Geologisch onderzoekingen op het eiland Celebes. Verhandelingen Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap Nederland Kol., Geol. Serie 10, S.39-218.
  • Brouwer, H.A. (1947). Geological explorations in Celebes- summary of the results. In: H.A. Brouwer (ed.) Geological Explorations of the Island of Celebes, North Holland Publ. Co., S.1-64.
  • Kundig, E. (1932). Versuch einer petrographischen Characteristik des kristallinen Grundgebirges von Celebes. Schweiz. Miner. Petrogr. Mitt. 12, 2, S.450-507.
  • Van Leeuwen, T.M. and Pieters, P.E. (2011, 2013). Mineral deposits of Sulawesi. Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Bandung, S.1-127.
  • van Leeuwen, T., & Pieters, P.E. (2012). Mineral deposits of Sulawesi. Indonesia: Geological Agency. 130 S.
  • Hennig, J., R. Hall u. R.A. Armstrong (2014). U-Pb zircon geochronology of rocks from west Central Sulawesi, Indonesia: Extension-related metamorphism and magmatism during the early stages of mountain building. Gondwana Research, Vol.32, S.41-63.
  • Han Van Gorsel (2022). Geological investigations of Sulawesi (Celebes) before 1930. Berita Sedimentologie, Vol.48, Nr.1, S.79-114.
  • Van Gorsel, J.T. (2022). Pioneers and milestones of Indonesian geology (1820-1960s), Dept. of Geological Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia, ITB Press, vols.1-4, 1533 S. (333+366+366+468).
  • Nugraha, M.S., R. Hall u. M. Boudager-Fadel (2022). The Celebes Molasse: A revised Neogene stratigraphy for Sulawesi, Indonesia. J. Asian Earth Sciences. Vol.228, 105140.
  • Mineralien - Indonesien, MINIPORT.COM.


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Database ID 5303