
Foote Mine (Foote Lithium Co. Mine)


Path to the site

USA / North Carolina / Cleveland Co. / Kings Mountain District / Foote Mine (Foote Lithium Co. Mine)

Exposure description

Tagebaue, Halden.


Quarz-Mikroklin-Spodumen Pegmatit. (Li-Pegmatit). Seltene Phosphate und Silikate.

GPS Coordinates

Foote Mine

Foote Mine

WGS 84: 
Lat.: 35.2150599° N, 
Long: 81.3839326° W
WGS 84: 
Lat.: 35° 12' 54.216" N,
   Long: 81° 23' 2.157" W
Local weather information, Macrostrat geological map

Mineralienatlas short URL
Please feel free to link to this location

Shortened path specification

⚒ Foote, Kings Mountain, Cleveland Co., North Carolina, US
Useful for image descriptions and collection inscriptions

Important: Before entering this or any other place of discovery you should have a permission of the operator and/or owner. Likewise it is to be respected that necessary safety precautions are kept during the visit.

Other languages


Foote Mine (Foote Lithium Co. Mine)



USA / North Carolina / Cleveland Co. / Kings Mountain District / Foote Mine (Foote Lithium Co. Mine)


USA / North Carolina / Cleveland Co. / Kings Mountain District / Foote Mine (Foote Lithium Co. Mine)

Additional Functions

You find additional specimen at the Geolitho Museum

Detailed Description

Abbau von: Zinn, Beryllium, Lithium, Feldspat, Niob (Columbit), Tantal, Glimmer.

Mineral images (178 Images total)

Views (File:
): 137
Bildbreite: 2,8 mm, Fundort: Foote Lithium Co. Mine, Kings Mountain District, Cleveland Co., North Carolina, USA
Copyright: Stephan Wolfsried; Contribution: Hg
Location: USA/North Carolina/Cleveland Co./Kings Mountain District/Foote Mine (Foote Lithium Co. Mine)
Mineral: Eosphorite
Image: 1410600825
Rating: 7 (votes: 1)
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Bildbreite: 2,8 mm, Fundort: Foote Lithium Co. Mine, Kings Mountain District, Cleveland Co., North Carolina, USA

Copyright: Stephan Wolfsried
Contribution: Hg 2014-09-13
More   MF 
Views (File:
): 228
Bildbreite: 3 mm, Fundort: Foote Mine, Kings Mountain District, Cleveland Co., North Carolina, USA
Copyright: Jason B. Smith; Contribution: thdun5
Location: USA/North Carolina/Cleveland Co./Kings Mountain District/Foote Mine (Foote Lithium Co. Mine)
Mineral: Fluorapatite
Image: 1282665942
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Bildbreite: 3 mm, Fundort: Foote Mine, Kings Mountain District, Cleveland Co., North Carolina, USA

Copyright: Jason B. Smith
Contribution: thdun5 2010-08-24
More   MF 
Views (File:
): 292
Bildbreite: 3 mm; Fundort: Foote Mine, Kings Mountain District, Cleveland Co., North Carolina, USA
Copyright: Stephan Wolfsried; Contribution: Hg
Location: USA/North Carolina/Cleveland Co./Kings Mountain District/Foote Mine (Foote Lithium Co. Mine)
Mineral: Bavenite
Image: 1211811397
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Bildbreite: 3 mm; Fundort: Foote Mine, Kings Mountain District, Cleveland Co., North Carolina, USA

Copyright: Stephan Wolfsried
Contribution: Hg 2008-05-26
More   MF 
Beraunit, Strengit
Views (File:
): 906
Beraunit, Strengit
Beraunit mit Strengit (weiß) und etwas Stewartit. Bildbreite: 3 mm, Fundort: Foote Mine, Kings Mountain District, Cleveland Co., North Carolina, USA
Copyright: Jason B. Smith; Contribution: thdun5
Location: USA/North Carolina/Cleveland Co./Kings Mountain District/Foote Mine (Foote Lithium Co. Mine)
Mineral: Beraunit, Strengite
Image: 1282583608
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only
Beraunit, Strengit

Beraunit mit Strengit (weiß) und etwas Stewartit. Bildbreite: 3 mm, Fundort: Foote Mine, Kings Mountain District, Cleveland Co., North Carolina, USA

Copyright: Jason B. Smith
Contribution: thdun5 2010-08-23
More   MF 
Views (File:
): 234
Fundort Foote Mine, Kings Mountain District, Cleveland Co., North Carolina, USA
Copyright: Stephan Wolfsried; Contribution: Hg
Location: USA/North Carolina/Cleveland Co./Kings Mountain District/Foote Mine (Foote Lithium Co. Mine)
Mineral: Eosphorite
Image: 1166277895
License: Usage for Mineralienatlas project only

Fundort Foote Mine, Kings Mountain District, Cleveland Co., North Carolina, USA

Copyright: Stephan Wolfsried
Contribution: Hg 2006-12-16
More   MF 

Minerals (Count: 165)

Rocks (Count: 4)

