Mineralienatlas - Fossilienatlas
Russland / Ural, Föderationskreis / Tscheljabinsk (Chelyabinsk), Oblast / Chebarkul' / Zauralovo / Temir, Berg | ||
Am Temir Berg 1 km W von Zauralovo (Siedlung) nahe Chebarkul' (Stadt). |
Steinbruch. |
Glimmer-Schiefer und schwarzer Quarzit. |
Mineralienatlas short URL |
https://www.mineralatlas.eu/?l=20086 |
Shortened path specification |
Temir, Zauralovo, Chebarkul', Tscheljabinsk, Ural, Föderationskreis, RU |
Important: Before entering this or any other place of discovery you should have a permission of the operator and/or owner. Likewise it is to be respected that necessary safety precautions are kept during the visit. |
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German |
Temir, Berg |
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Mineral images (2 Images total)
Views (File: ): 453
Wavellit Bildbreite: 20 mm; Fundort: Berg Temir, Zauralovo, Chebarkul', Oblast Tscheljabinsk, Russland Copyright: Pavel M. Kartashov; Contribution: Philip Blümner Location: Russland/Ural, Föderationskreis/Tscheljabinsk (Chelyabinsk), Oblast/Chebarkul'/Zauralovo/Temir, Berg Mineral: Wavellite Image: 1279874850 License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Wavellit |
Bildbreite: 20 mm; Fundort: Berg Temir, Zauralovo, Chebarkul', Oblast Tscheljabinsk, Russland |
Copyright: | Pavel M. Kartashov |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2010-07-23 |
More | MF |
Views (File: ): 229
Cuproplanerit Bildbreite: 40 mm; Fundort: Berg Temir, Zauralovo, Chebarkul', Oblast Tscheljabinsk, Russland Copyright: Pavel M. Kartashov; Contribution: Philip Blümner Location: Russland/Ural, Föderationskreis/Tscheljabinsk (Chelyabinsk), Oblast/Chebarkul'/Zauralovo/Temir, Berg Mineral: Cuproplanerit Image: 1279832632 Rating: 6 (votes: 1) License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only |
Cuproplanerit |
Bildbreite: 40 mm; Fundort: Berg Temir, Zauralovo, Chebarkul', Oblast Tscheljabinsk, Russland |
Copyright: | Pavel M. Kartashov |
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2010-07-22 |
More | MF |
Minerals (Count: 12)
Rocks (Count: 2)
GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) | O9Lk6ype1U6itLry2Sr6vw |
GUID (Global unique identifier) | EBE4D23B-5E2A-4ED5-A2B4-BAF2D92AFABF |
Database ID | 20086 |