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Application Metadata Segments

JFIFAPP014 bytes
ExifAPP1186 bytes

Intrinsic JPEG Information

Image Height746 pixels
Image Width572 pixels
Colour Depth24 bit

Contains JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) Information

JFIF version: 1.01
Resolution: 25 x 25 pixels per inch
JFIF (uncompressed) thumbnail: None

Contains Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF) Information

Main Image Information

No Rotation, No Flip 
(Row 0 is at the visual top of the image,
 and column 0 is the visual left-hand side)
X Resolution25/1 (25) pixels per 'Resolution Unit'
Y Resolution25/1 (25) pixels per 'Resolution Unit'
Resolution Unit
YCbCr Positioning
Chrominance components Centred in relation to luminance components

EXIF Image File Directory (IFD) contents

Exif Version
Components Configuration
Component 1: Y (Luminance)
Component 2: Cb (Chroma minus Blue)
Component 3: Cr (Chroma minus Red)
Component 4: Does not exist
FlashPix Version
Colour Space
Pixel X Dimension572 pixels
Pixel Y Dimension746 pixels

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