
Pikes Peak


Path to the site

USA / Colorado / Teller Co. / Pikes Peak

Exposure description


Kind of Exposure

Pits and Open Cut


Granit mit höffigen Miarolen, die ausgebeutet werden.

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Pikes Peak, Teller Co., Colorado, US
Useful for image descriptions and collection inscriptions

Important: Before entering this or any other place of discovery you should have a permission of the operator and/or owner. Likewise it is to be respected that necessary safety precautions are kept during the visit.

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Pikes Peak



USA / Colorado / Teller Co. / Pikes Peak


USA / Colorado / Teller Co. / Pikes Peak

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Images from localities (1 Images total)

Batholith Pikes Peak
Views (File:
): 58
Batholith Pikes Peak
Der Pikes Peak (Pike's Peak) Batholith, gesehen von W von Colorado Springs und Manitou Springs.
Copyright: James St. John; Contribution: Collector
Location: USA/Colorado/Teller Co./Pikes Peak
Image: 1458891993
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Batholith Pikes Peak

Der Pikes Peak (Pike's Peak) Batholith, gesehen von W von Colorado Springs und Manitou Springs.

Copyright: James St. John
Contribution: Collector 2016-03-25

Mineral images (10 Images total)

Views (File:
): 235
Bei diesem prismatischen 8,5 cm großen Rauchquarzkristall vom Pikes Peak in Colorado wird die Prismenfläche von eingeschalteten steilen Rhomboedern horizontal gegliedert. Zudem ist er in der Vertikalen in mehrere parallel verwachsene Subindividuen aufgeteilt. Die Kristalle im Vordergrund sind grüne Amazonite. Die Zeichnung stammt aus der Studienreihe "Formvarianten von Quarzen".
Copyright: Klaus Schäfer; Contribution: Klaus Schäfer
Collection: Klaus Schäfer
Location: USA/Colorado/Teller Co./Pikes Peak
Mineral: Quartz
Image: 1464078693
Rating: 8.5 (votes: 2)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Bei diesem prismatischen 8,5 cm großen Rauchquarzkristall vom Pikes Peak in Colorado wird die Prismenfläche von eingeschalteten steilen Rhomboedern horizontal gegliedert. Zudem ist er in der Vertik...

Collection: Klaus Schäfer
Copyright: Klaus Schäfer
Contribution: Klaus Schäfer 2016-05-24
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Views (File:
): 4228
Amazonitgruppe 18x14 cm; Fundort: Pikes Peak, Colorado, USA; Historische Stufe aus der Sammlung Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919)
Copyright: Rob Lavinsky; Contribution: Collector
Location: USA/Colorado/Teller Co./Pikes Peak
Mineral: Amazonite
Image: 1156565455
Rating: 8 (votes: 2)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Amazonitgruppe 18x14 cm; Fundort: Pikes Peak, Colorado, USA; Historische Stufe aus der Sammlung Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919)

Copyright: Rob Lavinsky
Contribution: Collector 2006-08-26
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Views (File:
): 3039
Größe: 36x29 mm; Fundort: Pikes Peak, Teller Co., Colorado, USA
Copyright: Rock Currier; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Location: USA/Colorado/Teller Co./Pikes Peak
Mineral: Bastnäsite
Image: 1275162531
Rating: 6 (votes: 2)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Größe: 36x29 mm; Fundort: Pikes Peak, Teller Co., Colorado, USA

Copyright: Rock Currier
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2010-05-29
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Views (File:
): 14954, Rating: 9
Fundort: Pikes Peak , Teller Co., Colorado, USA; Größe: 14 x 13 cm; Funddatum: 1890 !!
Copyright: Mineralroli; Contribution: Mineralroli
Collection: Michael Schwab
Location: USA/Colorado/Teller Co./Pikes Peak
Mineral: Amazonite
Image: 1257713902
Rating: 9 (votes: 11)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Fundort: Pikes Peak , Teller Co., Colorado, USA; Größe: 14 x 13 cm; Funddatum: 1890 !!

Collection: Michael Schwab
Copyright: Mineralroli
Contribution: Mineralroli 2009-11-08
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Amazonit + Rauchquarz
Views (File:
): 402
Amazonit + Rauchquarz
Pikes Peak , Teller Co., Colorado, USA - 3,5 x 2,5 cm
Copyright: Mineralroli; Contribution: Mineralroli
Location: USA/Colorado/Teller Co./Pikes Peak
Mineral: Amazonite, Smoky Quartz
Image: 1548870199
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Amazonit + Rauchquarz

Pikes Peak , Teller Co., Colorado, USA - 3,5 x 2,5 cm

Copyright: Mineralroli
Contribution: Mineralroli 2019-01-30
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Minerals (Count: 33)

Rock images (1 Images total)

Views (File:
): 57
Porphyritischer Granit mit Quarz, K-Feldspat und Glimmer;
Pikes Peak, Colorado, USA;
Größe: 12 cm
Copyright: James St. John; Contribution: Collector
Location: USA/Colorado/Teller Co./Pikes Peak
Rock: granite
Image: 1458891614
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Porphyritischer Granit mit Quarz, K-Feldspat und Glimmer;
Pikes Peak, Colorado, USA;
Größe: 12 cm

Copyright: James St. John
Contribution: Collector 2016-03-25
More   RF 

Rocks (Count: 1)

Reference- and Source indication, Literature


  • Pearl, R.M. (1974). Minerals of the Pike's Peak Granite. Min. Rec., Vol.5, H.4, S.183-89.
  • Foord, E.E. & Martin, R.F. (1979). Amazonite from the Pikes Peak Batholith. Min. Rec., Vol.10, H.6, S.373-84.
  • Muntyan, B.L. & Muntyan, J.R. (1985). Minerals of the Pikes Peak Granite. Min.Rec., Vol.16, H.3, S.217-30.
  • Tealdi, E. (1994). Minerali in vetrina: amazzoniti, collezione Tealdi. Riv. Min. Ital., Nr.2, S.137-52.
  • Berry, R.R. (2001). Goethit Inclusions in Quartz from the Pikes Peak Granite. Rocks & Min., Vol.76, H.4, S.228-32.
  • Raines, E. (2001). A Brief Summary of the Mineral Deposits of the Pikes Peak Batholith, Colorado. Rocks & Min., Vol.76, H.5, S.298-25.
  • Kile, D. (2008). The American Mineral Treasures Exhibition - Tucson Gem & Mineral Show 2008 - Amazonite and Associated Minerals from the Pikes Peak Region, Park and Teller Co., Colorado. Min. Rec., Vol.39, H.3, S.193.


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GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) 3fIzcmsYF02TGGDqAM5kJw
GUID (Global unique identifier) 7233F2DD-186B-4D17-9318-60EA00CE6427
Database ID 10993