Mineralienatlas - Fossilienatlas
Uganda / Ntungamo, Distrikt / Mwerasandu / Green Apple Mine | ||
Entdeckung 1926, primitive Wasch- und Abbau-Methoden. Tagebau, Untertage-Bergwerk. |
Zinn und Wolfram. Quarz-Muskovit-Gänge: Kassiterit, Wolframit, Beryll. Turmalin-Phyllit, Granit, |
Mineralienatlas short URL |
https://www.mineralatlas.eu/?l=50088 |
Shortened path specification |
⚒ Green Apple, Mwerasandu, Ntungamo, UG |
Important: Before entering this or any other place of discovery you should have a permission of the operator and/or owner. Likewise it is to be respected that necessary safety precautions are kept during the visit. |
Other languages
German |
Green Apple Mine |
Uganda / Ntungamo, Distrikt / Mwerasandu / Green Apple Mine | |
Uganda / Ntungamo, Distrikt / Mwerasandu / Green Apple Mine |
Additional Functions
Minerals (Count: 5)
Rocks (Count: 2)
Reference- and Source indication, Literature
Weblinks |
GUSID (Global unique identifier short form) | 2iCfAUO_bUyZuMaS2WCjwQ |
GUID (Global unique identifier) | 019F20DA-BF43-4C6D-99B8-C692D960A3C1 |
Database ID | 50088 |