
Getchell Mine


Path to the site

USA / Nevada / Humboldt Co. / Golconda District / Getchell Mine

Exposure description

Mehrere Tagebaue (3) sowie ein Untertage-Abbau.

Kind of Exposure

Mine (active)


Bekannt für gute Arsen-Mineralien: Getchellit (TL), Galkhait sowie Realgar.

GPS Coordinates

Getchell Mine - N 41° 12' 58" W 117° 15' 24"

Getchell Mine

WGS 84: 
Lat.: 41.21611111° N, 
Long: 117.25666667° W
WGS 84: 
Lat.: 41° 12' 58" N,
   Long: 117° 15' 24" W
Local weather information, Macrostrat geological map

Mineralienatlas short URL
Please feel free to link to this location

Shortened path specification

âš’ Getchell, Golconda, Humboldt Co., Nevada, US
Useful for image descriptions and collection inscriptions

Important: Before entering this or any other place of discovery you should have a permission of the operator and/or owner. Likewise it is to be respected that necessary safety precautions are kept during the visit.

Other languages


Getchell Mine


Turquoise Ridge Underground Mine (Getchell Underground; Hansen Creek pit)



USA / Nevada / Humboldt Co. / Golconda District / Getchell Mine


USA / Nevada / Humboldt County / Golconda District / Turquoise Ridge Underground Mine (Getchell Underground; Hansen Creek pit)

Additional Functions

Images from localities (10 Images total)

Getchell Mine
Views (File:
): 115
Getchell Mine
gegen Mitte der 90-er Jahre wurde die Goldproduktion mit Vehemenz wieder aufgenommen,; allerdings nur noch unter Tage.
Copyright: eschuhbauer; Contribution: eschuhbauer
Location: USA/Nevada/Humboldt Co./Golconda District/Getchell Mine
Image: 1345498150
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Getchell Mine

gegen Mitte der 90-er Jahre wurde die Goldproduktion mit Vehemenz wieder aufgenommen,; allerdings nur noch unter Tage.

Copyright: eschuhbauer
Contribution: eschuhbauer 2012-08-20
Getchell Mine
Views (File:
): 772
Getchell Mine
schweres Gerät unter Tage im Einsatz
Copyright: eschuhbauer; Contribution: eschuhbauer
Location: USA/Nevada/Humboldt Co./Golconda District/Getchell Mine
Image: 1348258474
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Getchell Mine

schweres Gerät unter Tage im Einsatz

Copyright: eschuhbauer
Contribution: eschuhbauer 2012-09-21
Getchell Mine
Views (File:
): 161
Getchell Mine
das ausgedehnte Minengelände 1987
Copyright: eschuhbauer; Contribution: eschuhbauer
Location: USA/Nevada/Humboldt Co./Golconda District/Getchell Mine
Image: 1345562286
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Getchell Mine

das ausgedehnte Minengelände 1987

Copyright: eschuhbauer
Contribution: eschuhbauer 2012-08-21
Getchell Mine
Views (File:
): 161
Getchell Mine
1997, neu aufgeschlossen: Turquoise Ridge, ein Reicherz Untertagebau, heute in Besitz von Barrick und Newmont Mining.
Copyright: eschuhbauer; Contribution: eschuhbauer
Location: USA/Nevada/Humboldt Co./Golconda District/Getchell Mine
Image: 1346950167
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Getchell Mine

1997, neu aufgeschlossen: Turquoise Ridge, ein Reicherz Untertagebau, heute in Besitz von Barrick und Newmont Mining.

Copyright: eschuhbauer
Contribution: eschuhbauer 2012-09-06
Getchell Mine (1989)
Views (File:
): 131
Getchell Mine (1989)
um diese Zeit wurde der Goldabbau wegen des tiefen; Preises vorübergehend eingestellt. Mineralien sammeln wurde uns jedoch erlaubt.
Copyright: eschuhbauer; Contribution: eschuhbauer
Location: USA/Nevada/Humboldt Co./Golconda District/Getchell Mine
Image: 1345484701
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Getchell Mine (1989)

um diese Zeit wurde der Goldabbau wegen des tiefen; Preises vorübergehend eingestellt. Mineralien sammeln wurde uns jedoch erlaubt.

Copyright: eschuhbauer
Contribution: eschuhbauer 2012-08-20

You find additional specimen at the Geolitho Museum

Mineral images (107 Images total)

Views (File:
): 319
Größe: 58x45x38 mm; Fundort: Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA
Copyright: Rob Lavinsky; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Location: USA/Nevada/Humboldt Co./Golconda District/Getchell Mine
Mineral: Realgar
Image: 1263805058
Rating: 6 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Größe: 58x45x38 mm; Fundort: Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA

Copyright: Rob Lavinsky
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2010-01-18
More   MF 
Views (File:
): 270
Rhombische farblose Kristalle, BB = 25 mm, Fundort: Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA.
Copyright: Manfred Früchtl; Contribution: Manfred Früchtl
Collection: Manfred Früchtl, Collection number: 4481
Location: USA/Nevada/Humboldt Co./Golconda District/Getchell Mine
Mineral: Calcite
Image: 1376489968
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Calcit (SNr: 4481)

Rhombische farblose Kristalle, BB = 25 mm, Fundort: Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA.

