'Albit-Anorthit-Serie' r Bestandteile von Granit und Granodiorit. Breitfeld, H.T., Hall, L., T. Galin u. M.K. BouDagher-Fadel (2018).(Sarawak/Kuching, Division )
9 M
'Amphibol-Supergruppe' r Bestandteile von Granit und Granodiorit. Breitfeld, H.T., Hall, L., T. Galin u. M.K. BouDagher-Fadel (2018).(Sarawak/Kuching, Division )
1 M
'Apatit-Gruppe' r Granit-Bestandteil(Penang ) Nebenbestandteile durch Zerkleinermn und Waschen(Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
9 M
Arsen r Sammlung Philip Blümner(Sarawak/Kuching, Division/Bau Distrikt/Kusa Mine )
Arsenopyrit r Hoe, T.G., & Poh, L.H. (2003). (Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
29 M
Azurit r Hoe, T.G., & Poh, L.H. (2003). (Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
4 M
'Biotit' r Bestandteile von Granit und Granodiorit. Breitfeld, H.T., Hall, L., T. Galin u. M.K. BouDagher-Fadel (2018).(Sarawak/Kuching, Division ) Granit-Bestandteil(Penang )
11 M
Bornit r Hoe, T.G., & Poh, L.H. (2003). (Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
4 M
Chalkopyrit r Hoe, T.G., & Poh, L.H. (2003). (Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
31 M
Cinnabarit r Everett, A.H. (1878). (Sarawak/Kuching, Division/Bau Distrikt/Tegora Mine )
3 M
Cordierit r Oliver, G., Zaw, K., Hotson, M., Meffre, S., & Manka, T. (2014). U–Pb zircon geochronology of Early Permian to Late Triassic rocks from Singapore and Johor: A plate tectonic reinterpretation. Gondwana Res., 26(1), 132-43.(Johor )
2 M
Covellin r Hoe, T.G., & Poh, L.H. (2003). (Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
9 M
Cuprit r Hoe, T.G., & Poh, L.H. (2003). (Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
2 M
Fluorit r Granit-Bestandteil(Penang ) Hoe, T.G., & Poh, L.H. (2003). (Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
14 M
Gips r Wurster, C.M., Munksgaard, N., Zwart, C., & Bird, M. (2015). (Selangor/Batu Caves )
2 M
Goethit r Hoe, T.G., & Poh, L.H. (2003). (Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine ) Spirifer Minerals. Anlauffarben!(Pahang ) Spirifer Minerals. Anlauffarben.(Terengganu/Dungun, Distrikt/Bukit Besi Mine )
12 M
Gold r Hoe, T.G., & Poh, L.H. (2003). (Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
Hämatit r Slg.Doc Diether(Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
15 M
Hyalit (Var.: Opal )r Everett, A.H. (1878). The Distribution of Minerals in Sarawak. J. of the Straits Branch, Royal Asiatic Society.(Sarawak/Kuching, Division/Bau Distrikt )
1 M
Ilmenit r Nebenbestandteile durch Zerkleinermn und Waschen(Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
Kalifeldspat (Var.: Feldspat-Gruppe )r Bestandteile von Granit und Granodiorit. Breitfeld, H.T., Hall, L., T. Galin u. M.K. BouDagher-Fadel (2018).(Sarawak/Kuching, Division )
8 M
Kassiterit r Slg.Doc Diether(Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine ) Stauffer, P.H. (1969). (Selangor/Kuala Lumpur )
Kupfer r Hoe, T.G., & Poh, L.H. (2003). (Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
2 M
Leukophosphit r Wurster, C.M., Munksgaard, N., Zwart, C., & Bird, M. (2015). (Selangor/Batu Caves )
2 M
Magnetit r Slg.Doc Diether(Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
16 M
Malachit r Slg.Doc Diether(Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
9 M
Malayait (TL ) r Sungei Lah, Chenderiang. (Perak/Kinta Valley/Zinnseifen )
3 M
Muskovit r Granit-Bestandteil(Penang ) Wurster, C.M., Munksgaard, N., Zwart, C., & Bird, M. (2015). (Selangor/Batu Caves )
19 M
'Psilomelan' r Hoe, T.G., & Poh, L.H. (2003). (Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine ) Wolfenden, E.B. and Haile, N.S. (1963). (Sarawak/Kuching, Division/Lundu )
3 M
Quarz r Sammlung Philip Blümner(Sarawak/Kuching, Division/Bau Distrikt/Kusa Mine ) Slg.Doc Diether(Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine ) Wurster, C.M., Munksgaard, N., Zwart, C., & Bird, M. (2015). (Selangor/Batu Caves )
Quecksilber r Everett, A.H. (1878). (Sarawak/Kuching, Division/Bau Distrikt/Gading Lagerstätte ) Everett, A.H. (1878). (Sarawak/Kuching, Division/Bau Distrikt/Tegora Mine )
3 M
Realgar r Everett, A.H. (1878). (Sarawak/Kuching, Division/Bau Distrikt/Bidi )
8 M
Rutil r Nebenbestandteile durch Zerkleinermn und Waschen(Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine ) Schwermineral-Proben(Labuan )
14 M
Sphalerit r Hoe, T.G., & Poh, L.H. (2003). (Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
26 M
Spheniscidit r Wurster, C.M., Munksgaard, N., Zwart, C., & Bird, M. (2015). (Selangor/Batu Caves )
1 M
Stibnit r Geikie, J.S.A. (1911). (Sarawak/Kuching, Division/Lundu ) Sammlung Philip Blümner(Sarawak/Kuching, Division/Bau Distrikt/Kusa Mine )
Talk r https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Santubong(Sarawak/Kuching, Division/Bau Distrikt )
3 M
Titanit r Nebenbestandteile durch Zerkleinermn und Waschen(Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
6 M
Variscit r https://www.mindat.org/loc-154552.html(Kedah ) Wurster, C.M., Munksgaard, N., Zwart, C., & Bird, M. (2015). (Selangor/Batu Caves )
3 M
Wismut r Hoe, T.G., & Poh, L.H. (2003). (Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine ) Hoe, T.G., Loon, H.W. (2003). (Perak/Kinta Valley/Gopeng/Tekka Hill )
6 M
Wittichenit r Hoe, T.G., & Poh, L.H. (2003). (Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine )
1 M
Zirkon r Bestandteile von Granit und Granodiorit. Breitfeld, H.T., Hall, L., T. Galin u. M.K. BouDagher-Fadel (2018).(Sarawak/Kuching, Division ) Granit-Bestandteil(Penang ) Nebenbestandteile durch Zerkleinermn und Waschen(Johor/Kota Tinggi/Waterfall Mine ) Schwermineral-Proben(Labuan )
18 M
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