
Litjern Pegmatit


Path to the site

Norwegen / Agder, Provinz / Iveland / Frigstad / Litjern Pegmatit



Last Visit

Juni 2011

GPS Coordinates

Litjern Pegmatit

Litjern Pegmatit

WGS 84: 
Lat.: 58.51985° N, 
Long: 7.87314° E
WGS 84: 
Lat.: 58° 31' 11.46" N,
   Long: 7° 52' 23.304" E
Local weather information, Macrostrat geological map

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Litjern Pegmatit, Frigstad, Iveland, Agder, NO
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Important: Before entering this or any other place of discovery you should have a permission of the operator and/or owner. Likewise it is to be respected that necessary safety precautions are kept during the visit.

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Frikstad 02 (Litjern pegmatite)


Litjern Pegmatit



Norwegen / Agder, Provinz / Iveland / Frigstad / Litjern Pegmatit


Norway / Agder, Provinz / Iveland / Frigstad / Frikstad 02 (Litjern pegmatite)

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Images from localities (1 Images total)

Zugang zum Litjern Steinbruch
Views (File:
): 161
Zugang zum Litjern Steinbruch
(07/2006); Litjern Pegmatit, Frigstad, Iveland, Agder, NO
Copyright: Systemer; Contribution: Systemer
Location: Norwegen/Agder, Provinz/Iveland/Frigstad/Litjern Pegmatit
Image: 1609840052
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Zugang zum Litjern Steinbruch

(07/2006); Litjern Pegmatit, Frigstad, Iveland, Agder, NO

Copyright: Systemer
Contribution: Systemer 2021-01-05

You find additional specimen at the Geolitho Museum

Mineral images (11 Images total)

Views (File:
): 581
Dünntafelige farblose Kristalle, BB = 5,9 mm, Fundstelle: Litjern Pegmatit, Iveland, Aust-Agder, Norwegen.
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer; Contribution: Münchener Micromounter
Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter, Collection number: A023688, Donator: Manfred Seitz
Location: Norwegen/Agder, Provinz/Iveland/Frigstad/Litjern Pegmatit
Mineral: Muscovite
Image: 1338662351
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Muskovit (SNr: A023688)

Dünntafelige farblose Kristalle, BB = 5,9 mm, Fundstelle: Litjern Pegmatit, Iveland, Aust-Agder, Norwegen.

Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer
Contribution: Münchener Micromounter 2012-06-02
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Views (File:
): 615
Stängelige weißliche Kristalle, BB = 2 mm, Fundstelle: Litjern Pegmatit, Iveland, Aust-Agder, Norwegen.
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer; Contribution: Münchener Micromounter
Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter, Collection number: A027834, Donator: Manfred Seitz
Location: Norwegen/Agder, Provinz/Iveland/Frigstad/Litjern Pegmatit
Mineral: Zircon
Image: 1338663068
Rating: 5 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Zirkon (SNr: A027834)

Stängelige weißliche Kristalle, BB = 2 mm, Fundstelle: Litjern Pegmatit, Iveland, Aust-Agder, Norwegen.

Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer
Contribution: Münchener Micromounter 2012-06-02
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Fersmit und Mikrolith
Views (File:
): 671
Fersmit und Mikrolith
Schwarze plattige Kristalle mit rotbraunen oktaedrischen Mikrolith-Kristallen, BB = 3,8 mm, Fundstelle: Litjern Pegmatit, Iveland, Aust-Agder, Norwegen.
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer; Contribution: Münchener Micromounter
Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter, Donator: Myre, Kjell
Location: Norwegen/Agder, Provinz/Iveland/Frigstad/Litjern Pegmatit
Mineral: Fersmite, Microlite group
Image: 1338925549
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Fersmit und Mikrolith

Schwarze plattige Kristalle mit rotbraunen oktaedrischen Mikrolith-Kristallen, BB = 3,8 mm, Fundstelle: Litjern Pegmatit, Iveland, Aust-Agder, Norwegen.

Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer
Contribution: Münchener Micromounter 2012-06-05
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Views (File:
): 641
Langprismatische weißliche Kristalle, BB = 5,9 mm, Fundstelle: Litjern Pegmatit, Iveland, Aust-Agder, Norwegen.
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer; Contribution: Münchener Micromounter
Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter, Collection number: A023685, Donator: Gunnufsen, Kjell
Location: Norwegen/Agder, Provinz/Iveland/Frigstad/Litjern Pegmatit
Mineral: Zircon
Image: 1338664280
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Zirkon (SNr: A023685)

Langprismatische weißliche Kristalle, BB = 5,9 mm, Fundstelle: Litjern Pegmatit, Iveland, Aust-Agder, Norwegen.

Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer
Contribution: Münchener Micromounter 2012-06-02
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Views (File:
): 340
Vielflächiger roter Kristall, BB = 5,9 mm, Fundstelle: Litjern Pegmatit, Iveland, Aust-Agder, Norwegen.
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer; Contribution: Münchener Micromounter
Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter, Collection number: A027831, Donator: Manfred Seitz
Location: Norwegen/Agder, Provinz/Iveland/Frigstad/Litjern Pegmatit
Mineral: Spessartine
Image: 1338662515
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Spessartin (SNr: A027831)

Vielflächiger roter Kristall, BB = 5,9 mm, Fundstelle: Litjern Pegmatit, Iveland, Aust-Agder, Norwegen.

Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer
Contribution: Münchener Micromounter 2012-06-02
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Minerals (Count: 27)

Rocks (Count: 2)

Reference- and Source indication, Literature


  • Barth, T.F.W (1931): Feltspat III. Norges Geol. Undersøkelse 128 b, 111-54.
  • Bjørlykke, H. (1934): The Mineral Paragenesis and Classification of the Granite Pegmatites of Iveland, Setesdal, S Norway. Norsk Geol. Tidsskrift 14, 211-311.
  • Larsen, A. O. (1980): Granater fra granittpegmatitter. NAGS-nytt 7(4),31-32.
  • Larsen, A.O. & Erambert, M. (2007): Lepidolite from the Litjern pegmatite, Iveland. Norsk Bergverksmuseum Skrift, 35, 21-24.
  • Nordrum, F.S. (2008): Nyfunn av mineraler i Norge 2007-2008. STEIN 35 (2), S.15.
  • Breivik, H., Larsen, A.O. & Myre, K. (2008): Litjern cleavelandittbrudd, Iveland. Norsk Bergverksmuseum Skrift, 38: 45-47.


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GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) vsxgTozmAE-GwpwZ5DA9Ag
GUID (Global unique identifier) 4E60CCBE-E68C-4F00-86C2-9C19E4303D02
Database ID 26898