Reference- and Source indication, Literature


  • Leavens, P.B., White, J.S. & Hey, M.H. (1970). Eakerite - a new tin silicate. Min. Rec., Vol.1, H.3, S.92-96. (Typ-Publ.)
  • White, Jr.J.S. & Nelen, J.A. (1973). Tetrawickmanite, tetragonal MnSn(OH)6, a new mineral from N Carolina, and the stottite group. Min. Rec., Vol.4, H.1, S.24-30. (Typ-Publ.)
  • White, J.S., Arem, J.E., Nelen, J.A., Leavens, P.B. & Thomssen, R.W. (1973). Brannockite, A New Tin Mineral. Min. Rec., Vol.4, H.2, S.73-76. (Typ-Publ.)
  • White, Jr.,J.S. (1975). Fersmite from N Carolina. Min. Rec., Vol.6, H.6, S.276-77. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Gebhard, G. (1977). Neue Mineralien: Switzerit. Die Mineralien von 1967 - 1976. Lapis, Jg.2, Nr.9, S.28.
  • Thomssen, R.W. & Anthony, J.W. (1977). Lithiophilite Crystals from the Foote Mine. Min. Rec., Vol.8, H.2, S.95-97.
  • Dunn, P.J., Peacor, D.R., White, J.S. & Ramik, R.A. (1979). Kingsmountite, a new mineral isostructural with montgomeryite. Can. Min., Vol.17, S.579-82. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Fehr, T. (1980). Neue Mineralien: Kingsmountit. Lapis, Jg.5, Nr.3, S.32.
  • White, J. S. (1981) Mineralogy of the Foote Mine, Kings Mountain, N Carolina. Carolina Geol.Soc. Field Trip Guidebook 39-48.
  • Peacor, D.R., Dunn, P.J. & Simmons, W.B. (1984). Earlshannonite, the Mn analogue of whitmoreite, from N Carolina. Can. Min., Vol.22, S.471-74. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Hanahan, J. (1985). The Foote Quarry, Kings Mountain, N Carolina, Revisited, 1984. Rocks & Min., Vol.60, H.2, S.76-82.
  • White, J.S. (1987). Neotocite from the Foote Mine, N Carolina. Min. Rec., Vol.18, H.2, S.133-34. (Typ-Publ.)
  • White, J.S. & Nelen, J.E. (1987). Monazite and Calcioancylite from the Foote Mine, N Carolina. Min. Rec., Vol.18, H.3, S.203-05.
  • Peacor, Dunn, White, Grice, Chi (1990). Lithiomarsturit. Amer. Min. 75 (1990), 409.
  • Fehr, T. (1991). Neue Mineralien: Lithiomarsturit. Lapis, Jg.16, Nr.4, S.40.
  • White, J.S. (1992). 18th Rochester Min. Symp. - An Update on the Minerals of the Foote Mine, N Carolina. Rocks & Min., Vol.67, H.2, S.119.
  • Weiß, S. (1993). Neue Mineralien: Mangangordonit. Lapis, Jg.18, Nr.4, S.34.
  • White, J.S. (1994). Saddle-shaped rhodochrosite crystals from the Foote mine, N Carolina. Min. Rec., Vol.25, H.2, S.131.
  • Atencio, D., Matioli, P.A., Smith, J.B., Chukanov, N.V., Coutinho, J.M.V., Rastsvetaeva, R.M. & Möckel, S. (2008). Footemineite, the Mn-analog of atencioite, from the Foote mine, Kings Mountain, Cleveland County, N Carolina, U.S.A., and its relationship with other roscherite-group minerals. Amer. Min., Vol.93, S.1-6. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Weiß, S. (2008). Neue Mineralien: Footemineit. Lapis, Jg.33, Nr.2, S.40-41+50.
  • Grey, I.E., Kampf, A.R., Smith, J.B. and Macrae, C.M. (2018). Fanfaniite, IMA 2018053. CNMNC Newsl., No.45,; Min. Mag., 82, xxx-xxx. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Kampf, A.R., Celestian, A.J., and Nash, B.P. (2020). Jasonsmithite, IMA 2019-121, in: CNMNC Newsl. 54, Eur. J. Min., 32, doi:10.5194/ejm-32-275-2020, 2020. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Grey, J.E. et al. (2021): Whiteite-(MnMnMn), a new jahnsite-group mineral species from the Foote mine, North Carolina, USA, and chemical pressure effects in jahnsite-group minerals. Min. Mag. Vol.85, Nr.6, S.862-67. (Typ-Publ.)
  • Kampf, A.R., A.J. Celestian; B.P. Nash (2021): Jasonsmithite, a new phosphate mineral with a complex microporous framework, from the Foote mine, North Carolina, U.S.A. Am. Min., Vol.106, Nr.2, S.174–79. (Typ-Publ.)


GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) Fd_Px7Db7E6izRrI0ncEjA
GUID (Global unique identifier) C7CFDF15-DBB0-4EEC-A2CD-1AC8D277048C
Database ID 1409