Mineralienatlas (name for mineral atlas) is the platform for people interested in mineralogy, geology, palaeontology and mining since 2001. We operate a significant database for minerals, fossils, rocks and their localities. Mineralienatlas is not limited to a section. We bring together information and inform comprehensive.

To complete our information constantly, we need your support. With us, everyone can and should participate. Currently Mineralienatlas is used and expanded by 9750 members. Every month hundreds of thousands of visitors use our website as an information source.
Geolitho Foundation non-profit GmbH
Geolitho Foundation non-profit GmbH is the non-profit supporter of the Mineral Atlas (Mineralienatlas), the Lithotheque, the Geolitho Collection Management and the Marketplace and Store by collectors for collectors. The Foundation promotes public education in the field of mineralogy, geology, paleontology and mining by operating, maintaining and further expanding earth science projects.
The Pet­ri­fied For­est is pri­mar­i­ly a ge­o­log­i­cal park, which owes its ori­gin to the cli­mate and ge­o­log­i­cal events. It is part of the so-called Paint­ed Desert and shows with its vari­ous lay­ers a strange and im­pres­sive scen­ery. Char­ac­ter­ized by ero­sion, it is a trea­sure trove of fos­sils. The rock for­ma ... moreThe Petrified Forest is primarily a geological park, which owes its origin to the climate and geological events. It is part of the so-called Painted Desert and shows with its various layers a strange and impressive scenery. Characterized by erosion, it is a treasure trove of fossils. The rock formations show a chronicle of the past and give clues about the events of bygone days. In the park you can exposure rock strata until 234 million years ago. The colorful desert hills, the flat mesas and shaped hills attributable primarily to Chinle Formation and are fluvial sediments, caused by water movement. Countless fossilized wood and tree trunks bear witness to a scrumptious earlier fauna.
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De­posits are one of the most im­por­tant top­ics in ge­ol­o­gy. Peter Sero­ka has ad­dressed the is­sue in sev­er­al years of work and has writ­ten an up-to-date ge­o­log­i­cal sum­mary. He ded­i­cat­ed his work to the 15 th an­niver­sary of Min­er­alie­nat­las. The work gives de­tailed in­for­ma­tion re­gard­ing the ori­gin of d ... moreDeposits are one of the most important topics in geology. Peter Seroka has addressed the issue in several years of work and has written an up-to-date geological summary. He dedicated his work to the 15 th anniversary of Mineralienatlas. The work gives detailed information regarding the origin of deposits, the different types of deposits and their classification. Examples of economically important deposits complete the chapters. Provided that this comprehensive work would be printed it would be a volume of over 400 pages; here it is provided in its entirety, online. Thanks to Peter Seroka. (written in german language).
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Ent­deckt wurde die Lager­stätte durch die Spani­er bere­its 1598. Bekan­n­theit in der Fach­welt er­langte sie allerd­ings erst 1927, nach­dem der amerikanische Min­er­aloge W.F. Foshags die Mine be­suchte und darüber schrieb. Einige Spuren weisen aber da­rauf hin, dass bere­its vor der Er­oberung durch die Spanie ... moreEntdeckt wurde die Lagerstätte durch die Spanier bereits 1598. Bekanntheit in der Fachwelt erlangte sie allerdings erst 1927, nachdem der amerikanische Mineraloge W.F. Foshags die Mine besuchte und darüber schrieb. Einige Spuren weisen aber darauf hin, dass bereits vor der Eroberung durch die Spanier Bergbau von einheimischen Völkern betrieben wurde.

Die Arbeitsbedingungen in den Gruben waren unter spanischer Führung hart, sodass der Bergbau erheblich zur Entvölkerung der eingeborenen Völker beigetragen hatte. Bergleute mussten Lasten von bis zu 200 Pfund in Lederbeuteln entlang der Schluchtwände transportieren. Noch heute sieht man die eigens dazu in den Fels gehauenen Trittmulden. Eine Zahnradbahn, die später diese Aufgabe übernahm, musste einen Steigung von 14 % überwinden.
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