
Caldbeck Fells


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UK / England / Cumbria Co. / Allerdale, District / Caldbeck, Parish / Caldbeck Fells

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Caldbeck Fells, Caldbeck, Allerdale, Cumbria Co., England, UK
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Caldbeck Fells



UK / England / Cumbria Co. / Allerdale, District / Caldbeck, Parish / Caldbeck Fells


United Kingdom / England / Cumbria Co. / Allerdale, District / Caldbeck, Parish / Caldbeck Fells

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Images from localities (5 Images total)

Carrock Mine
Views (File:
): 386
Carrock Mine
Reste der Berggebäude, Stollen (hinten links) und Halden. Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, UK. 8/2000
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Location: UK/England/Cumbria Co./Allerdale, District/Caldbeck, Parish/Caldbeck Fells/Carrock Fell Mines (Upper Brandy Gill Mine, Carrock Tungsten Mine)
Image: 1231939182
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Carrock Mine

Reste der Berggebäude, Stollen (hinten links) und Halden. Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, UK. 8/2000

Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2009-01-14
Caldbeck: Priests Mill
Views (File:
): 443
Caldbeck: Priests Mill
Kann Ausgangspunkt für Exkursionen im Caldbeck Fell Gebiet sein. Bescheidene Sammlung von Bergbau-Utensilien. Cumbria, England, UK. 8/2000
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Location: UK/England/Cumbria Co./Allerdale, District/Caldbeck, Parish/Caldbeck Fells
Image: 1231940363
Rating: 6 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Caldbeck: Priests Mill

Kann Ausgangspunkt für Exkursionen im Caldbeck Fell Gebiet sein. Bescheidene Sammlung von Bergbau-Utensilien. Cumbria, England, UK. 8/2000

Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2009-01-14
Carrock Fell Mines
Views (File:
): 249
Carrock Fell Mines
Saigerriss; Log book and sketch maps from the Kendal and District Mine Research Society, 1979-82
Copyright: Archiv: Mineralienatlas; Contribution: Stefan
Location: UK/England/Cumbria Co./Allerdale, District/Caldbeck, Parish/Caldbeck Fells/Carrock Fell Mines (Upper Brandy Gill Mine, Carrock Tungsten Mine)
Image: 1360278878
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Carrock Fell Mines

Saigerriss; Log book and sketch maps from the Kendal and District Mine Research Society, 1979-82

Copyright: Archiv: Mineralienatlas
Contribution: Stefan 2013-02-07
Carrock Fells
Views (File:
): 226
Carrock Fells
Blick ins Tal. Rechts Mitte ist die Carrock Mine (Halden). Das ganze Tal ist voll mit buntem Haldenmaterial. Links der helle Fleck ist die Halde von Brandy Gill. Caldbeck Fells. England, UK. 8/2000
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Location: UK/England/Cumbria Co./Allerdale, District/Caldbeck, Parish/Caldbeck Fells/Carrock Fell
Image: 1231940635
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Carrock Fells

Blick ins Tal. Rechts Mitte ist die Carrock Mine (Halden). Das ganze Tal ist voll mit buntem Haldenmaterial. Links der helle Fleck ist die Halde von Brandy Gill. Caldbeck Fells. England, UK. 8/2000

Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2009-01-14
Halden Carrock Mine
Views (File:
): 353
Halden Carrock Mine
Hangaufwärts. Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, UK. 8/2000
Copyright: Doc Diether; Contribution: Doc Diether
Location: UK/England/Cumbria Co./Allerdale, District/Caldbeck, Parish/Caldbeck Fells/Carrock Fell Mines (Upper Brandy Gill Mine, Carrock Tungsten Mine)
Image: 1231939090
Rating: 5 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Halden Carrock Mine

Hangaufwärts. Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, UK. 8/2000

Copyright: Doc Diether
Contribution: Doc Diether 2009-01-14

You find additional specimen at the Geolitho Museum

Mineral images (127 Images total)

Views (File:
): 8
Dry Gill Mine, BB 6,6 mm
Copyright: E. Zeh; Contribution: Harris
Collection: E. Zeh
Location: UK/England/Cumbria Co./Allerdale, District/Caldbeck, Parish/Caldbeck Fells/Dry Gill Mine (Drygill Mine)
Mineral: Campylite
Image: 1722402955
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Dry Gill Mine, BB 6,6 mm

Collection: E. Zeh
Copyright: E. Zeh
Contribution: Harris 2024-07-31
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Views (File:
): 489
FO: Driggith Mine, England; Bildausschnitt ~ 3x2 cm
Copyright: rtbstone; Contribution: rtbstone
Collection: rtbstone
Location: UK/England/Cumbria Co./Allerdale, District/Caldbeck, Parish/Caldbeck Fells/Driggith Mine
Mineral: Pyromorphite
Image: 1260460489
Rating: 6.67 (votes: 3)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

