
Alto Ligonha Pegmatite


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Mosambik / Zambezia, Provinz / Alto Ligonha Pegmatite

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Alto Ligonha Pegmatite, Zambezia, MZ
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Alto Ligonha Pegmatite



Mosambik / Zambezia, Provinz / Alto Ligonha Pegmatite


Mozambique / Zambezia, Provinz / Alto Ligonha Pegmatite

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Images from localities (1 Images total)

Tantal-Lagerstätte Marropino
Views (File:
): 772
Tantal-Lagerstätte Marropino
Lagerstätte Marropino in Mozambique;
Foto: Dr. Thomas Oberthür;
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der BGR - Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover
Copyright: BGR Hannover; Contribution: Collector
Location: Mosambik/Zambezia, Provinz/Alto Ligonha Pegmatite/Marropino
Image: 1392814208
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Tantal-Lagerstätte Marropino

Lagerstätte Marropino in Mozambique;
Foto: Dr. Thomas Oberthür;
Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der BGR - Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover

Copyright: BGR Hannover
Contribution: Collector 2014-02-19

Mineral images (69 Images total)

Views (File:
): 468
Größe: 64x57 mm; Fundort: Namacotche Mine, Mutala-Pegmatit, Alto Ligonha Pegmatite, Provinz Zambezia, Mosambik
Copyright: Jewels-Fine-Minerals; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Location: Mosambik/Zambezia, Provinz/Alto Ligonha Pegmatite/Mutala-Pegmatit/Namacotche Mine
Mineral: Spodumene
Image: 1339067703
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Größe: 64x57 mm; Fundort: Namacotche Mine, Mutala-Pegmatit, Alto Ligonha Pegmatite, Provinz Zambezia, Mosambik

Copyright: Jewels-Fine-Minerals
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2012-06-07
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Views (File:
): 289
Euxenit in 2-4 cm großen Kristallen; aus Mosambik; Ex-Sammlung Bueltemann
Copyright: Ferdl; Contribution: Rockhounder
Collection: Ferdl
Location: Mosambik/Zambezia, Provinz/Alto Ligonha Pegmatite/Ile Mine
Mineral: Euxenite-(Y)
Image: 1493848573
Rating: 7 (votes: 2)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Euxenit in 2-4 cm großen Kristallen; aus Mosambik; Ex-Sammlung Bueltemann

Collection: Ferdl
Copyright: Ferdl
Contribution: Rockhounder 2017-05-03
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Views (File:
): 2864
Größe: 17x05x04 mm; Fundort: Murrua, Alto Ligonha Pegmatite, Provinz Zambezia, Mosambik
Copyright: Michael Roarke; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Location: Mosambik/Zambezia, Provinz/Alto Ligonha Pegmatite/Murrua (Morrua)
Mineral: Tantalite-(Mn)
Image: 1294658404
Rating: 8 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Größe: 17x05x04 mm; Fundort: Murrua, Alto Ligonha Pegmatite, Provinz Zambezia, Mosambik

Copyright: Michael Roarke
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2011-01-10
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Views (File:
): 810
Polychromic tourmaline specimen, from Naipa mine, Alto Ligonha District, Zambezia Province, Mozambique; Size 76 x 20 x 18 mm
Copyright: pegmatite; Contribution: pegmatite
Collection: pegmatite
Location: Mosambik/Zambezia, Provinz/Alto Ligonha Pegmatite/Naipa Mine
Mineral: Tourmaline supergroup
Image: 1341474231
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Polychromic tourmaline specimen, from Naipa mine, Alto Ligonha District, Zambezia Province, Mozambique; Size 76 x 20 x 18 mm

Collection: pegmatite
Copyright: pegmatite
Contribution: pegmatite 2012-07-05
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Views (File:
): 1788
Größe: 15x12x09 mm; Fundort: Naipa, Alto Ligonha Pegmatitdistrikt, Provinz Zambezia, Mosambik; Ex Wolfgang Henckel Sammlung. Womöglich das beste Stück der Mineralart.
Copyright: Dan Weinrich; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Location: Mosambik/Zambezia, Provinz/Alto Ligonha Pegmatite/Naipa Mine
Mineral: Hafnon
Image: 1294500568
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Größe: 15x12x09 mm; Fundort: Naipa, Alto Ligonha Pegmatitdistrikt, Provinz Zambezia, Mosambik; Ex Wolfgang Henckel Sammlung. Womöglich das beste Stück der Mineralart.

Copyright: Dan Weinrich
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2011-01-08
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Minerals (Count: 139)

Rocks (Count: 15)

Subsidiary Pages

Reference- and Source indication, Literature


  • Dana (1837). Yttrocolumbit. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Dias, Bettencourt M. (1957): Les pegmatites d'Alto Lingonha. in Commision de Coopération Technique en Afrique au Sud du Sahara (C.C.T.A.). Geologie. Comités regionaux Centre, Est et Sud. Conf. Tananarive Avril 1957. I, 279-82.
  • v. Knorring, O., Sahama, T.G. & Saari, E. (1964). A note on euclase from Muiane Mine, Alto Ligonha, Mozambique. Bull Comm géol Finlande 215, 143–45.
  • Correia Neves, Lopez Nunes, Sahama (1974). Hafnon. Contr. Min.Petrol. 48, 73. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Cilek, Vaclav (1989): Industrial Minerals of Mozambique.
  • Clark, A.M. (1993). Yttrocolumbit-(Y). Hey's Mineral Index 3rd ed, 768.
  • (1987). Yttrocolumbit-(Y). Am. Min. 72, 1031 (Ap.2).
  • Dias, M.B. & Wilson, W.E. (2000). Famous mineral localities: The Alto Ligonha Pegmatites, Mozambique. Min. Rec., Vol.31, H.6, S.459-97.
  • Schäfer, P. & Arlt, T. (2000). Die Pegmatite von Alto Ligonha in Nord-Mozambique. Lapis, Jg.25, Nr.9, S.13-17.
  • Moiana, M. (2010). Certeza geológica da ocorrência e viabilidade económica para o aproveitamento dos Berilos" True Blue" de Licungo, Zambézia, Moçambique (Doct dissert Univ Minho).
  • Thomas, R., Davidson, P. (2010): Hambergite-rich melt inclusions in morganite crystals from the Muiane pegmatite, Mozambique and some remarks on the paragenesis of hambergite. Min. Petrol., 100 (3-4), 227-23.
  • Bettncourt-Dias, M. & Wilson, W.E. (2000). The Altho Ligonha Pegmatite pegmatites, Mozembique. Min.Rec. 31, S.459-97.
  • Hilmer, E. (2015). Tantal-Expedition von REE-Pegmatiten am Beispiel der Lagerstätte Marropino, Alto Ligonha. Pr. Zambezia, Mozambique. Aufschluss, Jg.66. H.5, S.250-61.


GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) Pcnkg0ojGUuAxKBX6TclCw
GUID (Global unique identifier) 83E4C93D-234A-4B19-80C4-A057E937250B
Database ID 22333