Mineralienatlas (name for mineral atlas) is the platform for people interested in mineralogy, geology, palaeontology and mining since 2001. We operate a significant database for minerals, fossils, rocks and their localities. Mineralienatlas is not limited to a section. We bring together information and inform comprehensive.

To complete our information constantly, we need your support. With us, everyone can and should participate. Currently Mineralienatlas is used and expanded by 9884 members. Every month hundreds of thousands of visitors use our website as an information source.
Geolitho Foundation non-profit GmbH
Geolitho Foundation non-profit GmbH is the non-profit supporter of the Mineral Atlas (Mineralienatlas), the Lithotheque, the Geolitho Collection Management and the Marketplace and Store by collectors for collectors. The Foundation promotes public education in the field of mineralogy, geology, paleontology and mining by operating, maintaining and further expanding earth science projects.
The min­er­al fair end­ed suc­cess­ful­ly and the au­thor of this ar­ti­cle re­ceived on­ly pos­i­tive feed­back. Many deal­ers were ex­treme­ly sat­is­fied. Ac­cord­ing to the or­ganiz­er, 18,000 guests visit­ed the halls on Sa­t­ur­day alone. Both days were a hive of ac­tiv­i­ty and the nu­mer­ous chil­dren's at­trac­tions were wel ... moreThe mineral fair ended successfully and the author of this article received only positive feedback. Many dealers were extremely satisfied. According to the organizer, 18,000 guests visited the halls on Saturday alone. Both days were a hive of activity and the numerous children's attractions were well received. Parents were everywhere with their children to complete the geo-rally.

For mineral collectors, the usual dealers were on site, although some tables remained empty. There were no highlights from the scene or overflowing tables with identical material from new finds. However, one stand with an impressive selection of Germanite chunks was a welcome novelty.

The special exhibition “The Impossible Crystal” was a success. Even if not all the exhibits could be described as “impossible crystal”, all the pieces were of the best quality and well worth seeing. In the B halls, the author visited the “Young Designers”, including a student who presented cast silver jewelry in an organic design that showed off the embedded stones to their best advantage - an impressive piece of work...

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
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... Among the most spec­tac­u­lar finds are the fan­tas­tic light blue calcites from the Ju­lia mine in Bil­bao, which en­rap­tured col­lec­tors' hearts to about the mid-1970s. At about the same time the zinc mine Las Man­fo­ras at Ali­va sup­plied ex­cel­lent, highl lus­trous Calcites, of­ten as­so­ci­at­ed with the worl ... more... Among the most spectacular finds are the fantastic light blue calcites from the Julia mine in Bilbao, which enraptured collectors' hearts to about the mid-1970s. At about the same time the zinc mine Las Manforas at Aliva supplied excellent, highl lustrous Calcites, often associated with the world's best red Sphalerites. ...

Amonsgt the forms of calcite the pinacoid is unique as it consists of exactly two parallel and oriented perpendicular to the c-axis surfaces. All other Calcite forms have either six or twelve areas. The pinacoid is an open form, with which it can not really include space; so the pinacoid must accompany other forms on the calcite crystal ...

A mineral portrait written by Peter Seroka with contributions from Ingo Löffler, Edgar Müller, Rainer Albert, William Waltermann (written in German)
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... As al­ready men­tioned else­where, min­ing in Il­me­nau dates back to the year 1200. In 1216, Count Pop­po v. Hen­ne­berg was en­fe­offed with the Ber­gre­gal by Frie­drich den II. At that time one had dis­cov­ered min­er­alised steep cop­per slate near Ro­da and on the Sturmheide. Pre­sum­ab­ly, in­di­vi­d­u­al min­ers had ... more... As already mentioned elsewhere, mining in Ilmenau dates back to the year 1200. In 1216, Count Poppo v. Henneberg was enfeoffed with the Bergregal by Friedrich den II. At that time one had discovered mineralised steep copper slate near Roda and on the Sturmheide. Presumably, individual miners had been enfeoffed, who extracted copper slate and sandstone in accordance with the mining freedom. This is generally regarded as the beginning of the first main period of Ilmenau mining. The ore was mined in small open pits to a maximum depth of 50m. ... A Contribution of {:10697:}
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... Die Nutzung der Zink­erze der Lager­stätte Al­ten­berg ist seit 1344 belegt. Dort wurde Galmei abge­baut, welch­es schon vor der Erfin­d­ung der Di­rektver­hüt­tung von Zink­erzen die Mess­ingher­stel­lung er­möglichte. Die hi­er be­trachtete Lager­stätte Al­ten­berg kann allerd­ings, im Ge­gen­satz zur be­nach­barten La ... more... Die Nutzung der Zinkerze der Lagerstätte Altenberg ist seit 1344 belegt. Dort wurde Galmei abgebaut, welches schon vor der Erfindung der Direktverhüttung von Zinkerzen die Messingherstellung ermöglichte. Die hier betrachtete Lagerstätte Altenberg kann allerdings, im Gegensatz zur benachbarten Lagerstätte Gessenich (römisch: Grasciniacum) im Stolberger Raum, nicht bis in die Römerzeit zurück verfolgt werden. Auf den aktuellen topografischen Karten (z.B. Top25 Deutschland, Blatt 5202 Aachen) ist der Altenberg nicht mehr zu finden... ein Beitrag von Norbert Kirchhoff
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Am 13. Mai 1683 wurde laut dem Mu­tungs­reg­is­ter des Fürs­ten­tums Waldeck eine Mu­tung in der al­ten „Sil­berkuh­le“ auf Blei, Gold, Sil­ber und was sonst der Herr so beschert, ver­lie­hen. Die Grube wurde von Ber­gleuten aus Clausthal im Harz be­trieben. Es wurde über und auch Un­ter­tage, wahrschein­lich sil­berh ... moreAm 13. Mai 1683 wurde laut dem Mutungsregister des Fürstentums Waldeck eine Mutung in der alten „Silberkuhle“ auf Blei, Gold, Silber und was sonst der Herr so beschert, verliehen. Die Grube wurde von Bergleuten aus Clausthal im Harz betrieben. Es wurde über und auch Untertage, wahrscheinlich silberhaltiger Bleiglanz abgebaut. 1747 gab es nochmals einen Hinweis auf den dortigen Bergbau. Die Brüder Götte aus Giershagen schürften dann um 1890 in der Gegend nach Erzen und wurden in der Silberkuhle fündig. Sie fanden in dem Schreinermeister Jung aus dem Hannöverschen einen Geldgeber der 30.000 Mark in den Bergbau steckte. Im Jahre 1893 erfolgte die Verleihung und ein Jahr später 1894 die Vereinigung der Bergwerksfelder „Mathias 1 bis 12“ zu einem Bergwerksfeld. - Ein Bericht von Ingo Löffler
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