FO: Driggith Mine, England; Bildausschnitt 3x2 cm

Collection: rtbstone
Copyright: rtbstone
Contribution: rtbstone 2009-12-10
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Views (File:
): 421
Tafelige grüne Kristalle, BB = 1 mm, Fundort: Roughton Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, North and Western Region (Cumberland), Cumbria, England, UK.
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer; Contribution: Münchener Micromounter
Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter, Collection number: A020725, Donator: Richard Belson
Location: UK/England/Cumbria Co./Allerdale, District/Caldbeck, Parish/Caldbeck Fells/Roughton Gill/Roughton Gill Mine
Mineral: Brochantite
Image: 1360266193
Rating: 8 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Brochantit (SNr: A020725)

Tafelige grüne Kristalle, BB = 1 mm, Fundort: Roughton Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, North and Western Region (Cumberland), Cumbria, England, UK.

Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer
Contribution: Münchener Micromounter 2013-02-07
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Views (File:
): 279
Blockige weiße Kristalle, BB = 2,9 mm, Fundort: Roughton Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, North and Western Region (Cumberland), Cumbria, England, UK.
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer; Contribution: Münchener Micromounter
Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter, Collection number: A023932, Donator: Richard Belson
Location: UK/England/Cumbria Co./Allerdale, District/Caldbeck, Parish/Caldbeck Fells/Roughton Gill/Roughton Gill Mine
Mineral: Cerussite
Image: 1360269694
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Cerussit (SNr: A023932)

Blockige weiße Kristalle, BB = 2,9 mm, Fundort: Roughton Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, North and Western Region (Cumberland), Cumbria, England, UK.

Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer
Contribution: Münchener Micromounter 2013-02-07
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Views (File:
): 592
Größe: 10 x 08 cm; Fundort: Dry Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, England
Copyright: Philip Blümner; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Collection: giantcrystal
Location: UK/England/Cumbria Co./Allerdale, District/Caldbeck, Parish/Caldbeck Fells/Dry Gill Mine (Drygill Mine)
Mineral: Campylite
Image: 1250945332
Rating: 6 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Größe: 10 x 08 cm; Fundort: Dry Gill Mine, Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, England

Collection: giantcrystal
Copyright: Philip Blümner
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2009-08-22
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Minerals (Count: 248)

Rocks (Count: 7)

Subsidiary Pages

External links

Cooper, M.P. & Stanley,C. (1997). Die Mineralien der Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland, England. Lapis, Jg.22, Nr.3, S.13.

Reference- and Source indication, Literature


  • Young, B. (1987). Glossary of the minerals of the Lake District and adjoining areas. British Geol. Survey, Newcastle upon Tyne, 104 S.
  • Cooper, M.P. (1988). An Early Account of Mineral Collecting in: The Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria. UK J. Mines & Min., 4, S.5-7.
  • Cooper, M.P. and Stanley, C.J. (1990). Minerals of the English Lake District: Caldbeck Fells. Natural History Museum Publ., London, 160 S.
  • Cooper, M.P. & Stanley,C.J. (1991). Min. Rec., Vol.22, H.2, S.105-21.
  • Cooper, M.P. & Stanley,C. (1997). Die Mineralien der Caldbeck Fells, Cumberland, England. Lapis, Jg.22, Nr.3, S.13.
  • Cooper, M.P. & Stanley,C. (1997). Geologie und Erzgänge des Grubenreviers. Lapis, Jg.22, Nr.3, S.16.
  • Cooper, M.P. & Stanley,C. (1997). Klassische Mineralien der Caldbeck Fells. Lapis, Jg.22, Nr.3, S.17.
  • Cooper, M.P. & Stanley,C. (1997). Die interessantesten Mineralien von A-Z. Lapis, Jg.22, Nr.3, S.20.
  • Cooper, M.P. & Stanley,C. (1997). Mimetesit, Kampylit und Pyromorphit. Lapis, Jg.22, Nr.3, S.24
  • Cooper, M.P. & Stanley,C. (1997). Mineraliensammeln in Caldbeck - gestern und heute. Lapis, Jg.22, Nr.3, S.30.
  • Cooper, M.P. & Stanley,C. (1997). Komplette Mineralliste der Caldbeck Fells. Lapis, Jg.22, Nr.3, S.34.
  • Green, D.I. & Briscoe, P.J. (2002). Caldbeck Fells. UK J. Mines & Min., 22, S.16-24.
  • Wolfe, M. (2006). Mineral News. UK J. Mines & Min., 27, S.6-10.


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Database ID 6243

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