
New Jersey


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New Jersey, US
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USA / New Jersey

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Mineral images (398 Images total)

Franklinit XX
Views (File:
): 939
Franklinit XX
Größe: 85x60 mm; Fundort: Sterling Hill Mine, Franklin, New Jersey, USA
Copyright: Sandro Maggia; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Location: USA/New Jersey/Sussex Co./Franklin Mining District/Ogdensburg/Sterling Hill/Sterling Mine
Mineral: Franklinite
Image: 1166991411
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Franklinit XX

Größe: 85x60 mm; Fundort: Sterling Hill Mine, Franklin, New Jersey, USA

Copyright: Sandro Maggia
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2006-12-24
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Heulandit xx
Views (File:
): 1881, Rating: 7.71
Heulandit xx
Stufengröße 7,5x5cm; F.O.: New Jersey, USA
Copyright: skibbo; Contribution: skibbo
Location: USA/New Jersey
Mineral: Heulandite series
Image: 1226527732
Rating: 7.71 (votes: 7)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Heulandit xx

Stufengröße 7,5x5cm; F.O.: New Jersey, USA

Copyright: skibbo
Contribution: skibbo 2008-11-12
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Views (File:
): 384
Größe: 10,5 x 10,2 x 5,7 cm; Fundort: Prospect Park Quarry, Prospect Park, Passaic Co., New Jersey, USA
Copyright: Rob Lavinsky; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Location: USA/New Jersey/Passaic Co./Prospect Park/Prospect Park Quarry (Sowerbutt Quarry; Vandermade Quarry; Warren Brothers Quarry)
Mineral: Prehnite
Image: 1259530691
Rating: 8 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Größe: 10,5 x 10,2 x 5,7 cm; Fundort: Prospect Park Quarry, Prospect Park, Passaic Co., New Jersey, USA

Copyright: Rob Lavinsky
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2009-11-29
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Views (File:
): 1102
Wollastonit (gelb) mit Calcit und kurzwelligem UV. Größe: 4 x 3,5 cm, Fundort: Sterling Mine, Franklin, New Jersey, USA
Copyright: Michael Roarke; Contribution: thdun5
Location: USA/New Jersey/Sussex Co./Franklin Mining District/Ogdensburg/Sterling Hill/Sterling Mine
Mineral: Wollastonite
Image: 1274609190
Rating: 7 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Wollastonit (gelb) mit Calcit und kurzwelligem UV. Größe: 4 x 3,5 cm, Fundort: Sterling Mine, Franklin, New Jersey, USA

Copyright: Michael Roarke
Contribution: thdun5 2010-05-23
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Datolith und Chabasit
Views (File:
): 518
Datolith und Chabasit
Größe: 84x61 mm; Fundort: Upper New Street Quarry, Paterson, Passaic Co., New Jersey, USA
Copyright: Rock Currier; Contribution: Philip Blümner
Location: USA/New Jersey/Passaic Co./Paterson/Upper New Street Quarry (Burger's Quarry)
Mineral: Chabazite series, Datolite
Image: 1286699586
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Datolith und Chabasit

Größe: 84x61 mm; Fundort: Upper New Street Quarry, Paterson, Passaic Co., New Jersey, USA

Copyright: Rock Currier
Contribution: Philip Blümner 2010-10-10
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Minerals (Count: 471)

Rocks (Count: 26)

Fossils (Count: 80)

Reference- and Source indication, Literature


  • Peters, J.J. (1984). Triassic Traprock Minerals of New Jersey. Rocks & Min., Vol.59, H.4, S.157-83.
  • Medici, J. (2002). Vom Achat bis zur Pfeilspitze: Carneol aus New Jersey, USA (Bem. Eigenfund). Lapis, Jg.27, Nr.6, S.49-50.


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GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) Zm9Ce3N3xEKYh7T7JxDe-w
GUID (Global unique identifier) 7B426F66-7773-42C4-9887-B4FB2710DEFB
Database ID 1401