Collection: Manfred Früchtl
Copyright: Manfred Früchtl
Contribution: Manfred Früchtl 2013-08-14
More   MF 
Views (File:
): 246
Rhombische gelbliche Kristalle, BB = 15 mm; Fundort: Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA.
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer; Contribution: Münchener Micromounter
Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter, Collection number: A028062, Donator: eschuhbauer
Location: USA/Nevada/Humboldt Co./Golconda District/Getchell Mine
Mineral: Calcite
Image: 1435777838
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Calcit (SNr: A028062)

Rhombische gelbliche Kristalle, BB = 15 mm; Fundort: Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA.

Collection: Lithothek der Münchener Micromounter
Copyright: Hannes Osterhammer
Contribution: Münchener Micromounter 2015-07-01
More   MF 
Views (File:
): 375
Größe: 57x49x29 mm; Fundort: Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA
Copyright: Rob Lavinsky; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Location: USA/Nevada/Humboldt Co./Golconda District/Getchell Mine
Mineral: Orpiment
Image: 1263804967
Rating: 8 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Größe: 57x49x29 mm; Fundort: Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA

Copyright: Rob Lavinsky
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2010-01-18
More   MF 
Getchellit in Orpiment
Views (File:
): 429
Getchellit in Orpiment
Größe: 31x22x18 mm; Fundort: Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA
Copyright: Dan Weinrich; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Location: USA/Nevada/Humboldt Co./Golconda District/Getchell Mine
Mineral: Getchellite
Image: 1263804786
Rating: 5 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Getchellit in Orpiment

Größe: 31x22x18 mm; Fundort: Getchell Mine, Adam Peak, Humboldt Co., Nevada, USA

Copyright: Dan Weinrich
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2010-01-18
More   MF 

Minerals (Count: 75)



- Click on one or more elements to see only minerals including this elements (green background).

- Click twice to exclude minerals with this element (green background, red text color).

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Mineral -> approved mineral
Mineral (TL) -> mineral type locality
Mineral -> not approved mineral
-> pictures present
 5 -> number of part localities with these mineral
 M -> Link to common mineral page
 i -> Information etc.
 r -> Reference
Mineral ? -> Occurrence douptful

Actuality: 20. Jan 2025 - 18:42:01

Subsidiary Pages

External links

Stolburg, C.S. & Dunning, G.E. (1985). The Getchell Mine, Humboldt Co. Min. Rec., Vol.16, H.1, S.15-23.

Reference- and Source indication, Literature


  • Weissberg (1965). Getchellit. Amer. Min. 50, 1817. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Jungles, G. (1974): Galkhaite: A newly described mineral from Siberia found at the Getchell mine, Nevada. Min. Rec. 5: 290-91.
  • Nakai,I. & Appleman, D.E. (1983): Laffitite, AgHgAsS3, crystal structure & second occurrence from the Getchell Mine, Nevada. Amer. Min., 68: 235-44.
  • Stolburg, C.S. & Dunning, G.E. (1985). The Getchell Mine, Humboldt Co. Min. Rec., Vol.16, H.1, S.15-23.
  • Schuhbauer, E. (1988). Mineraliensuche in Nevada und Utah. Lapis, Jg.13, H.5, S.11.
  • Bowell, R.J., Baumann, M., Gingrich, M., Tretbar, D., Perkins, W.F., and Fisher, P.C. (1999) The occurrence of gold at the Getchell mine, Nevada. J. Geochemi. Expl. 67: 127-43.
  • Caubel, A. & Galvier, J. (2000). Le Thallium, ses minéraux, son utilisation. Le Règne Minéral, Nr.32, S.31-43.
  • Cline, J.S. (2001). Timing of gold and arsenic sulfide mineral deposition at the Getchell Carlin-type gold deposit, northcentral Nevada. Econ. Geol. 96: 75-89.
  • E. A. Holley; C. Jilly-Rehak; A. A. Fulton; B. Gorman: Trace Element Zonation in Carlin-Type Pyrite: Tracking Ore-Forming Processes at the Nanoscale. Economic Geology Vol.119, Nr. 5 (2024) S. 1139-1169. Open Access doi:10.5382/econgeo.5089


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GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) EJh_rIZYM0qoQi_8anMRaQ
GUID (Global unique identifier) AC7F9810-5886-4A33-A842-2FFC6A731169
Database ID 1398